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Be more wordy in your expressionsπŸ’―



UK οΏΌ US οΏΌ /spΙͺn/  verb  (present participle spinning, past tense spun, past participle UK also span) TURN

#Verb Endings for spin          


C1 [I or T] to (cause to) turn around and around, especially fast:

1. The Earth spins on its axis.

2. The roulette players silently watched the wheel spin around/round.

3. He was killed when his car hit a tree and spun off the road.

⚠️ Spin the ball (= make it turn around and around as you throw it) and it will change direction when it hits the ground.


pooch UK US /puːtΚƒ/  noun  [C] INFORMAL MAINLY HUMOROUS    

a dog:

1. a pampered pooch

2. a big cuddly/cute little pooch

P.S: pamper-ko'ngliga qaramoq, siylamoq

Cuddly-Odamni quchoqlagisi keladigan, yumshoq

βœ… Vocabulary time

πŸ”±Describing similarities

πŸ”ΉοΈLikewise-  singari, ...dek
πŸ”ΉοΈCorrespondingly- Mos ravishda
πŸ”ΉοΈEqually- birdek
πŸ”ΉοΈNot only… but also- nafaqat bu, balki.....
πŸ”ΉοΈIn the same way- huddi shu asnoda
πŸ”ΉοΈSimilarly- shu bilan birga

πŸ”±Showing cause and effect

πŸ”ΈοΈConsequently- Natijada
πŸ”ΈοΈAs a result- Natijasida
πŸ”ΈοΈThus- Shu sababli
πŸ”ΈοΈHence - shundan so'ng
πŸ”ΈοΈSince- sababli
πŸ”ΈοΈBecause- chunki
πŸ”ΈοΈTherefore- shuning uchun
πŸ”ΈοΈAccordingly- muvofiq ravishda
πŸ”ΈοΈThis suggests that- Bu shuni ko'rsatadiki
πŸ”ΈοΈFor this reason- shu sababli ham

πŸ”±Comparing and contrasting

πŸ”ΉοΈAlternatively- muqobil sifatida
πŸ”ΉοΈHowever- shunday bo'lsa ham
πŸ”ΉοΈOn the other hand- boshqa taraflama
πŸ”ΉοΈInstead- o'rniga
πŸ”ΉοΈOn the contrary- taqqoslaganda
πŸ”ΉοΈDespite/in spite of- ...ga qaramasdan
πŸ”ΉοΈWhile (not whilst!)- esa
πŸ”ΉοΈEven so- shunga qaramasdan
πŸ”ΉοΈNevertheless- shunga qaramay
πŸ”ΉοΈNonetheless- shunday bo'lsa ham
πŸ”ΉοΈAdmittedly-tan olish kerakki


βœ… Useful

Eng ko'p ishlatiladigan iboralar! 1-qism

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ Inglizcha/O'zbekcha πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Ώ

πŸ“‹ Salomlashish 🀝

πŸ”Έ Hello!
/Goodbye! β€” Salom/Xayr
πŸ”Έ Good morning! β€” Hayrli tong!
πŸ”Έ Good afternoon! – Hayrli kun!
πŸ”Έ Good evening! – Hayrli kech!

πŸ“‹ Tanishish

πŸ”Έ What is your name? – Ismingiz nima?
πŸ”Έ My name is… β€” Mening ismim…
πŸ”Έ Nice to meet you – Tanishganimdan hursandman.
πŸ”Έ How are you doing? – Qandaysiz?
πŸ”Έ Can you help me? – Menga yordam bera olasizmi?

πŸ“‹ Ifodalar

πŸ”Έ Please/ Thank you – Iltimos/Rahmat
πŸ”Έ Sorry – Kechirasiz
πŸ”Έ I don't understand – Men tushunmadim.
πŸ”Έ Please speak more slowly – Iltimos, sekinroq gapirsangiz.
πŸ”Έ Could you repeat that? – Qaytara olasizmi?

πŸ“‹ So'rash

πŸ”Έ Lets go to… β€” Keling ...ga boramiz
πŸ”Έ I'm looking for… β€” …ni qidirib yuribman
πŸ”Έ Where is …? β€” … qayerda?
πŸ”Έ How do I get to …? β€” …ga qanday yetib olsam bo'ladi?
πŸ”Έ How do you say that? – Mana buni sizlar nima deysizlar?
πŸ”Έ How much is this? – Mana bu nech pul turadi?
πŸ”Έ Can I ask you a question? – Savol so'rasam maylimi?

πŸ”Έ I am from … β€” Men …danman
πŸ”Έ Can you help me practice English? – Ingliz tili bilan shug'ullanishimga yordam berolmaysizmi?
πŸ”Έ Could you write it down on paper- Buni qog'ozga yozib bera olmaysizmi?
πŸ”Έ What does this word mean? – Bu so'z nimani anglatadi?
πŸ”Έ How do you use this word? – Bu so'zni qanday ishlatasizlar?
πŸ”Έ Did I say it correctly? – To'g'ri aytdimmi?

πŸ“‹ Hissiyotlar

πŸ”Έ I am hungry – Men och qoldim
πŸ”Έ I am thirsty – Chanqadim
πŸ”Έ I am cold – Men sovuqqotdim
πŸ”Έ I am feeling sick – Men o'zimni yomon his qilyapman

πŸ“‹ Vaqt

πŸ”Έ What time is it? – Soat necha?
πŸ”Έ This food is amazing! – Taom juda ajoyib ekan!
πŸ”Έ I need to go now – Men endi ketishim kerak
πŸ”Έ Today/Yesterday/Tomorrow – Bugun/Kecha/ Ertaga
πŸ”Έ Can you give me an example? – Menga bir misol ayta olasizmi?
πŸ”Έ Please wait a moment – Bir daqiqa kuting iltimos

πŸ“‹ E'tiborni Tortish

πŸ”Έ Excuse me! – Кechirasiz! (E'tiborni tortish uchun ishlatiladi)
πŸ”Έ I am sorry to bother you. – Bezovta qilayotganim uchun uzr so'rayman 
πŸ”Έ Does anybody here speak Russian? – Bu yerda kimdir rus tilida gapirmadimi?
πŸ”Έ I don't speak English very well β€” Men ingliz tilida uncha yaxshi gapira olmayman
πŸ”Έ I speak English a little bit. – Men ingliz tilida biroz gaplasha olaman!

Do'stlaringizga ham ulashingβœ…


Forwarded from English language is my life!!! (Sobirov Doniyorbek)
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πŸŽ₯ IELTS Band 7.5+ Vocabulary for Speaking - Topic: Music

This video consists of two section:

β€” Vocabulary
β€” Sample Band 8+

#Vocabulary #Speaking #IELTS
Channel which you searchπŸ‘‡
πŸ‘‰ @Learn_English_Tongue

🚩Mavzu: Hamma

πŸ’₯ hamma

βœ… all;
βœ… (kishi) everybody, everyone;
βœ… (narsa) everything;

hamma o'rnidan turdi β€” everybody stood up;
hamma narsa β€” everything;
hamma o'quvchilar β€” all the pupils;
hamma vaqt β€” all the time, always;
hamma joyda β€” everywhere;
hamma ish joyida β€” everything's alright;
hamma (odam) bir xil emas β€” not all the people are the same;
hamma yoq β€” around, all round;
hammang(iz) β€” all of you;
(har biringiz) β€” everyone of you;
hammamiz β€” all of us;
(har birimiz) β€” everyone of us;
hammasi β€” all of them;
(har biri) β€” everyone;
(narsa haqida) β€” everything;
hammasi yaxshi β€” everything is OK;
hammasi bo'lib β€” in all
hamma narsa bo'lishi mumkin β€”  anything can happen
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Forwarded from English language is my life!!! (Sobirov Doniyorbek)
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πŸŽ₯ IELTS Band 7.5+ Vocabulary for Speaking - Topic: Music

This video consists of two section:

β€” Vocabulary
β€” Sample Band 8+

#Vocabulary #Speaking #IELTS
Channel which you searchπŸ‘‡
πŸ‘‰ @Learn_English_Tongue
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"Kimgadir ishonish', "suyanish"

Count on sb

Watch the video:

"He's lost his mind. There's no way we can count on him''

"U aqlini yo'qotgan. Unga ishonishning umuman iloji yo'q"


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πŸ”€πŸ”€πŸ”€πŸ”€ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 πŸ”€πŸ”€πŸ”€πŸ”€πŸ”€
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