Eberstadt Raids + 5KM
5 subscribers
548 links
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1.1km, SW (236°)
bis: 03:16:34 (55:00)
Location: 49.815121,8.631191
Mewtu 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
24.01. 11:00-11:45
◻️ Leibgardistendenkmal
📍 https://maps.google.de/?q=49.8741230,8.6542340

01:00 Uhr: 5 Zusagen
├ Flo
Mewtu 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
31.01. 17:00-17:45
◻️ Tränke im Herrngarten
📍 https://maps.google.de/?q=49.8791050,8.6518400

17:05 Uhr: 34 Zusagen
├ Patrick + 1
├ Jinseok + 1
├ BVB09
├ Jemand
├ Till
├ Lorenz
├ Flo
@xxxdevilx + 1
@MrUncool + 1
├ Schlumpfus
└ Fan
Mewtu 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
31.01. 14:00-14:45
◻️ Grabstätte
📍 https://maps.google.de/?q=49.8773120,8.6780020

14:05 Uhr: 21 Zusagen
@Borusse2901 + 1
@kiki1956 + 1
Liebe User,

dieser Kanal wurde geschlossen.
Der neue ist unter



Liebe Grüße
das Admin-Team

(Damit du die Nachricht lesen kannst, wurde dein Bot deaktiviert - bitte mit /start (und ggf. /raids) wieder starten)
The account of the user that created this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If the account of the creator remains inactive in the next 30 days, it will self-destruct and the channel will lose its creator.
The account of the user that created this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If the account of the creator remains inactive in the next 28 days, it will self-destruct and the channel will lose its creator.
The account of the user that created this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If the account of the creator remains inactive in the next 27 days, it will self-destruct and the channel will lose its creator.
The account of the user that created this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If the account of the creator remains inactive in the next 20 days, it will self-destruct and the channel will lose its creator.
The account of the user that created this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If the account of the creator remains inactive in the next 19 days, it will self-destruct and the channel will lose its creator.
The account of the user that created this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If the account of the creator remains inactive in the next 18 days, it will self-destruct and the channel will lose its creator.
The account of the user that created this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If the account of the creator remains inactive in the next 18 days, it will self-destruct and the channel will lose its creator.
The account of the user that created this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If the account of the creator remains inactive in the next 10 days, it will self-destruct and the channel will lose its creator.
The account of the user that created this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If the account of the creator remains inactive in the next 9 days, it will self-destruct and the channel will lose its creator.
The account of the user that created this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If the account of the creator remains inactive in the next 8 days, it will self-destruct and the channel will lose its creator.