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Грин кард дастури ва иммиграция бўйича сўнгги янгиликларни ўзбек тилида ушбу канал орқали кузатиб боришингиз мумкин. Каналдан материал кўчирилганда манба кўрсатилсин.

Алоқа: @thereisnousernames
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61 Jacob - Order denying motion to transfer.pdf
108.4 KB
Update in #JacobvBiden #DV2021:
Today Judge Chen denied the Government's motion to transfer the case to Judge Seeborg. This is good.

I realize part of the reasoning might make DV2021 plaintiffs nervous, but please relax. This reasoning was just to explain the order denying the transfer. Our Jacob DV2021 plaintiffs are still our Jacob DV2021 plaintiffs, and nothing has changed on that. Like our Jacob family plaintiffs, you will need to wait until Judge Chen's order on the PI motion after April 15 to know what the court's relief will ultimately be.
61 Jacob - Order denying motion to transfer.pdf
#JacobvBiden #DV2021-da yangilanish:
Bugun sudya Chen hukumatning ishni sudya Seeborgga o'tkazish to'g'risidagi iltimosnomasini rad etdi. Bu yaxshi.

Men mulohazalarning bir qismi DV2021 da'vogarlarini asabiylashtirishi mumkinligini tushunaman, lekin iltimos, dam oling. Ushbu fikr faqatgina Anunciato da’vogarlarogiga wo’shib yuborishni rad etish tartibini tushuntirish uchun edi. Bizning Jacob DV2021 da'vogarlarimiz hali ham bizning Jacob DV2021 da'vogarlarimizdir va bu borada hech narsa o'zgarmadi. Bizning Jacob oilaviy da'vogarlari singari, sudning yordami qanday bo'lishini bilish uchun 15 apreldan keyin sudya Chenning Preliminary Injunction harakati to'g'risidagi buyrug'ini kutishingiz kerak bo'ladi.
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#DV2021 #JacobvBiden FAQ: I am a Jacob plaintiff- can I join another lawsuit, too?

Answer: You can, if you want to waste your money and compromise the viability of the 2nd lawsuit. I do not recommend this path. If you are a Jacob plaintiff- you are in envied position. Relax.
#JacobvBiden бўйича суд эшиттириши яна 10-июнга қолдирилди. Бу сафар АҚШ давлат департаменти, Судья Чен учун нимага асосан ва қай тарзда интерьвю белгилаётгани хақида хисобот беради. Келажакни олдиндан айтиш жуда қийин. Воқеалар ривожини кузатиб борамиз.
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85 Jacob - Civil Minutes from May 20 conference.pdf
91.8 KB
#JacobvBiden Update: The court has issued civil minutes from yesterday's conference. The court has ordered:

June 3: Government's brief explaining "tiered" approach
June 4: Joint Status report due
June 5: Plaintiffs' response re: any disputed facts regarding tiered approach
June 11, 2021, 10 AM PST: further hearing "tiered" approach

Related, I have ordered the transcript from this conference and will share as soon as I receive.
👆🏻Юқоридаги скриншот фақатгина #JacobvBiden судида қатнашувчиларга тегишли.


Навбат энди #DV2021 - Ўрганишларимиз шуни кўрсатадики Кентуки Консулли Маркази (КСС) 2 хафта ичида яъни 18-май ва 1-июн оралағида, 616 DV визалари бўйича ишларни қабул қилган. Бу бепарволик паст кўрсаткичи билан 55,000 грин кард дастуридаги хужжатларни кўриб чиқиш учун 3 йилу 5 ой кетади.


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289.4 KB
#JacobvBiden Update: Judge Chen has issued an order on the government's motion to dismiss. Two main takeways:

(1) The Court grants the Government’s Motion to Dismiss this case as moot as it pertains to the family preference (F1, F2A, F2B, F3, F4), and IR-5 Plaintiffs.

(2) The court acknowledges that DV-2021 are situated differently, and also, that "the Court has jurisdiction to adjudicate the Motion for Class Certification for DV-2021 selectees in the instant case."
"The Court directs DV-2021 Plaintiffs to file a Second Amended Complaint which properly alleges a class action and directs DV-2021 Plaintiffs to file renewed Motions for Class Certification and Preliminary Injunctive Relief. DV-2021 Plaintiffs shall file the SAC and these motions by June 22, 2021."

We will be reviewing the order and options for the remainder of the week. We plan to schedule a Zoom for Monday to talk with Jacob family preference (F1, F2A, F2B, F3, F4), and IR-5 plaintiffs about our options moving forward.
#JacobvBiden суд эшиттириши бошланиш арафасида! Инглиз тилини биладиганлар эшитиши мумкин бемалол.
#JacobvBiden бўйича кейинги суд эшиттириши 15-июльга қолдирилди. Моррисон жамоаси даьвогарларнинг даьвоси тезроқ қондирилишини сўради.
Эртага кечки Тошкент вақти билан соат 22:00да #JacobvBiden бўйича адвокатлар билан савол ва жавоблар бўлади. Бу вебинар фақатгина #JacobvBiden қатнашувчиларига тегишли.
Мулоқот тили: Инглиз
Вақт: 22:00 (Тошкент вақти) 15/06/2021

Натижалар билан албатта ўртоқлашаман.
#JacobvBiden қатнашувчилари визалар барча ютуқ эгаларига берилсин деган маънода қайтадан/янгиланган даъво топширилишига қарши эмаслиги хакида фикр билдиришяпти. Лекин бу янгиланган даъво бошқа даъвочиларга (яъни бошқа бир адвокатларнинг судида қатнашаётган, бунга Моррисоннинг GoodluckvBiden даги одамларига хам тегишли) таъсирини ёқотади.
#JacobvBiden даги суд иштирокчилари кўп (55.6%) овоз билан грин кард дастурида барча виза олмаганларни ўз даъвосига "КЛАСС" орқали қўшишни бир овоздан маъқуллашди фақатгина бошқа судда қатнашганлар бундан мустасно. Бироқ адвокатлар жамоаси ушбу овозларни тасдиқласа кейин судга янгиланган матнни тақдим қилишади.

Суд эшиттириши 15-июлда бўлиб ўтади.👨🏼‍⚖️