Brian Cates
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I get paid to write stuff that annoys all the right people. It's awesome.

Speak The TRUTH Even If Your Voice SHAKES
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Forwarded from The Washington Pundit (Adam Carter ⭐️⭐️⭐️)
They're doing this on purpose. This is a PsyOp. They're attempting to incite something. They may even attempt another Jan 6th-style false flag event. Don't fall for it.

These are not the actions of people who think they are winning. They're desperate and flailing. You're witnessing a dying empire (i.e. the Deep State). Don't let them win by giving in.

@TheWashingtonPundit | Speak Truth To Power
Forwarded from Redpillbabe
Forwarded from Dschlopes
^^ I told everyone that Tony Bobulinski was alive and well several months ago when many of you were wondering/asking about him.

He just had to be EXTREMELY careful following the election for very obvious reasons. Now it's actually better and safer for him to be in the public eye moving forward. It's also very good for the country...

Forwarded from CatTheGreat
Forwarded from X22 Report Official
Stage Set, all the pieces in one place, interesting
Forwarded from Justice Reporter (Justice Reporter)
The @BabylonBee is on a roll tonight:

> Biden Abolishes Office Of President & Names Self Supreme Führer
>Biden Establishes Secret Police
>Biden Announces Strategic Alliance W/Mussolini & Hirohito
>Biden Announces New Program For Patriotic Youngsters 'Biden Youth'
>Biden Signs Non-Aggression Pact With Poland
>Biden Announces Invasion Of Poland
>Biden Stalled 12 Miles From Moscow
>Biden Swallows Cyanide Capsule In Underground Bunker

Before the entire Bee staff is arrested and hauled off to a concentration camp in Xinjiang, let us salute their loyalty to the Fatherland.
Forwarded from LadyDraza
Forwarded from Liz Harrington
It all can be summed up by the cabal’s position: The People don’t get to pick their President

That’s why they spy on us

That’s why they steal elections from us

That’s why they raid us

They can’t have a free people, exercising their God-given rights, getting in their way

☝️☝️☝️ The way the Deep State thinks, the President is just some temporary asshole puppet who does what he’s told. The unelected Deep State bureaucracy is the real power behind the office of the President.

So it’s all been a game of make-believe to this point.

Up until TRUMP.

A President doesn’t really have any true authority to declassify their deep dark secrets. That’s what this raid is about.

All the chatter about empty folders and seized clothes Miss the point.

Focus on the EMPTY SAFE.

They were led to sincerely believe Trump had something stored in that safe and they wanted it back.

Whatever it was.

What was it?
Forwarded from ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)
Media is too big
Kash explains how the FBI deliberately put him at risk by purposely unredacting his name in the Trump raid search warrrant even as he had someone threatening his life.
He was the only other name revealed besides Trump.
Kash must be over the target.

"There are no coincidences in government....They knew exactly what they were doing. There is no value in my name being revealed in that search warrant...We'll be taking legal action against all of it...The government gangsters are now on notice."
Oregon Petition (2007) Signed by 31,000+ Scientists and Experts

"There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth."

/31,000+ signatures/

The Oregon Petition (2007; repeating text of the Global Warming Petition Project, 1998) was signed by 31,487 American scientists and experts, including 9,029 with a PhD. Among them are individuals from the following disciplines:

Atmospheric, Environmental and Earth sciences: 3,805
Computer and Mathematical sciences: 935
Physics & Aerospace sciences: 5,812
Biochemistry, Biology, and Agriculture: 2,965
Medicine: 3,046
Engineering and General Science: 10,102
Forwarded from Qstradamus
Media is too big
“Knowing that at the end of the week, you and I are going to be sitting in front of some people that are about to bring this work to a Grand Jury.” -Gregg Phillips
The Pit & Tiger Project was the door into real justice and change. The information that has come out regarding Konnech is a big deal. There will be prosecutions. Elections will be safer when these corrupt businesses are dealt with. The swamp runs deep. The Pit was a huge success.
Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat
To summarize, the websites for Yulian Network and Hongzheng Technology were both registered to Eugene Yu’s Konnech email addresses, "" and “”.

Eugene Yu registered the Yulian Network business under his Chinese name Jianwei Yu.

The Hongzheng Technology business, an election company partnered with Lenovo, Huawei, China Unicom, China Mobile, China Telecom, and China’s National People’s Congress was registered to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu worked as a supervisor for Eugene Yu at Yulian Network from 2014 until 2019.

Lin’s Jinhua Red Date Software Co. was prominently featured on the bottom of Eugene Yu’s “”.

On “”, the Michigan CEO openly praised “Comrade Jiang Zemin” and the “Chinese Communist Party” stating that his company’s principle is “political tasks first and economic benefits of enterprises second” before listing “Election Management Solutions, Detroit, Michigan, USA” and “US Overseas Voters” as his "Success Stories".

Incredibly, despite all of this information on the internet, Eugene Yu still provides voting technology to this day at the heart of elections in Australia, Canada, and the United States.

Forwarded from The Colonel’s Corner🦅🦅🦅 (Colonel Roxane ️️️ Towner-Watkins The Colonel’s Corner 🎖🎖🎖)

Thanks to #ThePit et al we know our government turned over the military absentee voting system to Chinese spies and CCP and NSA & Cybercom either knows and did nothing or missed it. Neither is good.

That’s it.
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
👆👆👆And then when mass-mail in voting was adopted because of the pandemic, voila!

They had a system all set up and ready to expand for digitized elections.

We are all supposed to be 'remote voters' now.

This is how we bypass their corrupt CCP-dominated EMS systems.

We vote in person on Election Day.

Patriots completely bypass the remote voting systems they've oh so carefully constructed.
EMS = Election Management Systems.

Betcha' didn't know almost all the software/code in the apps/platforms being used to run elections in hundreds of US counties was

1. Written by programmers from the CCP

2. Owned by CEO's running companies with direct ties to the CCP

3. CCP law means whatever code they write, whatever app they own, any platform, they have a right to take digital information on that app or platform and download it to China because...they own it. It's theirs. You use a CCP-owned & connected digital highway, any information you put into it can become their property. If you're on WeChat or Tik Tok...get off. Now.

4. And since they own the data and it belongs to them, once the data is inside mainland China, they can do whatever they want with it.

5. It was discovered by Catherine Engelbrecht & Gregg Phillips of True The Vote that China has been downloading some of the data running over these CCP-connected EMS apps and platforms. The detailed Personal Identification Information [PII] from 1.8 million US election workers is just the start of what the CCP considers itself to own.

6. CCP wrote the code for and manages and operates EMS systems in multiple countries. And it considers all the data it gets it's hands on via these EMS systems to be theirs and they can do whatever they see fit with it.

7. This makes removing CCP-controlled and affiliated software apps and platforms from US election systems in hundreds of US counties a serious matter of national security.

The national security agencies of the federal government should have taken action long ago. The fact private citizens are having to expose this CCP infiltration of national security infrastructure and take action while the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, Cyber Command and CISA are either caught napping to this threat or are complicit in covering it up is infuriating and alarming.

8. People who told you for the past month that The Pit was a big nothingburger didn't have a clue what was going on. 100+ experienced diggers and researchers like me were brought in, had the Tiger Project explained to us, and then we were asked for help.

We gave it.

And things are never going to be the same once we're done.

All these CCP-controlled/affiliated EMS apps and platforms are going to be discarded. The entire country is waking up to the fact our election systems has been corrupted by a hostile foreign power and remedies need to be implemented to root them out and make changes to how Americans vote. This includes getting rid of these machines and going back paper ballots.

And you can quote me on that.
Forwarded from StormyPatriotJoe ️️️ Channel (Kim Sax ⭐️⭐️⭐️)