Drakonberg News
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Reports of events in the life of the Virtual State of Drakonberg
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Given the negative trends in the global economy, in order to stabilize the ergid exchange rate and increase the economic resilience of the Drakonberg to external influences, the Central Bank of Drakonberg decided second time in this month to re-change the composition of the foreign exchange reserve and the monetary unit (ergid).
Read more on the page https://news.vgd.name/2020/07/blog-post_27.html
At the meeting of the Drakonberg Parliament held today, the internal budget for the coming financial year was adopted. Resolution adopted following the meeting, was published on the official website of the State. The title and purpose of some budget items were changed, and a significant increase in GDP was noted.
Read all the details on the page https://news.vgd.name/2020/08/blog-post.html
The pandemic has caused a decrease in revenues of budget of #Drakonberg. The Commission on the Economy adopted a resolution on the adjustment of budget expenditures. The resolution is published on the official website of Drakonberg in the "Government" section. Details can be read in our newspaper on the page https://news.vgd.name/2020/12/blog-post.html
Today the Head of #Drakonberg appealed to the country's population. The appeal summed up the results of 2020 and outlined plans for 2021. The economic difficulties and low foreign policy activity were noted. It is also proposed to more actively expand the site of the museum.
The full text is published on the page https://news.vgd.name/2020/12/blog-post_31.html
The Head of #Drakonberg has published his first e-book. This is a philosophical and erotic novel in the post-apocalypse genre. You can buy the book on the page https://plati.market/itm/3114788
The novel is in Russian.
Today the citizens of #Drakonberg celebrate the Day of Peace and Remembrance. Today is the Day of Victory over Fascism and today is the birthday of Bulat Okudzhava, a front-line soldier and founder of the bard song genre.
How the residents of our country celebrate this holiday, read on the page https://news.vgd.name/2021/05/blog-post.html
Today #Drakonberg celebrates 7 years from the date of its creation. Since the last holiday, we have lived in quarantine conditions, which limited our capabilities. Nevertheless, we successfully continued our development and intend to continue it in the future.
The festive address of the Head of Drakonberg to the people is published on the page https://news.vgd.name/2021/05/blog-post_11.html
Today Drakonberg celebrates an official holiday: the Day of Knowledge and Development. Today is the birthday of the outstanding Yoga Master and spiritual leader - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
Let his motto "The whole world - one family" become a reality!
See more https://news.vgd.name/2021/05/blog-post_13.html
Today, Drakonberg celebrates its second major holiday: National Domain Day. Currently, 9 state and 9 private sites are registered in the domain zone of Drakonberg. We think that their number will grow.

What is the peculiarity of this holiday and why it is so important for us, read on the page https://news.vgd.name/2021/06/blog-post.html
Yesterday, at a meeting of the Drakonberg parliament, the budget for the 2021/2022 fiscal year was adopted. Last year marked the success of the state, despite the general crisis and the pandemic.
Read more on the page https://fb.com/mediavgd
Today one of the family holidays is celebrated in Drakonberg. But the article below is about a holiday that we should have celebrated a few days ago.

Unfortunately, for technical reasons, the celebration was postponed. The article tells about the holiday itself and the reasons for its postponement.

Read our online newspaper: https://news.vgd.name/2021/10/blog-post.html
Today the Head of Drakonberg issued a Decree on anti-crisis measures. It is envisaged to ease the quarantine regime and expand work on the improvement of the territory and modernization of the state's technical equipment. Attention was also paid to food and energy security issues.

Details on the page https://news.vgd.name/2021/11/blog-post.html
By the decision of the Central Bank of Drakonberg, the composition of the gold and currency reserve and the balance of the components of the second state currency (ergid) were changed. For a detailed story about the reasons and essence of the event, read the page https://news.vgd.name/2022/01/blog-post.html
Today, the Head of Drakonberg issued a Decree on the abolition of quarantine restrictions on the territory of our state. This is due to the global epidemiological situation, as well as the fact that all citizens of Drakonberg have acquired immunity.
Details on the page https://news.vgd.name/2022/03/blog-post.html