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Good morning community! We hope you have a lovely weekend and kindly invite you to check out our 2nd residency on digitalfeminism.net and our Instagram chanel!

Animistic Beliefs & Jeisson Drenth have taken over our accounts and will present a different part of their ever-evolving A/V project, CACHE/SPIRIT, every day for the next week!
Today, check out the first experimental publication by Animistic Belief and Jeisson Drenth on our website! And have a great Sunday!
Don't forget to make checking out our website part of your daily routine as Animistic Beliefs and Jeisson Drenth keep posting new content every day - today is a small techno warmup for their third and final experimental publication tomorrow!
⚠️ Includes flashing imagery
Hey ravers🌪️Today's the last opportunity to experience Animistic Beliefs & Jeisson Drenth dope as residency, interact with their fetch photogrammetry models and read their intimate digital conversations on our website - see you on the dancefloor
⚠️ flashing images ⚠️
"Post-colonialism research being connected to current happenings, from a disporatic context."
Check out Moesha13s' work, online until Thursday. Last Online Residency for this yeah!
Don't forget to check out Moesha13's residency on our website!
Dears! Long time no see. 🔥

The instituion "Akadamie Schloss Solitude" invited us to curate a call for their Web Residencie Programme and we were so exhausted from capitalism, the pandemic and life in general that we made this the calls' subject:


Apply until November 15th and let us know what you think about this.

☂️ This call was curated by Andara Shastika, Sarah Fartuun Heinze, Franziska Goralski & Ulla Heinrich for dgtl fmnsm.

🔥😈 "FACE Your Demons!"
Es gibt für kommende Woche Donnerstag noch Plätze in unserer Onlinereihe/Workshop/Desktopshow "FACE" 🔹online🔹 im HAU Hebel am Ufer.
👉🏻 Anmeldung bis morgen möglich.

"In der interaktiven Workshop-Reihe “FACE” wird experimentiert, um aktuelle und zukünftige Technologien selbstbestimmt und politisch zu nutzen. In der sechsten und finalen Ausgabe “FACE Your Demons” untersucht das Team von dgtl fmnsm gemeinsam mit Künstler:in Andara Shastika den Zusammenhang von Monstern, Geistern und Technologie aus einer feministischen und postkolonialen Perspektive."
