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👨‍⚕Q. How to treat atrial fibrillation? 🫀
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internal medicine
👨‍⚕Q. How to treat atrial fibrillation? 🫀
👨🏻‍⚕A. Aim of treatment is as follows:
✓ Control of heart rate
✓ Restoration of sinus rhythm and prevention of recurrence
✓ Treatment of primary cause.
Treatment (according to the type):
1. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation:
x If asymptomatic: Does not require any treatment, follow-up the case.
x If troublesome symptoms are present: b-blocker. Other drugs—flecainide or propafenone may
be given.
x Amiodarone is effective in prevention.
x Low dose aspirin to prevent thromboembolism.
x If bradycardia is present (in sinoatrial disease): Permanent over drive atrial pacing (60%
x In some intractable cases: Radiofrequency ablation may be required, who does not have
structural heart disease (70% effective).
2. Persistent atrial fibrillation:
x Control of heart rate: b-blocker, digoxin or calcium channel blocker (verapamil, diltiazem).
Combination of digoxin and atenolol may be used.
x To control rhythm: DC cardioversion may be done safely. It may be repeated, if relapse occurs.
Concomitant use of b-blocker or amiodarone may be used to prevent recurrence.
3. Permanent atrial fibrillation:
x Control of heart rate: Digoxin, b-blocker, calcium channel blocker (verapamil or diltiazem).
x In some cases: Transvenous radiofrequency ablation may be done (it induces complete heart
block. So, permanent pacemaker should be given. This is known as “patch and ablate strategy”).
👨‍⚕Q. What is the role of anticoagulant in atrial fibrillation?
There's score ?
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internal medicine
👨‍⚕Q. What is the role of anticoagulant in atrial fibrillation?
🧑‍⚕ How are you 😊 for everyone?
🧑‍⚕ Answer is:
A. Usually, warfarin is given who are at risk of stroke. Target INR is 2 to 3. It reduces stroke in 2/3rd
cases. Aspirin reduces stroke in 1/5th cases. Anticoagulation is indicated in patient with atrial
fibrillation having risk factors for thromboembolism.

🧑‍⚕Risk factors for thromboembolism in atrial fibrillation:
✓Previous ischaemic stroke or TIA
✓ Mitral valve disease
✓Age over 65 years
✓ Diabetes mellitus
✓Heart failure
✓ Echocardiographic evidence of left ventricular dysfunction, left atrial enlargement or mitral anular
🔽Risk groups with thromboembolism (nonrheumatic):
✓Very high: Previous stroke or TIA (12%)
✓ High: Age > 65 years and one other risk factor (6.5%)
✓ Moderate: (i) Age > 65 years, no risk factor (4%), (ii) Age < 65 years, other risk factor (4%)
✓ Low: Age < 65 years, no risk factor (1.2%).
🧑‍⚕also Score as comments you read CHA2DS2-VASc score
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CHA2DS2-VASc score
Cardiovascular system
Pulse: 88/min, normal in volume, rhythm and character
JVP: not engorged
Blood pressure: 130/85 mm Hg.
Visible cardiac impulse in mitral area.
Apex beat: shifted, in the left 6th intercostal space, ... cm from midline, diffuse, thrusting in
Thrill: present in left 6th intercostal space, systolic in nature.
1st heart sound: soft in mitral area, normal in other areas
2nd sound: normal in all the areas
3rd heart sound: may be present
There is a pansystolic murmur in mitral area, which radiates to the left axilla (reduced on inspiration
and more on expiration).
Examination of other systems reveals no abnormalities.
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internal medicine
😎What is your diagnosis ?
🧑🏼‍⚕ My diagnosis is chronic rheumatic heart disease with mitral regurgitation.
internal medicine
👨🏻‍⚕Q. Why your diagnosis is MR?
🧑🏼‍⚕A. Because:
✓ Systolic thrill in mitral area
✓ First heart sound is soft
✓ There is a PSM radiating to the left axilla.
Forwarded from Yaqob Hamood
Real case ABG
PH = 6.98
CO2 = 12 mmHg
HCO3 = 4.4 mmol/L
Read this ABG ?
Forwarded from Yaqob Hamood
🧑‍⚕Firstly Acidosis
👨‍⚕ Why ?
🧑‍⚕PH less than 7.35
👨‍⚕ Metabolic or respiratory?
🧑‍⚕ Metabolic
👨‍⚕ Why ?
🧑‍⚕ Because Bicarbonate is low and CO2 is low , Co2 low as compensation
👨‍⚕is compensation or partially compensation or not compensation ?
🧑‍⚕ partial compensation
👨‍⚕ Why ?
🧑‍⚕ Because CO2 low PH low
👨‍⚕ Why you didn't say compelet compensation ?
🧑‍⚕ Because in compelet compensation PH must be normal , in this case PH is abnormal
👨‍⚕ Why you didn't say uncompensation ?
🧑‍⚕ Firstly HCo3 it's primary disorder as it's low and PH is low ....if uncompensation CO2 must be normal
👨‍⚕ok .... what you want to see after your dx as Metabolic Acidosis ?
🧑‍⚕i will calculate Anion Gap
👨‍⚕ Why ?
🧑‍⚕ To know the cause of metabolic acidosis ,,as there is causes of metabolic Acidosis with normal Anion Gap ,,also there's causes for High anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis
👨‍⚕ How you calculate Anion Gap ?
What is the causes of High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis , causes of Normal Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis ?
🧑‍⚕ Let members Answer , help me members ?