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A. Code
B. Documentation
C. Scratch work
D. Debugging device (ie - making sure I didn't break something)
E. Coffee
F. Terminal (Also have window dedicated for ssh sessions and drop-down terminal for quick calculations)
prof gave an extremely vague assignment, so my solution will be obfusicated 😄
im doing assignment like this, idc
LoL worlds stream, 350k viewers
Apple's screentime apperas to measure how long application has been open instead of how long it was in focus, so because I always just leave everything open pretty much all my stuff has same usage time.
Politics for the month probably:

How is Turkey still in NATO?
- They bought Russian missiles which got them kicked out of f35 program
- invading Syria, displacing Kurds, promoting regional instability

Expectations for us 2020 election:
- Warren, Buttegieg
- not sure about Republican party, maybe Rubio?
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LoL worlds stream, 350k viewers
Would say they're bots but some have twitch prime so idek
Scripting langauge I made for my company is loosely inspired by YodaScript. The other day a friend said it reminded them of Lisp. Thinking about calling it Functional Post Script (FPS). Any other ideas?