Проблема #Арцах/а - рентген #армянского духа, патриотизма, национального достоинства. Это также рентген цивилизованного сообщества, показывающий реальный уровень приверженности нормам #демократии, #права и морали. На этих «рентгеновских снимках» видно очень многое…
The #Artsakh issue is an x-ray of the #Armenian #spirit, patriotism, national dignity. It is also an x-ray of a civilized community, showing the real level of adherence to the norms of #democracy, #law and morality. These "X-rays" depict a lot of things ...
The #Artsakh issue is an x-ray of the #Armenian #spirit, patriotism, national dignity. It is also an x-ray of a civilized community, showing the real level of adherence to the norms of #democracy, #law and morality. These "X-rays" depict a lot of things ...