3 years ago, the site of the National Museum of #Drakonberg was created. All materials are presented in Russian and English. All exhibits exist physically. The site is gradually replenished. How many #micronations have their own museum? Visit our Museum! http://muzei.vgd.name
The Head of #Drakonberg issued a decree on quarantine measures in connection with the spread of the #coronavirus epidemic in the world. We urge all #micronations to be careful. Read the details in our newspaper: https://news.vgd.name/2020/03/blog-post.html
Карантинные меры
Как известно, в марте жители ВГД празднуют чудесный весенний праздник - Новруз! К сожалению, в этом году его празднование было и усложнено...
Today we celebrate the day of knowledge and development. Why today? This is described in detail in our newspaper. And we urge all #micronations to follow the example of #Drakonberg!
Праздник знания!
Сегодня мы отмечаем третий майский праздник - День знаний и развития. Человек тем и отличается от животных, что стремится к знаниям. И долж...
Yesterday, the most beloved holiday of citizens - Nowruz - was widely celebrated on the territory of #Drakonberg.
About what kind of holiday it is, why our people love it so much and how exactly they celebrate it, read on the page https://news.vgd.name/2021/03/blog-post.html
About what kind of holiday it is, why our people love it so much and how exactly they celebrate it, read on the page https://news.vgd.name/2021/03/blog-post.html
Празднование весны
Как известно, эти два дня - вчера и сегодня - наше государство отмечает поистине великий праздник: Новруз-байрам! И мы сами, и наши предки ...
The Head of #Drakonberg has published his first e-book. This is a philosophical and erotic novel in the post-apocalypse genre. You can buy the book on the page https://plati.market/itm/3114788
The novel is in Russian.
The novel is in Russian.
Plati.Market. Digital goods marketplace.
Buy Hard choice and download
On Plati.market you can buy an Hard choice and it will cost 1$ or 0.85€
Today the citizens of #Drakonberg celebrate the Day of Peace and Remembrance. Today is the Day of Victory over Fascism and today is the birthday of Bulat Okudzhava, a front-line soldier and founder of the bard song genre.
How the residents of our country celebrate this holiday, read on the page https://news.vgd.name/2021/05/blog-post.html
How the residents of our country celebrate this holiday, read on the page https://news.vgd.name/2021/05/blog-post.html
Праздник Мира и Памяти
Этот день отмечался у нас всегда, еще задолго до появления ВГД. Несмотря на то, что наши предки не принимали непосредственного участия в бо...