Ecce Verbum
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Do not look forward in fear to the changes of life;
Rather look to them with full hope that as they arise,
God, whose very own you are, will lead you safely through all things;
And when you cannot stand it, God will carry you in His arms.

Do not fear what may happen tomorrow;
The same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you today and every day.

He will either shield you from suffering or will give you unfailing strength to bear it.
Be at peace and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.

St. Francis de Sales

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Online read

The Catholic Controversy by Saint Francis de Sales (1567-1622), Bishop and Doctor of the Church

(originally published by Burns and Oates, London 1886)
Translated by Rev. Henry Benedict Mackey, O.S.B.

After being repeatedly rebuffed in his attempts to re-evangelize Calvinist Protestants who would not listen to Catholic preaching for fear of reprisals, St. Francis turned to writing leaflets and inserting them into copies of his sermons, which he then posted on walls, slipped under doors and handing to whomever he could. Four years later, almost 72,000 had returned to the ancient Catholic Faith! These tracts have been compiled into a book and given the title The Catholic Controversy. The works are still as fresh and powerful today as they were then, and give some of the most compelling arguments against Protestantism that have ever been written, presenting a defense of the Catholic Faith that in some respects has never been equaled

#reading #francisdesales
Saint Francis de Sales on the practice of virtues

#francisdesales #virtues #moraltheology
'There is a certain manner of prayer most simple and very useful;
it is, to be habitually in the presence of God. And this sight of God will produce in us an intimate union with Him, a simple and perfect intention. Oh, how precious is this manner of prayer!'

St. Francis de Sales

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"Mystical Flora or the Christian Life under the Emblem of Plants"
St. Francis de Sales

'Come, let us trudge on through these lowly valleys of humble little virtues, and we shall find the rose amongst thorns, charity which shines forth in the midst of afflictions from within and without, the lily of purity, the violet of mortification, and many more than I can tell. But, above all, I love these three little virtues sweetness of heart, poverty of spirit, and simplicity of life; and these great exercises of charity visiting the sick, helping the poor, consoling the afflicted; but all without flurry, and with true liberty. Our arms, as yet, are not long enough to reach to the cedars of Lebanon; let us content ourselves with the hyssop of the valley.'

St. Francis de Sales on temptations

'When it is possible to avoid the delectation arising out of temptation, it is always a sin to accept it, in proportion to the pleasure we take, and the amount of consent given, whether that be great or small, brief or lasting. The princess of our illustration is to blame if she merely listens to the guilty propositions made to her but still more so if, after listening, she takes pleasure in them, and allows her heart to feed and rest thereupon; for although she has no intention of really doing that which is proposed, her heart gives a spiritual consent when she takes pleasure in it, and it must always be wrong to let either body or mind rest on anything unworthy, -and wrongdoing lies so entirely in the heart's co-operation, that without this no mere bodily action can be sin.

Therefore, when you are tempted to any sin, examine whether you voluntarily exposed yourself to the temptation, and if you find that you have done so by putting yourself into its way, or by not foreseeing the temptation, as you ought to have done, then it is sin; but if you have done nothing to bring about the temptation, it is not in anywise to be imputed to you as sin.'

#francisdesales #temptation
St. Francis de Sales on love

"Consider all the past as nothing and say, like David, now I begin to love my God."

"You learn to speak by speaking, to study by studying, to run by running, to work by working, and just so, you learn to love by loving. All those who think to learn in any other way deceive themselves."

#francisdesales #love
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"The interior life simplified and reduced to its fundamental principle"

by Pollien, François de Sales, 1853-1936

St. Francis was Bishop of Geneva and a tireless preacher, who yet made time to correspond with numerous souls who wrote him for his insight and guidance.The desire to make the interior life more accessible, by curtailing the often very complicated apparatus wherewith it is surrounded by so many masters of the spiritual life, is certainly an excellent thing: how many souls are kept at a distance by the number of acts which they are asked to perform to live in union with God, by the multiplicity of distinctions and minutiae of detail! This idea, which was good in itself, has been happily set forth and carried out. We advise and recommend the attentive and repeated reading of this book to priests and people. Priests will find in it much profit to their own progress in the interior life, and clear light for the guidance of souls whose direction is entrusted to them

#spirituallife #francisdesales
"Consoling Thoughts ~ St. Francis de Sales"

includes: Consoling Thoughts on God, Consoling Thoughts on Trials of An Interior Life, Consoling Thoughts on Sickness and Death, and Consoling Thoughts on Eternity.

1.3 MB
St. Francis de Sales; A Program of Internal Formation
Morand Wirth

In the wake of Renaissance humanism, St Francis de Sales developed a pastoral rather than theoretical program of education and integral formation of the person. Every human being is called to perfect themself in all their dimensions as an individual: the bodily senses, the passions and affections of the soul, the spiritual faculties of memory and intellect, and especially the heart, the seat of the will and freedom.
As someone immersed in society, St Francis de Sales shows himself to be attentive to the promotion of the dignity of each individual be it in the family, in social relationships, at work, in leisure time or in the service of country. St Francis de Sales program is an antidote against a one-dimensional formation that neglects the multiple resources of human nature.

#spirituallife #francisdesales