Flexing muscles or strategic might? Unravel the complexities of military power and Share in the comment section who tops the ranking in 2024?
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Go green with jute! This #DrishtiInfographics dives into the eco-friendly world of jute, from farm to fashion. Discover its surprising uses and its impact on India's economy.
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Security encompasses many actors, contexts and actions. Let’s venture forth into #SimplifyingSecurity!
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Guess who won the Pritzker Architecture Prize 2024. Share your answers in the comments section.
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India's Tiger Triumph exercise amps up coordination and disaster relief prowess. Think you know which country joined the action? Take the quiz and find out!
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Solutions are in the Drishti Current Affairs Today (DCAT) magazine
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#DCAT Magazine covers all the three stages of #CSE - Prelims, Mains & Interview
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Can you name the nation that faced multiple eruptions? Share your answers in the comment section.
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#DrishtiIASExclusive now comes with a #quiz for #Prelims2024
Today's Quiz is based on the Exclusive posted on 29 May , 2024
Check the link: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7jC3yqt1N_/
#Temple #Virupaksha #ASI #Karnataka #UNESCO #Hampi #COE #Japan #UPSC2024 #UPSCNews #CurrentAffairs #UPSC #IAS #DrishtiIASEnglish #DrishtiIAS
Today's Quiz is based on the Exclusive posted on 29 May , 2024
Check the link: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7jC3yqt1N_/
#Temple #Virupaksha #ASI #Karnataka #UNESCO #Hampi #COE #Japan #UPSC2024 #UPSCNews #CurrentAffairs #UPSC #IAS #DrishtiIASEnglish #DrishtiIAS
This video covers the given topic, ‘Japan 1st Ever Megaquake Advisory’ the following structure:
Why in the News?
What is the Nankai Trough?
When can the next megaquake along the Nankai Trough occur?
What is the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’?
Subject: GS-1: Geography GS-3: Environment
Watch: https://youtu.be/yrmwi3N7Jbk?si=APT0G6htnFWMjypX
#ToThePoint #UPSC2024 #UPSCPrelims #CurrentAffairsToday #Japan #Megaquake #UPSCNewsAnalysis #CurrentAffairs #CurrentAffairs2024 #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
Why in the News?
What is the Nankai Trough?
When can the next megaquake along the Nankai Trough occur?
What is the Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’?
Subject: GS-1: Geography GS-3: Environment
Watch: https://youtu.be/yrmwi3N7Jbk?si=APT0G6htnFWMjypX
#ToThePoint #UPSC2024 #UPSCPrelims #CurrentAffairsToday #Japan #Megaquake #UPSCNewsAnalysis #CurrentAffairs #CurrentAffairs2024 #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
Read about the India Japan 2+2 Dialogue.
#DrishtiDailyBrief #Constitution #Japan #ASEAN #IndoPacific #Military #China #Countries #India #State #IAS #UPSC #IAS #UPSC #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish
#DrishtiDailyBrief #Constitution #Japan #ASEAN #IndoPacific #Military #China #Countries #India #State #IAS #UPSC #IAS #UPSC #DrishtiIAS #DrishtiIASEnglish