Edward Slavsquat
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The Director of the Sber (Russia's creepiest bank) Blockchain Laboratory has hailed the forthcoming introduction of Russia's CBDC, claiming it will allow for the "safe and transparent" tracking of transactions. Another expert said the digital ruble could be used to make sure children spend their money wisely: "you transfer money to your child so that he does not spend it on something bad, but just for lunch." Yes, Russia's CBDC will only be used to monitor and restrict purchases made by children.... 🙃😎 [source: Expert.ru]
Business as usual 🤝 [source: Interfax]
In times like these, it’s highly advisable to throw your computer out the window, pour yourself a cup of chacha, and seek out the warnings of the great bloggers of the past.

Orenburg governor Denis Pasler announced on October 12 that mobilized residents will be vaccinated against COVID: "We are organizing a phased vaccination of mobilized Orenburg residents against infections - influenza and COVID-19, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis A and pneumococcus. Vaccination will be carried out by military doctors on the ground." 🧐 [VK / Ural56.ru]
October 8, 2022: "Russians, who were suspended from work at the height of the pandemic because they did not want to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, have been fighting for more than a year to no avail to return to their jobs." 😐 [Kommersant]
Under new rules adopted by the Russian Ministry of Health, modifications to Sputnik V and other COVID "vaccines" can be registered after being tested on "50 healthy volunteers." The expedited approval process can take between 16-38 days. Science. 🙃 [Pharmvestnik.ru]
Russia's "Safe City" surveillance system arrives in Surgut: "Few people know, but we already have cameras in the city that can recognize people's faces. How does the 'big brother' of Surgut, that is, the Safe City system, work?" [Sitv.ru]
Safe and effective 💉🤝 [Rossiyskaya Gazeta]
Sure, why not? 🫠 [source: TASS]
More bad news for the non-existent gold-pegged ruble. Our condolences to Zerohedge. 🙏 [source: TASS]
Ummm... why? 😐[source: LenTV24]
You have such a nice face. ❤️

Would you mind terribly if Sergey Sobyanin, the Techno-Khan of Moscow, stored it in his centralized data center, forever?
Media is too big
В ДНР начали "вакцинировать" подростков от ковида. Ведь защита от ковида - это, безусловно, самое необходимое для них в данный момент. Да и "вакцин" много разлито, не пропадать же.

Смотришь на такие видео и думаешь: ведь неизвестно, кто страшнее - Шваб с Гейтсом или рядовые исполнители, такие вот "врачи", спокойненько рассказывающие о своей миссии по обкалыванию детей экспериментальными препаратами.
Россия на игле
👆A popular Russian anti-clot-shot channel ponders the decision to offer Sputnik injections to teenagers in Donetsk: "It's hard to know who is scarier, Schwab with Gates or 'doctors' who calmly talk about their mission of injecting children with experimental drugs."
Slugs and other tasty bugs are more nutritious than horrible carbon-emitting beef and pork, according to Siberian scientists. 🐌🪱🤝👌 [source: RIA Novosti]
Katyusha—a patriotic Russian alt media outlet that keeps a close eye on Schwabian shenanigans—recently wrote about new legislation that aims to implement “an electronic biometric concentration camp in the country” via the government’s Unified Biometric System. We will dive into more details about this initiative in a future blog post.

But perhaps even more worrying is the development of a unified information system for Russia’s schoolchildren. The project goes far beyond biometric IDs: it seeks to create a “digital profile” of all students that tracks social activity and other personal information. https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/rise-of-the-robot-child