Brian Cates
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I get paid to write stuff that annoys all the right people. It's awesome.

Speak The TRUTH Even If Your Voice SHAKES
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Forwarded from Jack Posobiec
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
Forwarded from Jack Posobiec
So Frank James was able to post about killing people based on racial animosity for years on FB but people get suspended for posting Fauci memes
I remember when wackos would commit a public shooting, and after the shooter was dead, their social media profiles would mysteriously be updated to show they were Trump supporters... and the media would run with that.

Who's gonna report this actual racist, who supports Ketanji, saying Jews should be exterminated?

FF 👈👀
Forwarded from Project Veritas
Media is too big
BREAKING: The Justice Department Secretly Spied on Journalists’ and Security Detail’s Apple and Google Accounts; Veritas Files Motion Demanding Return of Property

"It is time for the Court to curb the governments lawless behavior."


Click here to tweet this video now:
Forwarded from Project Veritas
20 MAG 12613.pdf
440.2 KB
SECRET WARRANT for our journalist's PRIVATE email account
Forwarded from General Flynn ️
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The Lifeguard: Coming Soon
Forwarded from Dan Scavino 🇺🇸
I’m not here to tell anyone what to think or how to think. Also not going to comment on any of the nonsense floating around the internet either. It’s exactly that, nonsense.

We are on the verge of some very major events heading directly toward us such as: Laptop from hell, Durham, Ukraine, Taiwan, Midterms, attacks on our kids, Trumps comeback. Just to name a few.

Stay focused! Discernment has been and always will be key to winning this information war!

Don’t get distracted now Patriots. 👊🇺🇸
Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️)
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Now that new videos of people stuffing the ballot box in Georgia have surfaced, this clip from the Georgia election fraud hearings in late 2020 is VERY relevant.

This is why we need signature verification.

Clearly the ballots were forged.
Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️)
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Putin: “The only question was one of timing…

On one hand we help people, saving them from Naziism. On the other hand, we take measures to ensure Russia’s own security.

It’s obvious we have no other choice. It’s the right decision. We have no doubt our goals will be achieved.”

Interesting to see this on the Fox News morning shows.
Forwarded from Brian Cates (Brian Cates)
You’re gonna a lot thrown at you as this crescendo builds. Don’t let your guard down is EXCELLENT ADVICE.

Just like many people instantly bought into Maxey’s claims about the 450 gb of new material he’s discovered on the laptop he got from Rudy G. , many people will also instantly buy into “there is no virus, 100,000 people across America entered into a massive conspiracy to poison us all with local water supplies”_


Psy-ops are being launched in your left and in your right.

Be careful who you follow.

GET RID OF ALL YOUR AUTHORITY FIGURES who appeal to your confirmation biases.

Research for yourself.

Don’t just instantly adopt some new claim some guy you never heard of two weeks ago presented to you.

The biggest danger MAGA has right now is that so many people have detached from reality they literally ready to believe anything.

You actually need MORE discernment and skepticism right now, not LESS.

Be your own authority.
Forwarded from The Meitryx 🇺🇸 (Lisa Mei Crowley)
Can't help but wonder if the sudden focus on this snake venom BS and tossing in the “Satan’s DNA” nonsense is because [they] needed something different to use to mock the Q community since the previous narrative about Q folks believing our government is filled with pedophiles is being proven to be true. They needed something to divert attention away from our calling out all pedos & groomers especially w/confirmation of the pedo protector to the SCOTUS.
Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️)
Media is too big
Devin Nunes talked about the Truth Social rollout this morning:

“I’ve been very, very clear. We are going to fully launch when we are ready to launch. We are not going to be dictated by some freak in the fake news media, or by any other pressures. We’re gonna launch when we’re ready…

I think it shows to the promise that we have, that President Trump has made to the American people of re-opening the internet.”

Stay patient, my friends. This is not an easy task and the TS team is doing a great job, from what I’ve seen.
Forwarded from James O'Keefe
7.3 MB
The Project Veritas legal team filed a motion DEMANDING the return of ALL equipment seized by the FBI during the unconstitutional raids on our homes last November.

There is only one way out for them - admit their wrongdoing, stand down, and get ready to pay up.

Give me back my stuff, you lawless cowards hiding behind the tin badge.
Forwarded from Brian Cates
Truth Social hasn’t launched yet. It is still in Beta testing. The staff has saying this for some time now. They opened a public Beta just for Apple users in February. The full launch hasn’t happened yet.
Forwarded from Glenn Greenwald
It's public knowledge that many writers who received large advances from Substack are neither white nor male, but the NYT printed the claim anyway that that's who gets advances because the goal of this article, as always, is to demonize any independent platform that won't censor:
Forwarded from Glenn Greenwald
"Content moderation" is the Orwellian euphemism which corporate journalists and liberals (excuse the redundancy) have created for the term "censorship."
18.3 MB
California is the mother ship of the election problem - here is how they've mastered California, showing it to you with San Diego County as an example.

This is the national goal and model.
Forwarded from Techno_Fog
Michael Sussmann's motion to dismiss has been denied. The judge rejects Sussmann's argument that his lies weren't material.

They're going to trial on May 16, absent further developments (continuance, plea, etc.)

Full doc:
I am going to say this once.
We knew about a similar snake venom homology peptide in the RBM of the Spike protein of the chimeric virus back in 2020. I even discussed how it is used in GOFR to further support my assertion that this was a manufactured virus.

By taking this old info, setting it to creepy music, dramatizing it and adding “fortune cookie” anecdotes, they have created hysteria. Is this why? Over $100 for stuff we have all been taking for 2 years?

Ingesting it gets you nowhere. Stomach acid destroys “snake venom”

It’s often used in GOFR to evade immune system- sneaky-

That said, this whole thing further edifies my assertion that the virus was made in a lab, and IMO, intentionally.