Вот уже два месяца, как #Арцах находится в #блокаде и #осаде со стороны #Азербайджан/а, десятки тысяч людей, из коих 30 тысяч #детей находятся на пороге #голода. Это не только блокада Арцаха, но и блокада #международного #права, ответственности, #гуманизма и принципиальности международного сообщества.
For two months now, #Artsakh has been under #blockade and #siege by #Azerbaijan, tens of thousands of people, of which 30 thousand #children are on the verge of #starvation. This is not only a blockade of Artsakh, but also a blockade of #internationallaw, responsibility, #humanism and principles of the #international community.
For two months now, #Artsakh has been under #blockade and #siege by #Azerbaijan, tens of thousands of people, of which 30 thousand #children are on the verge of #starvation. This is not only a blockade of Artsakh, but also a blockade of #internationallaw, responsibility, #humanism and principles of the #international community.