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For the elect and the righteous who will be living in the day's of tribulation who will seek for a blueprint and instructions of survival.

Let's dig into Revelation and reveal the mysteries of the seals and trumpets.
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Highlights: How 8 days of Sukkot ended. clearing up the venue, Eddie Chumney waving & enjoying goodbye fellowship whilst we cleared the room. The Holland fellowship coming back to my home full of boxes and equipment from the event. Later Stephanie, Stephen & Cheryl joining us for supper. Now the next leg starts at the Steph & Stephen head to South Africa, Cheryl to USA where we meet in 3 weeks for Florida gathering.
Please pray for Christine Perice and all those in Florida. Please keep us informed of your situations
Forwarded from Stacey Hubbard
Pray. We are vacating our house because a tree fell on it. We are still in hurricane Helene. Pass this on to the assembly. Christine Pearce
Forwarded from Stacey Hubbard
Christine update.

Thx. We made it to a house we can stay at. We are all safe and have shelter. No power.
Dear EWHAL Family and Online Community,

Please be advised, there will be NO EWHAL Shabbat online gathering tomorrow 28th September or next Saturday 5th October which is the 1-year anniversary since Shane passed away. However, Dr Pidgeon will still from South Africa lead the Cepher Shabbat and Torah Portion. Likewise, EWHAL will from now through to October be replaying Shane’s teachings and other EWHAL re-runs until we return from Florida and recommence our regular schedule.

I & my small team am both elated and exhausted from hosting 8 full days of Sukkot here in the small village of Lilbourne Rugby, Warwickshire, UK. No words could describe what took place, the friendships formed, powerful teaching from our resident speakers and invited guests, a coming together though on different calendars. Seeing the ruach in action, coupled with the love for Yahuah’s appointed times, feasts and sabbaths which established a unity not experienced to this extent in the Torah communities over here.

To see people assemble from North, South, East and West of England, including Australia, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Maylasia & USA was an amazing experience. This year we included camping for those who wanted the tabernacle experience with the last 3 days being some of the worst weather here in the UK. Yet even with tents drenched, everything totally socked, they pressed on in worship and service.

Each year, I see these feast where we are positioning ourselves, in case this last time we can gather like and we give particular praise for the miraculous provisions: two 10-man robust survival standing tents which became home to several people over the 8 days. One of our team members becoming very ill who was providing the catering and no longer able to cook. In faith I called a local catering firm, who knew and were affected at Shane's passing last year. They said they wanted to help me and provided catering for 60 people per day for a matter of pounds per person, per day and in this day and age unheard of. The list goes on of such stories.

Equally as important, we have 1 marriage, several baptisms with on-the-spot responses, 3 baby dedications and a memorial service. So many not aware of the Cepher with an overwhelming response to both Dr Pidgeon’s, Jon Hallan’s & Christine Zang’s teaching. Some of the meetings could not be televised and I saw the importance of why in person attendance in these times is critical. What was shared by Mark Steel, Andrew Livingstone & Andrew Kelso would be deemed as mis-information. You could hear a pin drop as they shared. Frustratingly, the sound to the live programming was affected which I can only apologies for.

The last eight days, I witness hunger for Yahs Word, a hunger for kingdom presence and impact and how brothers and sisters came together to serve and honor each other. This just reinforces to me, how valuable and loved each and everyone of you are, be it that your part of our online or in person gatherings.

It is a privilege to journey and serve with you,

Jessica & wider EWHAL team & Cepher
Re- Run: The Darkness they Worship with the "late Shane Knock" and guest Chosen Few."

Tuesday 1st October ‘24 @ 8pm GMT/Uk, 3pm EST.

Whilst the EWHAL Team take a rest after the recent September UK Sukkot and prepare for the Florida Sukkot Gathering in October, we also as a family, ministry and community head into a year since the passing away of EWHAL Co-founder Shane Knock on the 5th October last year.

Ahead of this first year anniversary, we give honour to his life and ministry and teachings still so relevant. Hearing and seeing clearly his passion, knowledge, devotion & dedication to Yahusha and teaching the Way that can still be heard boldly, moving our Ruach to follow Yah.

"The destroyers of the earth all worship the same darkness. Yet the masses do not see it. In this video, we shall reveal the “darkness” they ALL worship from those who try to steal our hope."
Forwarded from Jessica Knock
Hey Family,
Today is the eve of one year for Shane’s passing, so I am with my family from today & over the weekend.

Please continue to provide your email here in this group or message me here in telegram @jessicaknock with the name you booked to attend Sukkot
in FL if you have still not received info: address, itinerary, etc.
As you know Cheryl Rowe is seriously I’ll and no longer able to fellowship with us but still continuing as her health allows to get this info. with address and coordinates out to you, so please bear with us over the weekend.

Cepher Shabbat continues as normal tomorrow with Stephen.

Much love & take care, Jesse
12 Month & Final Tribute to Shane Knock

This day last year, 5th October 2023 was our last goodbye to Shane. For Rio, Storm, Dallas and I we wanted to honor his life each month for the first year milestone with this being my last tribute and some how we continue to embrace life without him. Shane was a remarkable, Father, Friends to his children, lover, husband, friend and mentor to me, a passionate and powerful leader with a command of communicating scripture, a great intellect and knowledge in so many areas and his void in our lives is always present.

I would also like to each and everyone of you, who have ministered to our grief in so many ways, from visiting our home, the showering of flowers, cards emails, prayerful heartfelt support and financially blessing us. No words of thanks will ever be able to express our sincerity of appreciation and gratitude. Its simply humbling.

In this last dedication, I feel its fitting to make available the remembrance service we held in memorium of the life and legacy of my late husband which we held during our 8 days of hosting Sukkot in Lilbourne, Rugby Warwickshire, UK, where you will see me holding our 2 month old granddaughter, as I humbly speak about my husband, along side one of own grown children Dallas who is stepping into the EWHAL Ministry, where we both had the privilege of inviting Dr. Stephen Pidgeon to speak into the heart in the room, to minister about Shane and the legacy we pick up and run with.

Stephen gave tribute to our 28 year marriage. His memory of visiting our home and seeing the ancient scriptures and biblical books we had studied, collected and displayed in the various rooms of our house from our ministry. The photos of Rio, Storm and Dallas with their Dad being a testament of their close relationship, where its evident to see how Yahuah has held us together, like a jar of honey that Yah holds together in a single vase.

"Despite difficulties, through the ministry of EWHAL, one can see the legacy of Shane seen in the room during Sukkot with accommodation miracles, catering miracles, teachers ordained to speak by the Ruach, all from a ministry Yah conceived through Shane." He talked how Shane was never ashamed of his faith, always declaring it proudly and fiercely, where even his head stone reads, "A man after Yah's own heart." 1 Samuel 13:14
Shane was known for speaking the hard things of Yah. His work displaced the secular world and its falleness where righteousness displaces evil and wickedness."

Whist resting after hosting the recent Sukkot gathering, I am re-running some of Shane's teachings and here are some of the comments from brothers and sister he loved, prayed for, especially in his final months whom he continued to serve.

Joy Rittermann, "Shane I so miss you and your teaching."
Mark Pike: "Shane was a servant of our great Yahuah and the Rucah was so strong in him and he blessed so many."
Barbra Button, "When I hear this special man speak, I am moved by his words."
Jason Williams, "Gee I miss hearing Shane preaching on fire."
Carol Lee Biggs, "To see Shane preaching is beautiful. How you must miss him but he was taken to heaven as Yahuah Elohiym needed him for the end time battle. I miss his passionate preaching, this amazing brother, father and husband."
Tammy H, "Thank you with many tears, thank you !! I loved you and Shane when I found you both a few years ago. Shane had a way of speaking directly out spirit through his passion and knowledge."
Heather Turner, "I have been listening to the video over and over and over just to hear his voice for the hour. Ohhhh my heart wishes he was stil here, so much."

(Here is that video, should you wish to view):

In closing, I sincerely thank each and every one of you for your love and encouragement. You have all strengthened me to carry on and never give up. You have been a shinning testimony of love to my family and as Dr. Pigeon said, " Let this day be alive again in Yahuah, Yahusha."
Much love and affection in Yah,
