Brian Cates
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I get paid to write stuff that annoys all the right people. It's awesome.

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Forwarded from Tracy Beanz (Tracy Beanz)
They will authorize an expensive Merck “therapeutic” based on one study - sometimes two. They won’t “authorize” ivermectin after dozens of successful studies.

Doctors in South Africa are seeing mild infection with this so called “new variant”. Watching all closely.
Patrick Byrne with his lovable cat, "Che".
There is the public perception people sell to you about themselves, and most people will never question that presentation or dig underneath it. Several people who surfaced since the election theft and attached themselves to MAGA as key and vital players in the efforts to fix and expose that 2020 election theft will end being exposed by their own actions. All I have to do is wait. And then I get to write about it.
Forwarded from General Flynn ️
A couple of points to address this nonsense- and I’m addressing this because we have far more serious problems at hand that our country is facing and this will be the end of it for me—others may have the time, I don’t:

I don’t personally know these people LW mentions, Jarrin, Hancock, nor Kyle Rittenhouse. These must be people who have caused him harm. That is something Lin should deal with. Making them my problem doesn’t change anything. And if Lin raised money for Kyle Rittenhouse, great!

I don’t know this Pegasus thing LW mentions. I’ve had relationships with lots of people and entities, this is not one that I know.

It’s sad that LW has had threats to his family. Doesn’t make it right at all but join the club. That’s what the psychos we deal with do…they threaten us because they fear us.

Prayers and praying: I pray a lot, always have and always will. As I’ve said, they can take away your freedom but never your faith. If I’ve said prayers, they’re meant for good purposes, nothing more nothing less. Period.

Whatever your religion, you decide. Mine is of the Catholic faith…and I do believe we are one nation under God. The left is trying to cause division and are desperate to remove God from everything (let’s not let them do that).

Earning a living, or better stated, recovering lost earnings and costs…you bet. America got me through the past four years, I trust they’ll stand by me in the future.

Any other sins I’ve missed, I’m certain someone will mention one or two. My family and I went through unrelenting political persecution because I stood against the devil herself and helped (in a significant way) DJT get elected as POTUS. Anyone who thinks I’m deep state and then allowed the persecution and slander my family and I went through since 2016 is out of their mind (seriously).

My endorsement of Vernon Jones: I support Vernon and believe he is the best candidate to be the next Gov of Georgia. LW supports another candidate. That’s okay, that is his choice.

Judges and judging: For all the so called people of faith, there are a lot of judges among you all. Keep in mind who the ultimate Judge is and it ain’t me. What I do believe is that we have very serious issues to deal with right here in the United States of America and these massive issues are where we should be focusing our energy.

Now it’s back to my grandkids who I’m trying to spend some precious and quality time with.

God bless America 🙏🏼🇺🇸
“How we can pull General Flynn down in the Patriot movement and step into his place?” really dumb ambitious persons asked themselves. “How can we get people to stop listening to him and get them to listen to us instead?” Really really dumb people. “Perhaps we can make use of religion to get patriots to turn on him!” Amazingly dumb people. They never understood Flynn or Sidney or the movement they infiltrated. They likely won’t quit trying, though. They’ll keep hinting the General is deep state, and that his Catholicism or “satanic prayers” disqualify him. But their chances of success at turning MAGA against him over this stuff was always 0%. He’s been with Trump and taking fire for Trump for going on 6 years now. I have a far better idea of what he and family were put through and what they suffered for associating with Donald Trump and helping Trump win the White House than those who already forgot or never knew. The people spreading all this crap against him just got here 10 minutes ago by comparison. They should reconsider what they are doing.
The IC went after Flynn and tried destroy him for helping Trump beat Hillary. He spent 4+years beating the false charges they created against him. He’ll beat these false charges too. The IC will never win against him. The people who recently infiltrated MAGA since the 2020 election while waving their bibles around liberally in everyone’s faces as they yelled at anybody who criticized them must be deep state or CIA may have fooled some. They never fooled me. I know how projection works.
It’s becoming increasingly clear who’s using the platform they were handed within MAGA to sow chaos, discord and division. There’s a reason they chose now to go all in on trying to pull General Flynn down. It’s all coming apart for them. They never saw it coming. Thank you, Delaware County, PA.
Lindell's lawsuit highlights the fact that plenty of county's in places like GA have already 'lost' the election records they are required by law to preserve for 22 months. We already have one sterling example of what happens when ordinary citizens file to see their county's Nov. 2020 election records under open records laws. It happened in Delaware County, PA.
Some ordinary citizens in Delaware County PA filed under the "Right To Know' open records law to examine their county's Nov. 2020 election records so they could check them against the certified totals reported. This is exactly what Delaware County PA officials were afraid would happen. It was why they were hiding these records in a basement, hoping no one would be allowed to see them. But the court ruled they had to turn these records over. So this set off a very interesting chain of events.
Facing a court order to produce their Nov. 2020 election records, the Delaware County officials went straight to the basement where they were hiding these records and began destroying them. And a whistleblower caught this on camera.
Of course, destroying the November 2020 election records only solved half of the problem these corrupt county officials faced. They still had to comply with the court order. So with the whistleblower sitting right there in their midst, they began talking about how they could create new fake election records to replace the ones they'd just destroyed.
A whistleblower caught Delaware County, PA officials dead to rights in not just one, but TWO criminal conspiracies. First, to destroy the real election records so no one could compare them to the certified numbers, and second, to create fake records that matched the certified numbers.
All the evidence about this was presented to the US Attorney, the PA AG, and the local Delaware County DA. They all refused to act. So the ordinary citizens then filed this lawsuit and took their evidence - including undercover videos - public.
It's a hell of a lawsuit. You should read it. Turns out the county officials knew the Nov. 2020 election records were an unreconcilable mess and not within yodeling distance of the official numbers they reported that ended up being certified. Altering the records to make them match the certified results would've been a massive undertaking. Nobody wanted to do it. So they decided to hide the election records in a basement and hope they never had to produce them, while they waited for the 22 month deadline to arrive so they could legally destroy them.
Did you know that Delaware County, PA was the last county to report it's results? Trump was still ahead by over 7,000 votes at that point. Delaware County held back until they knew what official vote count they needed to report to hand Biden the win for the state. So...kind of easy to see why they really REALLY did not want anybody examining the actual election records.