#DrishtiIASExclusive now comes with a #Quiz for #Prelims2023
Today's Quiz is based on the Exclusive posted on 27 March 2023
Check the link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSZLmdMRIl/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D
#200PinsForPrelims #PrelimsWithDrishtiIAS #UPSC2023 #UPSC #IAS #RedTape #UGC #IOE #Institution #IIT #Government #Marburg #Virus #India #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
Today's Quiz is based on the Exclusive posted on 27 March 2023
Check the link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSZLmdMRIl/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D
#200PinsForPrelims #PrelimsWithDrishtiIAS #UPSC2023 #UPSC #IAS #RedTape #UGC #IOE #Institution #IIT #Government #Marburg #Virus #India #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
Today is National Dengue Prevention Day, a reminder to stay informed and take action against this mosquito-borne disease.
#NationalDenguePreventionDay #Dengue #WHO #Awareness #Mosquito #Disease #Chikungunya #Symptoms #HighFever #Headache #Treatment #Care #HealthForAll #UPSC #IAS #HealthIsWealth #HealthyBodyHealthyMind #SaveLife #PublicHealth #Health #Support #WellBeing #MosquitoBites #HealthyLifestyle #Virus #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
#NationalDenguePreventionDay #Dengue #WHO #Awareness #Mosquito #Disease #Chikungunya #Symptoms #HighFever #Headache #Treatment #Care #HealthForAll #UPSC #IAS #HealthIsWealth #HealthyBodyHealthyMind #SaveLife #PublicHealth #Health #Support #WellBeing #MosquitoBites #HealthyLifestyle #Virus #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
On World AIDS Vaccine Day, let's come together to raise awareness and celebrate the progress made in the fight against HIV/AIDS!
#WorldAIDSVaccineDay #HIV #Awareness #AIDS #ImmuneSystem #Treatment #Virus #Infection #AidsAwareness #Cure #HealthCare #UPSC #IAS #HealthIsWealth #HIVAwareness #SaveLife #PublicHealth #Support #WellBeing #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
#WorldAIDSVaccineDay #HIV #Awareness #AIDS #ImmuneSystem #Treatment #Virus #Infection #AidsAwareness #Cure #HealthCare #UPSC #IAS #HealthIsWealth #HIVAwareness #SaveLife #PublicHealth #Support #WellBeing #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
Let's learn at a sprinting speed through the unique amalgamation of current affairs along with MCQs.
Join our PT Sprint program now!
#PTSprint #Revision #UPSCPrelims #IAS #UPSC #UPSCPreparation #CurrentAffairs #Science #Technology #NASA #CyberAttack #Virus #ZoonoticDisease #MCQ #PracticeMakesPerfect #Prelims #Prelims2023 #UPSC2023 #Learning #Explore #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
Join our PT Sprint program now!
#PTSprint #Revision #UPSCPrelims #IAS #UPSC #UPSCPreparation #CurrentAffairs #Science #Technology #NASA #CyberAttack #Virus #ZoonoticDisease #MCQ #PracticeMakesPerfect #Prelims #Prelims2023 #UPSC2023 #Learning #Explore #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
Keep an eye out for Conjunctivitis! 😷👁 Swipe to learn more!
#Conjunctivitis #EyeHealth #ConjunctivitisAwareness #Eye #Delhi #DelhiRains #HealthCare #UPSC #IAS #PinkEye #Awareness #Optometrist #Ophtalmology #Wellness #Prevention #RedEye #Hygiene #Virus #Symptoms #EyeCare #Vision #PreventionIsBetterThanCure #MonsoonFlu #Disease #HealthIsWealth #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
#Conjunctivitis #EyeHealth #ConjunctivitisAwareness #Eye #Delhi #DelhiRains #HealthCare #UPSC #IAS #PinkEye #Awareness #Optometrist #Ophtalmology #Wellness #Prevention #RedEye #Hygiene #Virus #Symptoms #EyeCare #Vision #PreventionIsBetterThanCure #MonsoonFlu #Disease #HealthIsWealth #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
This World Hepatitis Day let's glance through the important targets set for Hepatitis elimination by 2030.
#WorldHepatitisDay #HepCantWait #WHO #Health #Healthy #UPSC #IAS #Treatment #LiverCancer #Testing #Nutrition #Wellness #Motivation #Immunity #Science #Healthcare #Disease #StayHealthy #Liver #Bacteria #Virus #UnitedNations #Awareness #Vaccine #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
#WorldHepatitisDay #HepCantWait #WHO #Health #Healthy #UPSC #IAS #Treatment #LiverCancer #Testing #Nutrition #Wellness #Motivation #Immunity #Science #Healthcare #Disease #StayHealthy #Liver #Bacteria #Virus #UnitedNations #Awareness #Vaccine #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
Test your mosquito IQ with our 'Buzz'worthy World Mosquito Day Quiz! Share your answers in the comments section.
#Mosquito #WorldMosquitoDay #UPSC #IAS #Bugs #Health #Quiz #Disease #HealthForAll #Care #Infected #StaySafe #Protect #HealthIsWealth #HealthyBodyHealthyMind #SaveLife #August #TogetherWeCan #PublicHealth #Awareness #MosquitoBites #Malaria #Dengue #Chikanguniya #Healthy #Virus #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
#Mosquito #WorldMosquitoDay #UPSC #IAS #Bugs #Health #Quiz #Disease #HealthForAll #Care #Infected #StaySafe #Protect #HealthIsWealth #HealthyBodyHealthyMind #SaveLife #August #TogetherWeCan #PublicHealth #Awareness #MosquitoBites #Malaria #Dengue #Chikanguniya #Healthy #Virus #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
Celebrating Nobel Laureates in mRNA and Vaccine Research. Swipe to read more.
#NobelPrize #Medicine #Science #RNA #ImmuneSystem #Protein #Vaccines #Corona #Cells #Molecule #Polio #Rabies #Pathogen #Pandemic #Challenge #Discovery #Virus #AntiVirus #UPSC #IAS #Awards #DNA #CurrentAffairs #News #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
#NobelPrize #Medicine #Science #RNA #ImmuneSystem #Protein #Vaccines #Corona #Cells #Molecule #Polio #Rabies #Pathogen #Pandemic #Challenge #Discovery #Virus #AntiVirus #UPSC #IAS #Awards #DNA #CurrentAffairs #News #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
#DrishtiIASExclusive now comes with a #Quiz for #Prelims2024
Today's Quiz is based on the Exclusive posted on 30 November 2023
Check the link: https://www.instagram.com/p/C0EGUYVPLkv/
#Pneumonia #Lungs #WHO #China #Children #Virus #Infection #Hospital #Treatment #UNICEF #UN #DigitalIndia #Languages #UPSC2024 #UPSCNews #CurrentAffairs #UPSC #IAS #DrishtiIASEnglish #DrishtiIAS
Today's Quiz is based on the Exclusive posted on 30 November 2023
Check the link: https://www.instagram.com/p/C0EGUYVPLkv/
#Pneumonia #Lungs #WHO #China #Children #Virus #Infection #Hospital #Treatment #UNICEF #UN #DigitalIndia #Languages #UPSC2024 #UPSCNews #CurrentAffairs #UPSC #IAS #DrishtiIASEnglish #DrishtiIAS
Centre issues advisory to States in view of a recent upsurge in COVID-19 cases and detection of first case of JN.1 variant in India.
#JN1 #NewVariant #HealthMinistry #Health #India #Corona #Vaccine #Wellbeing #Awareness #Covid #Covid_19 #CovidVariant #Virus #CovidIndia #CoronaVirus #Covid19India #Covid19 #CovidCases #CovidGuidelines #StaySafe #LatestNews #BreakingNews #UPSC #UPSCPreparation #IAS #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
#JN1 #NewVariant #HealthMinistry #Health #India #Corona #Vaccine #Wellbeing #Awareness #Covid #Covid_19 #CovidVariant #Virus #CovidIndia #CoronaVirus #Covid19India #Covid19 #CovidCases #CovidGuidelines #StaySafe #LatestNews #BreakingNews #UPSC #UPSCPreparation #IAS #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
Your daily dose of current affairs for UPSC 2024 Prelims with #DrishtiDailyNewsHighlights.
#PrelimsSuccessWithDrishtiIAS #PrelimsWithDrishtiIAS #Nipah #Virus #Vaccine #TigerReserve #Forest #Species #NHAI #Vehicle #Malaria #WHO #Algeria #Mauritius #Mosquitos #Prelims2024 #UPSC #UPSC2024 #IAS #CSE #Prelims #Practice #GeneralStudies #Aspirant #UPSCAspirants #Learn #Learning #Preparation #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
#PrelimsSuccessWithDrishtiIAS #PrelimsWithDrishtiIAS #Nipah #Virus #Vaccine #TigerReserve #Forest #Species #NHAI #Vehicle #Malaria #WHO #Algeria #Mauritius #Mosquitos #Prelims2024 #UPSC #UPSC2024 #IAS #CSE #Prelims #Practice #GeneralStudies #Aspirant #UPSCAspirants #Learn #Learning #Preparation #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
Solutions are in the Drishti Current Affairs Today (DCAT) magazine
#DCAT Magazine covers all the three stages of #CSE - Prelims, Mains & Interview
Subscribe: https://drishti.link/DCAT-Magazine
#Chikungunya #Tanzania #Virus #Mosquitoes #News #UPSC #IAS #DrishtiCurrentAffairs #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
#DCAT Magazine covers all the three stages of #CSE - Prelims, Mains & Interview
Subscribe: https://drishti.link/DCAT-Magazine
#Chikungunya #Tanzania #Virus #Mosquitoes #News #UPSC #IAS #DrishtiCurrentAffairs #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
Solutions are in the Drishti Current Affairs Today (DCAT) magazine
#DCAT Magazine covers all the three stages of #CSE - Prelims, Mains & Interview
Subscribe: https://drishti.link/DCAT-Magazine
#Zika #Virus #Infection #News #UPSC #IAS #DrishtiCurrentAffairs #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
#DCAT Magazine covers all the three stages of #CSE - Prelims, Mains & Interview
Subscribe: https://drishti.link/DCAT-Magazine
#Zika #Virus #Infection #News #UPSC #IAS #DrishtiCurrentAffairs #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish