EECMY Youth Ministry
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1Thimothy 4:12

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EECMY Youth Ministry

#Mission: Producing holistically excellent
youth through wholistic ministry packages
#Vision: Seeing a transformed youth who can discover,develop,&deploy their God given potential & create a positive impact in the Church and beyond.

#Motto: Wholistic Ministry (Serving both the spiritual and physical need of our youth)

''Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity...devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. Do not neglect your gift, ...

Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.'' 1Timothy 4:12-16 (NIV)
EECMY Youth Ministry
ሁለንተናዊ ዕድገት ለሁለንተናዊ ለውጥ!
===@EECMY-WWBS- Beeteel Dhanqaa, Dembi Dollo
-In the 1972s, the EECMY coined a guiding theme for her services, “Serving the Whole Person”, later referred to as holistic ministry. This has remained a guiding principle for all church work, be it evangelism or development. The holistic ministry implied that the church is out to address the spiritual as well as the physical and psycho-social needs of a person. This popular principle has helped the church to holistically contribute to the livelihoods of communities and actively involved in building the society at large. The church institutionally embraced evangelism and development works as major components of its ministry which were already progressing hand-in-hand from its inception. The EECMY children & youth ministry department developed its mission & vision accordingly.

EECMY- Children & Youth Department:
#Mission: To facilitate the holistic transformation of children and youth of the church so that they discover, develop and deploy their God given potential for the glory of God and for the benefit of the nation  (Producing children and youth imbued with holistic excellence and gifts)

#Vision-— Seeing a transformed children and youth who will discover, develop and deploy their God given potential and create a positive impact in the Church and beyond.

#Ergama: Ijoollee fi dargaggoon keenya tajaajila hundagaleessaan ijaaramanii, kennaa Hafuuraa fi dandeettii uumamaa isaaniif kenname adda baafatanii, guddifatanii dhalootaaf eebba, Waaqayyoof immoo ulfina akka ta'aniif hojjachuu...
#Mul'ata: Ijoollee fi dargaggoo kennaa Hafuuraa fi kennaa uumamaa Waaqayyo biraa isaaniif kenname hubatanii, adda baafatanii, guddifatanii, ittiin hojjatanii jirjiiramanii dhiibbaa gaarii uumuu danda'an arguu...

#Motto: Tajaajila Hundagaleessa (Ijoollee fi dargaggoon guddinaa fi milkaa'ina hunda galeessaan akka guddatanuuf tajaajila hunda galeessa kennuu)

Ergamaa fi mul'ata kana milkeessuudhaaf bifa hundagaleessa ta'een maatii fi tajaajiltoota Sagalee Waaqayyootiin bifa hundagaleessa ta'een hidhachiisuun murteessaadha.

''"Nuuti garboonni isaa kaanee ijaaruu in jalqabna Waaqayyo Gooftaan bantii waaqaa immoo nuuf qajeelcha;...'' Nah. 2:20
ተልዕኮ፡ ልጆች እና ወጣቶች በሁለንተናዊ አገልግሎት ታንጸዉ እንዲያድጉ፤ እግዚአብሔር በዉስጣቸዉ ያስቀመጠዉን መንፈሳዊ ጸጋ እና የተፈጥሮ ችሎታ አዉቀዉ፡ አሳድገዉ ለእግዚአብሔር ክብር እና ለትዉልዱ ጥቅም እንዲሆኑ ማስቻል ነዉ፡፡

ራዕይ፡ በሁለንተናዊ አገልግሎት ታንጸዉ፡ እግዚአብሔር በዉስጣቸዉ ያስቀመጠዉን መንፈሳዊ ጸጋ እና የተፈጥሮ ችሎታ አዉቀዉ፡ አሳድገዉ ለእግዚአብሔር ክብር እና ለትዉልዱ ጥቅም የሚሆኑ ልጆች እና ወጣቶችን ማየት

ይሄን ከግብ ለማድረስ: ልጆች እና ወጣቶችን በሁለንተናዊ አገልግሎት ቀርጾ ለማሳደግ ቤተሰብን እና አገልጋዮችን በሁለንተናዊ መልኩ ማስታጠቅ አስፈላጊ ነው።

—Motto: Serving the Whole Person (Wholistic Ministry)- Serving both the spiritual and physical need of a person.

—EECMY: Proclaiming the Whole Gospel to the Whole Person!

ሁለንተናዊ ዕድገት ለልጆች እና ወጣቶቻችን!

''የሰማይ አምላክ ያከናውንልናል፥ እኛም ባሪያዎቹ ተነሥተን እንሠራለን፤ ...'' ነህምያ 2:20

EECMY Youth Ministry
የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት መሪዎች ስልጠና #በምዕራብ_ጊቤ_ሲኖዶስ: #ግምብቹ
#Leadership_Training for Children & Youth Ministry Leaders at EECMY West Ghibe Synod, #Gimbichu
ሁለንተናዊ ዕድገት ለልጆች እና ወጣቶቻችን በሚል ርዕስ ከምዕራብ ጊቤ ሲኖዶስ ማህበረ ምዕመናናት ለተወጣጡ የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት መሪዎች: ቄሶች እና ወንጌላውያን: የማ/ምዕመናን ሽማግሌዎች እና የሰበካ መሪዎች ሰፊ ስልጠና ተሰጥቷል። ልጆች እና ወጣቶችን በቤተክርስቲያኒቱ ሁለንተናዊ አገልግሎት መሰረት ቀርጾ ማሳደግ የጋራ ሃላፊነት ስለሆነ በቤተክርስቲያኒቱ የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት መምርያ ተቀርጾ እየተሰራበት ያለውን ሁለንተናዊ የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት ፓኬጅን ሁሉም በጋራ እንዲሰለጥኑ ተደርጓል።
ከስልጠናውም ጎን ለጎን ከቤተክርስቲያኒቱ የምስራች ድምጽ መገናኛ ዘዴዎች የመጽሐፍት ህትመት እና ስርጭት ክፍል ጋር በመተባበር የልጆችን ማስተማርያ መጽሐፍ: እንዲሁም ለወጣቶች አገልግሎት የሚጠቅሙ እና ሌሎች በተለያዩ ርዕሶች ላይ የተጻፉትን መጽሐፍት በሰፊው ማዳረስ እና ማሰራጨት ተችሏል።

''ሁሉ ከእርሱና በእርሱ ለእርሱም ነውና፤ ለእርሱ ለዘላለም ክብር ይሁን፤ አሜን።'' ሮሜ 11:36

የኢትዮጵያ ወንጌላዊት ቤተክርስቲያን መካነ ኢየሱስ:
የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት መምርያ

#ተልዕኮ፡ ልጆች እና ወጣቶች በሁለንተናዊ አገልግሎት ታንጸዉ እንዲያድጉ፤ እግዚአብሔር በዉስጣቸዉ ያስቀመጠዉን መንፈሳዊ ጸጋ እና የተፈጥሮ ችሎታ አዉቀዉ፡ አሳድገዉ ለእግዚአብሔር ክብር እና ለትዉልዱ ጥቅም እንዲሆኑ ማስቻል ነዉ፡፡

#ራዕይ፡ በሁለንተናዊ አገልግሎት ታንጸዉ፡ እግዚአብሔር በዉስጣቸዉ ያስቀመጠዉን መንፈሳዊ ጸጋ እና የተፈጥሮ ችሎታ አዉቀዉ፡ አሳድገዉ ለእግዚአብሔር ክብር እና ለትዉልዱ ጥቅም የሚሆኑ ልጆች እና ወጣቶችን ማየት

ሁለንተናዊ ዕድገት ለልጆች እና ወጣቶቻችን!

Training for EECMY Children & Youth Ministry Leaders @EECMY West Ghibe Synod, Gimbichu
Comprehensive training was given to children and youth ministry leaders, pastors and evangelists, elders, and parish leaders in West Ghibe Synod, under the title "Wholistic Ministry for Wholistic Growth and Transformation for Our Children and Youth. Since it is a common responsibility of all to equip and raise children and youth according to the wholistic ministry of the church, the Wholistic Ministry Package of Children and Youth, which is being designed and worked on by the department of the church's children and youth ministry, has been made so that everyone can be trained together.
Alongside the training,  children's teaching books, youth ministry books, and other books written on various topics were made accessible for trainers in collaboration with the Church's Yemisrach Dimts Communication Service (YDCS): Book Printing & Distribution Department.

''For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen.'' Romans 11:36
Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus: Children and Youth Ministry Department

#Mission: To facilitate the holistic transformation of children and youth of the church so that they discover, develop, and deploy their God given potential for the glory of God and for the benefit of the nation  (Producing children and youth imbued with holistic excellence and gifts)

#Vision: Seeing a transformed children and youth who will discover, develop and deploy their God given potential and create a positive impact in the Church and beyond.

Wholistic Ministry for Wholistic Growth & Transformation for our Children and Youth.
EECMY Youth Ministry
*ከስዊዲን ወንጌላዊት ሚስዮን የመጡ ወጣት የሚስዮን ቡድን አባላት የኢት./ወ/ቤ/ክ መካነ ኢየሱስ ዋና ጽ/ቤትን ጎበኙ*

ከስዊዲን ወንጌላዊት ሚስዮን የመጡ ወጣት የሚስዮን ቡድን አባላት የኢትዮጵያ ወንጌላዊት ቤተክርስቲያን መካነ ኢየሱስ ዋና ጽ/ቤትን ጎብኝተዋል።

የስዊዲን ኢቫንጀልካል ሚስዮን በኢትዮጵያ ወንጌላዊት ቤተክርስቲያን መካነ ኢየሱስ አጀማመር እና ምስረታ በግንባር ቀደምትነት ከሚጠቀሱ የሚስዮን ተቋማት ውስጥ አንዷ ናት። ከአውሮፓ እና ከሰሜን አሜሪካ በመጡ ሚሽነሪዎች እና በሀገር በቀል የወንጌል አገልጋዮች በተጀመረው የወንጌል አገልግሎት: ዛሬ ቤተክርስቲያኒቱ አድጋ ከ11.5 ሚልዮን አባላቶች አፍርታለች። የስዊዲን ኢቫንጀልካል ሚስዮን በኢትዮጵያ ወንጌላዊት ቤተክርስቲያን መካነ ኢየሱስ አጀማመር እና ምስረታ በግንባር ቀደምትነት ከሚጠቀሱ የሚስዮን ተቋማት ውስጥ አንዷ ናት። ከአውሮፓ እና ከሰሜን አሜሪካ በመጡ ሚሽነሪዎች እና በሀገር በቀል የወንጌል አገልጋዮች በተጀመረው የወንጌል አገልግሎት: ዛሬ ቤተክርስቲያኒቱ አድጋ ከ11.5 ሚልዮን አባላቶች አፍርታለች። ወጣቶቹ በጉብኝታቸው ከቤተክርስቲያኒቱ ፕረዝደንት ቄስ ዶ/ር ዮናስ ይገዙ እና ከቤተክርስቲያኒቱ ጠቅላይ ጸሐፊ ቄስ ተሾመ አመኑ ስለ ኢትዮጵያ ወንጌላዊት ቤተክርስቲያን መካነ ኢየሱስ ታሪክ እና አገልግሎት ለወጣቶቹ ገለጻ የተደረገላቸው ሲሆን: በተጨማሪም: ከልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት መምሪያ ዳይሬክተር ወንድማገኝ ኡዴሳ እና የወጣቶች ክፍል አስተባባሪ አቶ ጋዲሳ ረጋሳ በኩል ስለ ልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት ገለጻ ተደርጎላቸዋል:: ከገለጻውም በኃላ ከወጣቶቹ ጋራ የምክክር እና የልምድ ልውውጥ ጊዜ ተደርጓል:: ከገለጻውም በኃላ ከወጣቶቹ ጋራ የምክክር እና የልምድ ልውውጥ ጊዜ ተደርጓል::
*Dargaggootni Miisiyoonii Warra Wangeelaa Siwiidiniirraa dhufan Waajjira Olaanaa WKWWMYI Daawwatan*
Dargaggootni Miisiyoonii Warra Wangeelaa Siwiidiniirraa dhufan Waajjira Olaanaa WKWWMYI daawwataniiru. Miisiyoonii Warra Wangeelaa Siwiidinii, dhaabbilee misiyoonii hundeeffama WKWWMYI gahee guddaa fi angafaa taphatan keessaa ishee tokkoodha. Mishinaroota Ardii Awurooppaa fi Ameerikaa kaabaarraa dhufanii fi Mishinaroota biyya keessaatiin tajaajilli Wangeelaa jalqabeen, har'a WKWWMYI amantoota miliyoona 11.5 oli horachuu dandeessee jirti. Dargaggootni daawwannaa isaaniitiin, Pirezidaantii Waldattii Luba Dr. Yoonaas Yiggazuu fi Barreessaa Muummicha Waldattii Luba Tashoomaa Ammanuu irraa, waa'ee seenaa fi tajaajila WKWWMYI ibsi kan kennameef yoo ta'u, dabalataan Qajeelcha Tajaajila Ijoollee fi Dargaggootaa waldattiirraa Daarektara Qajeelchichaa kan ta'an Wondimmaagany Uddeessaa fi qindeessaa kutaa dargaggootaa Obbo Gaaddisaa Raggaasaa irraa waa'ee tajaajila ijoollee fi dargaggootaa ilaalchisee ibsi godhameera. Ibsa godhameen booda yeroon marii fi muuxannoo wal jirjiiruu godhameera.
*The Youth Mission Team from the Swedish Evangelical Mission visited the Head Office of the EECMY*

The Youth Mission Team from the Swedish Evangelical Mission visited the Head Office of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church, Mekane Yesus. The Swedish Evangelical Mission is one of the leading mission organizations that played a great role in the foundation of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus. The Swedish Evangelical Mission is one of the leading mission organizations that played a great role in the foundation of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus. Because of the Evangelism mission started by missionaries from Europe and North America, and indigenous evangelists, today the church has grown to over 11.5 million members. Because of the Evangelism mission started by missionaries from Europe and North America, and indigenous evangelists, today the church has grown to over 11.5 million members. During their visit, the youths were briefed on the history and ministry of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus by the President of the Church Rev Dr. Yonas Yigezu and the General Secretary of the Church Rev. Teshome Amenu. During their visit, the youths were briefed on the history and ministry of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus by the President of the Church Rev Dr. Yonas Yigezu and the General Secretary of the Church Rev. Teshome Amenu.

In addition, they were briefed about children and youth ministry of the church by the Director of the Children and Youth Ministry Department, Wondmagegn Udessa, and the coordinator of the youth section, Mr. Gadissa Regassa. After the presentation, there was a time for discussion and the exchange of experiences with the youth mission team.

#EECMY #SEM EFS #2024 #Ethiopia #Sweden #Evangelism #Mission #EFS @eecmyyouthministry
***የወጣቶች የወንጌል ስርጭት እንቅስቃሴ- በሻኪሶ
***Youth Evangelism Movement in EECMY-AGS- Shakiso
የኢት./ወ/ቤ/ክ/መካነ ኢየሱስ በአዶላ ገናሌ ሲኖዶስ: ከኦዶ ሻኪሶ ሰበካ ማ/ምዕመናናት የተወጣጡ ወጣቶች እና የወጣቶች አገልግሎት መሪዎች በሻኪሶ ከተማ የተሰጠውን ሁለንተናዊ የወጣቶች አገልግሎት ስልጠና ካጠናቀቁ በኋላ በሻኪሶ ከተማ በመዟዟር ለብዙዎች ወንጌልን መስክረዋል: በዚህም የወንጌል ምስክርነት አገልግሎት ብዙዎች ወንጌልን ሰምተዋል:: ስልጠናውን ሲሰጡ የነበሩት የኢ/ወ/ቤ/ክ/መካነ ኢየሱስ የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት መምሪያ ዳይሬክተር Wondmagegn Udessa Bidire ከወጣቶቹ ጋር በመሆን በወንጌል ምስክርነት አገልግሎት የተሳተፉ ሲሆን: በከተማው አደባባይም ስለ እግዚአብሔር ፍቅር እና የክርስቶስ አዳኝነት ላይ ትኩረት በማድረግ ወንጌል ሰብከዋል:: በቤተክርስቲያኒቱ አቅዳ እየሰራችበት ባለው መሰረት:
ይህ የወንጌል ስርጭት እንቅስቃሴ ተጠናክሮ የሚቀጥል ይሆናል::

''ሰዎች ሁሉ ሊድኑና እውነቱን ወደ ማወቅ ሊደርሱ በሚወድ በእግዚአብሔር በመድኃኒታችን ፊት መልካምና ደስ የሚያሰኝ ይህ ነው።''
1ጢሞቴዎስ 2:3-4
***Duula Dhuga Ba'umsa Wongeelaa Dargaggootaa, Shaakkisootti
WKWWMYI Sinoodoosii Adoolaa Gannaaleetti, dargaggootnii fi qindeessitootni tajaajila dargaggootaa sabakaa Oddoo Shaakkisoo irraa walitta qabamaniif, tajaajila hundagaleessa dargaggootaa magaalaa Shaakkisootti kennamaa ture erga xumuranii booda, magaalaa Shaakkisoo keessa naanna’uun wangeela labsaniiru, namoota hedduuttis Wongeela dhugaa bahaniiru. Leenjicha kennaa kan turan
Daarektarri Qajeelcha Tajaajila Ijoollee fi Dargaggootaa WKWWMYI Wondmagegn Udessa Bidire, dargaggoota waliin ta’uun tajaajila Wongeela dhugaa bahuu irratti hirmaataniiru, addabaabahii magaalaa Shaakkisoottis ergaa Jaalala Waaqayyoo fi Fayyisaa ta'uu Kiristoos irratti xiyyeeffate bu'uura godhachuun Wangeela lallabaniiru. Akkaataa karoora WKWWMYI karoorfattee irratti hojjachaa jirtuu, sochiin labsii Wangeelaa kun cimee kan itti fufu ta'a.

''Kun gaarii dha, fuula Waaqayyo fayyisaa keenya durattis fudhatamaa dha. Waaqayyo, namni hundinuu akka fayyu, dhugaa beekuu biras akka ga'u in fedha.'' 1Xim. 2:3-4

👉Youth Evangelism Movement in EECMY- AGS- Shakiso.

''This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.'' 1Tim. 2:3-4

#EECMY #Mission #Evangelism #Gospel #GreatCommission #Wangeela #ወንጌል
የልምድ ልውውጥ እና የመማማር ጊዜ በኦስሎ የኖርዌጂያን ሉተራን ሚስዮን ዋና መስሪያ ቤት ተደረገ
Experience Sharing Session was held at the headquarters of the Norwegian Lutheran Mission in Oslo, #EECMY #NLM #Youth

የኢት./ወ/ቤ/ክ/መካነ ኢየሱስ የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት መምሪያ ዳይሬክተር ወንድማገኝ ኡዴሳ በኖርዌይ ኦስሎ በሚገኘው የኖርዌጂያን ሉተራን ሚስዮን ዋና መስሪያ ቤት፡ ከወጣቶች አገልግሎት መሪዎች ጋር የልምድ ልውውጥ እና የምክክር ጊዜ አድርገዋል፤ የወጣቶችን እና የልጆችን አገልግሎት ክፍሎች እና ስራዎቻቸውን ጎብኝተዋል፡፡ በቆይታቸውም በሀገር-አቀፍ ኖርዌጂያን ሉተራን ሚስዮን ኮንፈረንስ ላይ የሚሳተፉ ይሆናል፡፡ የኖርዌጂያን ሉተራን ሚስዮን ከ1948እኤአ ጀምሮ ከቤተክርስቲያኒቱ ጋር በሁለንተናዊ አገልግሎት አብሮ እየሰራ ያለ ከቀደምት እና መስራች የሚስዮን ተቋማት አንዱ እና ዋነኛው ነው፡፡

Wondmagegn Udessa, Director of the Department of Children and Youth Ministry of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus, at the headquarters of the Norwegian Lutheran Mission in Oslo, Norway, had an exchange of experiences and a consultation with the youth ministry leaders. They visited youth and children's departments and their work. During his stay, he will participate in the Norwegian Lutheran Mission National Youth Conference. The Norwegian Lutheran Mission is one of the earliest and founding mission institutions that have been working with the Church in the holistic ministry of the church since 1948.

Waldaa Kiristaanaa Warra Wangeelaa Makaana Yesuus Itoophiyaatti, Daarektarri Qajeelcha Tajaajila Ijoollee fi Dargaggootaa Wondimmaagany Uddeessaa, waajjira muummee dhaabbata Miisiyoonii Lutaraanii Noorweey, Osloo, Norweey’tti argamuudhaan, hoggantoota tajaajila dargaggootaa waliin yeroo marii fi muuxannoo wal jijjiiruu taasisaniiru. Yeroo marii boodas, kutaa tajaajila dargaggootaa fi ijoollee, akkasumas hojiilee isaanii daawwataniiru. Turtii isaanii kanaan Konfiraansii biyyoolessaa dargaggootaa NLM irratti kan hirmaatan ta’a. Dhaabbatni Miisiyoonii Lutaraanii Noorweey, dhaabbata miisyiyoonotaa jalqabaa fi hundeessitoota keessa tokko yoo ta’u, bara 1948 irraa eegalee tajaajila hundgaleessa irratti WKWWMYI waliin hojjechaa jira.

#EECMY #NLM #Ethiopia #Norway #Global #Mission
The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus
የምክክር ጊዜ ከኖርዌጂያን ሉተራን ሚስዮን መሪዎች ጋራ በዋና መስሪያ ቤት ተደረገ

Consultation Session was held with the Leaders of the Norwegian Lutheran Mission in Oslo, #EECMY #NLM #Youth

የኢት./ወ/ቤ/ክ/መካነ ኢየሱስ የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት መምሪያ ዳይሬክተር ወንድማገኝ ኡዴሳ በኖርዌይ ኦስሎ በሚገኘው የኖርዌጂያን ሉተራን ሚስዮን ዋና መስሪያ ቤት፡ ከተቋሙ መሪዎች ጋራ የምክክር ጊዜ አድርገዋል:: በምክክሩም በቤተክርስቲያኒቱ የልጆች እና ወጣቶች አገልግሎት ዙርያም ገለጻ አድርገዋል:: በቆይታቸውም በሀገር-አቀፍ ኖርዌጂያን ሉተራን ሚስዮን ኮንፈረንስ ላይ የሚሳተፉ ይሆናል፡፡ የኖርዌጂያን ሉተራን ሚስዮን ከ1948እኤአ ጀምሮ ከቤተክርስቲያኒቱ ጋር በሁለንተናዊ አገልግሎት አብሮ እየሰራ ያለ ከቀደምት እና መስራች የሚስዮን ተቋማት አንዱ እና ዋነኛው ነው፡፡

Wondmagegn Udessa, Director of the Department of Children and Youth Ministry of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus, at the headquarters of the Norwegian Lutheran Mission in Oslo, Norway, had a consultation with the NLM leaders. In the consultation, he also gave a presentation about the children and youth ministry of the church. During his stay, he will participate in the Norwegian Lutheran Mission National Youth Conference. The Norwegian Lutheran Mission is one of the earliest and founding mission institutions that have been working with the Church in the holistic ministry of the church since 1948.

Waldaa Kiristaanaa Warra Wangeelaa Makaana Yesuus Itoophiyaatti, Daarektarri Qajeelcha Tajaajila Ijoollee fi Dargaggootaa Wondimmaagany Uddeessaa, waajjira muummee dhaabbata Miisiyoonii Lutaraanii Noorweey, Osloo, Norweey’tti argamuudhaan, hoggantoota dhaabbatichaa waliigalaa waliin marii taasisaniiru. Yeroo marichaattis, waa'ee tajaajila ijoollee fi dargaggoo WKWWMYI irratti ibsa taasisaniiru. Turtii isaanii kanaan Konfiraansii biyyoolessaa dargaggootaa NLM irratti kan hirmaatan ta’a. Dhaabbatni Miisiyoonii Lutaraanii Noorweey, dhaabbata miisyiyoonotaa jalqabaa fi hundeessitoota keessa tokko yoo ta’u, bara 1948 irraa eegalee tajaajila hundgaleessa irratti WKWWMYI waliin hojjechaa jira.

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