Публикатор: Евгений
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #DevOps #удаленно #Blockchain #Ethereum #Validator
Компания: SOLANA
Локация: Russia
Вакансия: Middle (Senior) DevOps Engineer
Формат работы: remote
Уровень ЗП: 3000-5500$ (5700-8000$)
Компания в поиске кандидатов с опытом программирования на Golang или Rust, имеющих опыт работы над проектами с криптой или финансами.
Кандидаты, имеющие сертификацию Google Cloud: Cloud DevOps Engineer, Cloud Security Engineer, Cloud Network Engineer - в приоритете!!!
Кандидаты, имеющие сертификацию AWS: DevOps Engineer Professional, Adwanced Networking (Cloud), Security (Cloud) - в приоритете.
Сертификаты интересны только Professional уровня (security, networking, devops), начальные не интересны. Особенно хорошо, если есть сразу несколько из них - Security+Networks, Security+DevOps, Security+Networking+DevOps и т.д.
Если Вам кажется, что Вы наш кандидат, скорее вышлите нам резюме: @yauhen74
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #DevOps #удаленно #Blockchain #Ethereum #Validator
Компания: SOLANA
Локация: Russia
Вакансия: Middle (Senior) DevOps Engineer
Формат работы: remote
Уровень ЗП: 3000-5500$ (5700-8000$)
Компания в поиске кандидатов с опытом программирования на Golang или Rust, имеющих опыт работы над проектами с криптой или финансами.
Кандидаты, имеющие сертификацию Google Cloud: Cloud DevOps Engineer, Cloud Security Engineer, Cloud Network Engineer - в приоритете!!!
Кандидаты, имеющие сертификацию AWS: DevOps Engineer Professional, Adwanced Networking (Cloud), Security (Cloud) - в приоритете.
Сертификаты интересны только Professional уровня (security, networking, devops), начальные не интересны. Особенно хорошо, если есть сразу несколько из них - Security+Networks, Security+DevOps, Security+Networking+DevOps и т.д.
Если Вам кажется, что Вы наш кандидат, скорее вышлите нам резюме: @yauhen74
Публикатор: Garun Makhmudov
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #DevOps #remote #blockchain #ethereum #solana #terra #Linux #Docker #TCP/IP #английский #B2 #NeonLabs
Позиция: Sr. DevOps Engineer
Формат работы: удаленка
Зарплатная вилка: 6-8К$
Компания Neon в поисках профессионального DevOps инженера, увлеченного блокчейн технологиями и готового к сложным задачам.
Сайт: https://neon-labs.org/
Необходимые навыки:
Более 4 лет опыта внедрения, устранения неполадок и поддержки ПО
Опыт написания/изменения кода для улучшения мониторинга и автоматизации
Опыт работы с Linux, Docker, сетями TCP/IP
Опыт настройки Solana/Ethereum/Terra или других блокчейн-технологий.
1. Создание архитектуры, обеспечивающей надежность, масштабируемость и производительность серверов, работающих круглосуточно и без выходных.
2. Разработка, обслуживание и поддержка технической инфраструктуры, оборудования и компонентов системного программного обеспечения.
3. Совершенствование и улучшение процессов тестирования и проверки выпусков, которые проходят этапы разработки, промежуточной подготовки и производственной среды.
1. Конкурентная рыночная заработная плата по итогам собеседования исходя из профессиональных навыков и реального опыта
2. Работа в революционной и быстрорастущей отрасли, где возможности безграничны 🚀
P.S. Кандидату необходимо иметь зарубежный счет (не российский)
Писать: @garun_RedCode
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #DevOps #remote #blockchain #ethereum #solana #terra #Linux #Docker #TCP/IP #английский #B2 #NeonLabs
Позиция: Sr. DevOps Engineer
Формат работы: удаленка
Зарплатная вилка: 6-8К$
Компания Neon в поисках профессионального DevOps инженера, увлеченного блокчейн технологиями и готового к сложным задачам.
Сайт: https://neon-labs.org/
Необходимые навыки:
Более 4 лет опыта внедрения, устранения неполадок и поддержки ПО
Опыт написания/изменения кода для улучшения мониторинга и автоматизации
Опыт работы с Linux, Docker, сетями TCP/IP
Опыт настройки Solana/Ethereum/Terra или других блокчейн-технологий.
1. Создание архитектуры, обеспечивающей надежность, масштабируемость и производительность серверов, работающих круглосуточно и без выходных.
2. Разработка, обслуживание и поддержка технической инфраструктуры, оборудования и компонентов системного программного обеспечения.
3. Совершенствование и улучшение процессов тестирования и проверки выпусков, которые проходят этапы разработки, промежуточной подготовки и производственной среды.
1. Конкурентная рыночная заработная плата по итогам собеседования исходя из профессиональных навыков и реального опыта
2. Работа в революционной и быстрорастущей отрасли, где возможности безграничны 🚀
P.S. Кандидату необходимо иметь зарубежный счет (не российский)
Писать: @garun_RedCode
Публикатор: Garun Makhmudov
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #job #DevOps #remote #blockchain #ethereum #solana #terra #Linux #Docker #TCP/IP #английский #B2 #NeonLabs
Позиция: Sr. DevOps Engineer
Формат работы: #удаленка
Зарплатная вилка: 6-8К$
Компания Neon в поисках профессионального DevOps инженера, увлеченного блокчейн технологиями и готового к сложным задачам.
Сайт: https://neon-labs.org/
Необходимые навыки:
Более 4 лет опыта внедрения, устранения неполадок и поддержки ПО
Опыт написания/изменения кода для улучшения мониторинга и автоматизации
Опыт работы с Linux, Docker, сетями TCP/IP
Опыт настройки Solana/Ethereum/Terra или других блокчейн-технологий.
1. Создание архитектуры, обеспечивающей надежность, масштабируемость и производительность серверов, работающих круглосуточно и без выходных.
2. Разработка, обслуживание и поддержка технической инфраструктуры, оборудования и компонентов системного программного обеспечения.
3. Совершенствование и улучшение процессов тестирования и проверки выпусков, которые проходят этапы разработки, промежуточной подготовки и производственной среды.
1. Конкурентная рыночная заработная плата по итогам собеседования исходя из профессиональных навыков и реального опыта
2. Работа в революционной и быстрорастущей отрасли, где возможности безграничны 🚀
P.S. Кандидату необходимо иметь зарубежный счет (не российский)
Писать: @garun_RedCode
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #job #DevOps #remote #blockchain #ethereum #solana #terra #Linux #Docker #TCP/IP #английский #B2 #NeonLabs
Позиция: Sr. DevOps Engineer
Формат работы: #удаленка
Зарплатная вилка: 6-8К$
Компания Neon в поисках профессионального DevOps инженера, увлеченного блокчейн технологиями и готового к сложным задачам.
Сайт: https://neon-labs.org/
Необходимые навыки:
Более 4 лет опыта внедрения, устранения неполадок и поддержки ПО
Опыт написания/изменения кода для улучшения мониторинга и автоматизации
Опыт работы с Linux, Docker, сетями TCP/IP
Опыт настройки Solana/Ethereum/Terra или других блокчейн-технологий.
1. Создание архитектуры, обеспечивающей надежность, масштабируемость и производительность серверов, работающих круглосуточно и без выходных.
2. Разработка, обслуживание и поддержка технической инфраструктуры, оборудования и компонентов системного программного обеспечения.
3. Совершенствование и улучшение процессов тестирования и проверки выпусков, которые проходят этапы разработки, промежуточной подготовки и производственной среды.
1. Конкурентная рыночная заработная плата по итогам собеседования исходя из профессиональных навыков и реального опыта
2. Работа в революционной и быстрорастущей отрасли, где возможности безграничны 🚀
P.S. Кандидату необходимо иметь зарубежный счет (не российский)
Писать: @garun_RedCode
Публикатор: Garun Makhmudov
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #DevOps #remote #blockchain #ethereum #solana #terra #Linux #Docker #TCP/IP #английский #B2 #RedCode
Позиция: Sr. DevOps Engineer
Формат работы: удаленка
Зарплатная вилка: 6-8К$
Агентство RedCode в поисках профессионального DevOps инженера, увлеченного блокчейн технологиями и готового к сложным задачам.
Необходимые навыки:
Более 4 лет опыта внедрения, устранения неполадок и поддержки ПО
Опыт написания/изменения кода для улучшения мониторинга и автоматизации
Опыт работы с Linux, Docker, сетями TCP/IP
Опыт настройки Solana/Ethereum/Terra или других блокчейн-технологий.
1. Создание архитектуры, обеспечивающей надежность, масштабируемость и производительность серверов, работающих круглосуточно и без выходных.
2. Разработка, обслуживание и поддержка технической инфраструктуры, оборудования и компонентов системного программного обеспечения.
3. Совершенствование и улучшение процессов тестирования и проверки выпусков, которые проходят этапы разработки, промежуточной подготовки и производственной среды.
1. Конкурентная рыночная заработная плата по итогам собеседования исходя из профессиональных навыков и реального опыта
2. Работа в революционной и быстрорастущей отрасли, где возможности безграничны 🚀
P.S. Кандидату необходимо иметь зарубежный счет (не российский)
Писать: @garun_RedCode, IT-агентство RedCode
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #DevOps #remote #blockchain #ethereum #solana #terra #Linux #Docker #TCP/IP #английский #B2 #RedCode
Позиция: Sr. DevOps Engineer
Формат работы: удаленка
Зарплатная вилка: 6-8К$
Агентство RedCode в поисках профессионального DevOps инженера, увлеченного блокчейн технологиями и готового к сложным задачам.
Необходимые навыки:
Более 4 лет опыта внедрения, устранения неполадок и поддержки ПО
Опыт написания/изменения кода для улучшения мониторинга и автоматизации
Опыт работы с Linux, Docker, сетями TCP/IP
Опыт настройки Solana/Ethereum/Terra или других блокчейн-технологий.
1. Создание архитектуры, обеспечивающей надежность, масштабируемость и производительность серверов, работающих круглосуточно и без выходных.
2. Разработка, обслуживание и поддержка технической инфраструктуры, оборудования и компонентов системного программного обеспечения.
3. Совершенствование и улучшение процессов тестирования и проверки выпусков, которые проходят этапы разработки, промежуточной подготовки и производственной среды.
1. Конкурентная рыночная заработная плата по итогам собеседования исходя из профессиональных навыков и реального опыта
2. Работа в революционной и быстрорастущей отрасли, где возможности безграничны 🚀
P.S. Кандидату необходимо иметь зарубежный счет (не российский)
Писать: @garun_RedCode, IT-агентство RedCode
Публикатор: Vitaliy Gasnikov
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #job #работа #devops #senior #linux #docker #tcpip #solana #ethereum #terra
Вакансия: DevOps Engineer Senior;
Компания: blockchain company;
Уровень зп: от 6 000 до 8 000 $ net;
Локация: remote;
Занятость: full-time, 5/2;
We are building high-performance, open source platform for launching decentralized applications on the Solana blockchain using the same programming languages and developer tooling as Ethereum. Ethereum developers can scale performance and access new liquidity without significant code changes, or build scalable applications from day one.
Now we are looking for a full-time Senior DevOps Engineer to join our team.
6+ years of experience implementing, troubleshooting, and supporting core infrastructure software and/or distributed systems.
Experience in configuration management, automation efforts, technical troubleshooting, and performance tuning for 24/7 systems.
Scripting experience in writing and modifying code to improve monitoring and automation.
Experience with Linux, Docker, systems automation tools, and systems architecture tools.
Experience with TCP/IP networking, architecture, and distributed systems.
Experience with configuring the Solana/Ethereum/Terra or other blockchain technologies.
Key Responsibilities:
Create architecture, designs, and documentation that will lead to consistent reliability, scalability, security, and performance of the 24/7 servers.
Develop, maintain, and support technical infrastructure, hardware, and system software components.
Refine and enhance processes that allow for proper testing and validation of releases that go from development to staging to production environments.
Stay up to date on the latest technology in our space. Interact effectively with other team members to accomplish shared projects.
Competitive salary.
Holidays: 24 working days during a year, with compensation if not taken.
Working in a fast-growing and disruptive industry where the possibilities are endless.
Salary level from $ 6 000 to $ 8 000 net.
Fully remote: your life, your way of working.
Freedom, autonomy, and responsibility.
Learning opportunities.
Token options TBD.
For all questions write to Telegram @leonety_lety and on email igwtforever7@gmail.com
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #job #работа #devops #senior #linux #docker #tcpip #solana #ethereum #terra
Вакансия: DevOps Engineer Senior;
Компания: blockchain company;
Уровень зп: от 6 000 до 8 000 $ net;
Локация: remote;
Занятость: full-time, 5/2;
We are building high-performance, open source platform for launching decentralized applications on the Solana blockchain using the same programming languages and developer tooling as Ethereum. Ethereum developers can scale performance and access new liquidity without significant code changes, or build scalable applications from day one.
Now we are looking for a full-time Senior DevOps Engineer to join our team.
6+ years of experience implementing, troubleshooting, and supporting core infrastructure software and/or distributed systems.
Experience in configuration management, automation efforts, technical troubleshooting, and performance tuning for 24/7 systems.
Scripting experience in writing and modifying code to improve monitoring and automation.
Experience with Linux, Docker, systems automation tools, and systems architecture tools.
Experience with TCP/IP networking, architecture, and distributed systems.
Experience with configuring the Solana/Ethereum/Terra or other blockchain technologies.
Key Responsibilities:
Create architecture, designs, and documentation that will lead to consistent reliability, scalability, security, and performance of the 24/7 servers.
Develop, maintain, and support technical infrastructure, hardware, and system software components.
Refine and enhance processes that allow for proper testing and validation of releases that go from development to staging to production environments.
Stay up to date on the latest technology in our space. Interact effectively with other team members to accomplish shared projects.
Competitive salary.
Holidays: 24 working days during a year, with compensation if not taken.
Working in a fast-growing and disruptive industry where the possibilities are endless.
Salary level from $ 6 000 to $ 8 000 net.
Fully remote: your life, your way of working.
Freedom, autonomy, and responsibility.
Learning opportunities.
Token options TBD.
For all questions write to Telegram @leonety_lety and on email igwtforever7@gmail.com
Публикатор: Vitaliy Gasnikov
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #job #работа #devops #senior #linux #docker #tcpip #solana #ethereum #terra
Вакансия: DevOps Engineer Senior;
Компания: blockchain company;
Уровень зп: от 6 000 до 8 000 $ net;
Локация: remote;
Занятость: full-time, 5/2;
We are building high-performance, open source platform for launching decentralized applications on the Solana blockchain using the same programming languages and developer tooling as Ethereum. Ethereum developers can scale performance and access new liquidity without significant code changes, or build scalable applications from day one.
Now we are looking for a full-time Senior DevOps Engineer to join our team.
6+ years of experience implementing, troubleshooting, and supporting core infrastructure software and/or distributed systems.
Experience in configuration management, automation efforts, technical troubleshooting, and performance tuning for 24/7 systems.
Scripting experience in writing and modifying code to improve monitoring and automation.
Experience with Linux, Docker, systems automation tools, and systems architecture tools.
Experience with TCP/IP networking, architecture, and distributed systems.
Experience with configuring the Solana/Ethereum/Terra or other blockchain technologies.
Key Responsibilities:
Create architecture, designs, and documentation that will lead to consistent reliability, scalability, security, and performance of the 24/7 servers.
Develop, maintain, and support technical infrastructure, hardware, and system software components.
Refine and enhance processes that allow for proper testing and validation of releases that go from development to staging to production environments.
Stay up to date on the latest technology in our space. Interact effectively with other team members to accomplish shared projects.
Competitive salary.
Holidays: 24 working days during a year, with compensation if not taken.
Working in a fast-growing and disruptive industry where the possibilities are endless.
Salary level from $ 6 000 to $ 8 000 net.
Fully remote: your life, your way of working.
Freedom, autonomy, and responsibility.
Learning opportunities.
Token options TBD.
For all questions write to Telegram @leonety_lety and on email igwtforever7@gmail.com
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #job #работа #devops #senior #linux #docker #tcpip #solana #ethereum #terra
Вакансия: DevOps Engineer Senior;
Компания: blockchain company;
Уровень зп: от 6 000 до 8 000 $ net;
Локация: remote;
Занятость: full-time, 5/2;
We are building high-performance, open source platform for launching decentralized applications on the Solana blockchain using the same programming languages and developer tooling as Ethereum. Ethereum developers can scale performance and access new liquidity without significant code changes, or build scalable applications from day one.
Now we are looking for a full-time Senior DevOps Engineer to join our team.
6+ years of experience implementing, troubleshooting, and supporting core infrastructure software and/or distributed systems.
Experience in configuration management, automation efforts, technical troubleshooting, and performance tuning for 24/7 systems.
Scripting experience in writing and modifying code to improve monitoring and automation.
Experience with Linux, Docker, systems automation tools, and systems architecture tools.
Experience with TCP/IP networking, architecture, and distributed systems.
Experience with configuring the Solana/Ethereum/Terra or other blockchain technologies.
Key Responsibilities:
Create architecture, designs, and documentation that will lead to consistent reliability, scalability, security, and performance of the 24/7 servers.
Develop, maintain, and support technical infrastructure, hardware, and system software components.
Refine and enhance processes that allow for proper testing and validation of releases that go from development to staging to production environments.
Stay up to date on the latest technology in our space. Interact effectively with other team members to accomplish shared projects.
Competitive salary.
Holidays: 24 working days during a year, with compensation if not taken.
Working in a fast-growing and disruptive industry where the possibilities are endless.
Salary level from $ 6 000 to $ 8 000 net.
Fully remote: your life, your way of working.
Freedom, autonomy, and responsibility.
Learning opportunities.
Token options TBD.
For all questions write to Telegram @leonety_lety and on email igwtforever7@gmail.com
Публикатор: Vitaliy Gasnikov
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #job #работа #devops #senior #linux #docker #tcpip #solana #ethereum #terra
Вакансия: DevOps Engineer Senior;
Компания: blockchain company;
Уровень зп: от 6 000 до 8 000 $ net;
Локация: remote;
Занятость: full-time, 5/2;
We are building high-performance, open source platform for launching decentralized applications on the Solana blockchain using the same programming languages and developer tooling as Ethereum. Ethereum developers can scale performance and access new liquidity without significant code changes, or build scalable applications from day one.
Now we are looking for a full-time Senior DevOps Engineer to join our team.
6+ years of experience implementing, troubleshooting, and supporting core infrastructure software and/or distributed systems.
Experience in configuration management, automation efforts, technical troubleshooting, and performance tuning for 24/7 systems.
Scripting experience in writing and modifying code to improve monitoring and automation.
Experience with Linux, Docker, systems automation tools, and systems architecture tools.
Experience with TCP/IP networking, architecture, and distributed systems.
Experience with configuring the Solana/Ethereum/Terra or other blockchain technologies.
Key Responsibilities:
Create architecture, designs, and documentation that will lead to consistent reliability, scalability, security, and performance of the 24/7 servers.
Develop, maintain, and support technical infrastructure, hardware, and system software components.
Refine and enhance processes that allow for proper testing and validation of releases that go from development to staging to production environments.
Stay up to date on the latest technology in our space. Interact effectively with other team members to accomplish shared projects.
Competitive salary.
Holidays: 24 working days during a year, with compensation if not taken.
Working in a fast-growing and disruptive industry where the possibilities are endless.
Salary level from $ 6 000 to $ 8 000 net.
Fully remote: your life, your way of working.
Freedom, autonomy, and responsibility.
Learning opportunities.
Token options TBD.
For all questions write to Telegram @leonety_lety and on email igwtforever7@gmail.com
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #job #работа #devops #senior #linux #docker #tcpip #solana #ethereum #terra
Вакансия: DevOps Engineer Senior;
Компания: blockchain company;
Уровень зп: от 6 000 до 8 000 $ net;
Локация: remote;
Занятость: full-time, 5/2;
We are building high-performance, open source platform for launching decentralized applications on the Solana blockchain using the same programming languages and developer tooling as Ethereum. Ethereum developers can scale performance and access new liquidity without significant code changes, or build scalable applications from day one.
Now we are looking for a full-time Senior DevOps Engineer to join our team.
6+ years of experience implementing, troubleshooting, and supporting core infrastructure software and/or distributed systems.
Experience in configuration management, automation efforts, technical troubleshooting, and performance tuning for 24/7 systems.
Scripting experience in writing and modifying code to improve monitoring and automation.
Experience with Linux, Docker, systems automation tools, and systems architecture tools.
Experience with TCP/IP networking, architecture, and distributed systems.
Experience with configuring the Solana/Ethereum/Terra or other blockchain technologies.
Key Responsibilities:
Create architecture, designs, and documentation that will lead to consistent reliability, scalability, security, and performance of the 24/7 servers.
Develop, maintain, and support technical infrastructure, hardware, and system software components.
Refine and enhance processes that allow for proper testing and validation of releases that go from development to staging to production environments.
Stay up to date on the latest technology in our space. Interact effectively with other team members to accomplish shared projects.
Competitive salary.
Holidays: 24 working days during a year, with compensation if not taken.
Working in a fast-growing and disruptive industry where the possibilities are endless.
Salary level from $ 6 000 to $ 8 000 net.
Fully remote: your life, your way of working.
Freedom, autonomy, and responsibility.
Learning opportunities.
Token options TBD.
For all questions write to Telegram @leonety_lety and on email igwtforever7@gmail.com
Публикатор: Vitaliy Gasnikov
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #job #работа #devops #senior #linux #docker #tcpip #solana #ethereum #terra
Вакансия: DevOps Engineer Senior;
Компания: blockchain company;
Уровень зп: от 6 000 до 8 000 $ net;
Локация: remote;
Занятость: full-time, 5/2;
We are building high-performance, open source platform for launching decentralized applications on the Solana blockchain using the same programming languages and developer tooling as Ethereum. Ethereum developers can scale performance and access new liquidity without significant code changes, or build scalable applications from day one.
Now we are looking for a full-time Senior DevOps Engineer to join our team.
6+ years of experience implementing, troubleshooting, and supporting core infrastructure software and/or distributed systems.
Experience in configuration management, automation efforts, technical troubleshooting, and performance tuning for 24/7 systems.
Scripting experience in writing and modifying code to improve monitoring and automation.
Experience with Linux, Docker, systems automation tools, and systems architecture tools.
Experience with TCP/IP networking, architecture, and distributed systems.
Experience with configuring the Solana/Ethereum/Terra or other blockchain technologies.
Key Responsibilities:
Create architecture, designs, and documentation that will lead to consistent reliability, scalability, security, and performance of the 24/7 servers.
Develop, maintain, and support technical infrastructure, hardware, and system software components.
Refine and enhance processes that allow for proper testing and validation of releases that go from development to staging to production environments.
Stay up to date on the latest technology in our space. Interact effectively with other team members to accomplish shared projects.
Competitive salary.
Holidays: 24 working days during a year, with compensation if not taken.
Working in a fast-growing and disruptive industry where the possibilities are endless.
Salary level from $ 6 000 to $ 8 000 net.
Fully remote: your life, your way of working.
Freedom, autonomy, and responsibility.
Learning opportunities.
Token options TBD.
For all questions write to Telegram @leonety_lety and on email igwtforever7@gmail.com
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #job #работа #devops #senior #linux #docker #tcpip #solana #ethereum #terra
Вакансия: DevOps Engineer Senior;
Компания: blockchain company;
Уровень зп: от 6 000 до 8 000 $ net;
Локация: remote;
Занятость: full-time, 5/2;
We are building high-performance, open source platform for launching decentralized applications on the Solana blockchain using the same programming languages and developer tooling as Ethereum. Ethereum developers can scale performance and access new liquidity without significant code changes, or build scalable applications from day one.
Now we are looking for a full-time Senior DevOps Engineer to join our team.
6+ years of experience implementing, troubleshooting, and supporting core infrastructure software and/or distributed systems.
Experience in configuration management, automation efforts, technical troubleshooting, and performance tuning for 24/7 systems.
Scripting experience in writing and modifying code to improve monitoring and automation.
Experience with Linux, Docker, systems automation tools, and systems architecture tools.
Experience with TCP/IP networking, architecture, and distributed systems.
Experience with configuring the Solana/Ethereum/Terra or other blockchain technologies.
Key Responsibilities:
Create architecture, designs, and documentation that will lead to consistent reliability, scalability, security, and performance of the 24/7 servers.
Develop, maintain, and support technical infrastructure, hardware, and system software components.
Refine and enhance processes that allow for proper testing and validation of releases that go from development to staging to production environments.
Stay up to date on the latest technology in our space. Interact effectively with other team members to accomplish shared projects.
Competitive salary.
Holidays: 24 working days during a year, with compensation if not taken.
Working in a fast-growing and disruptive industry where the possibilities are endless.
Salary level from $ 6 000 to $ 8 000 net.
Fully remote: your life, your way of working.
Freedom, autonomy, and responsibility.
Learning opportunities.
Token options TBD.
For all questions write to Telegram @leonety_lety and on email igwtforever7@gmail.com
Публикатор: Vitaliy Gasnikov
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #job #работа #devops #senior #linux #docker #tcpip #solana #ethereum #terra
Вакансия: DevOps Engineer Senior;
Компания: blockchain company;
Уровень зп: от 6 000 до 8 000 $ net;
Локация: remote;
Занятость: full-time, 5/2;
We are building high-performance, open source platform for launching decentralized applications on the Solana blockchain using the same programming languages and developer tooling as Ethereum. Ethereum developers can scale performance and access new liquidity without significant code changes, or build scalable applications from day one.
Now we are looking for a full-time Senior DevOps Engineer to join our team.
6+ years of experience implementing, troubleshooting, and supporting core infrastructure software and/or distributed systems.
Experience in configuration management, automation efforts, technical troubleshooting, and performance tuning for 24/7 systems.
Scripting experience in writing and modifying code to improve monitoring and automation.
Experience with Linux, Docker, systems automation tools, and systems architecture tools.
Experience with TCP/IP networking, architecture, and distributed systems.
Experience with configuring the Solana/Ethereum/Terra or other blockchain technologies.
Key Responsibilities:
Create architecture, designs, and documentation that will lead to consistent reliability, scalability, security, and performance of the 24/7 servers.
Develop, maintain, and support technical infrastructure, hardware, and system software components.
Refine and enhance processes that allow for proper testing and validation of releases that go from development to staging to production environments.
Stay up to date on the latest technology in our space. Interact effectively with other team members to accomplish shared projects.
Competitive salary.
Holidays: 24 working days during a year, with compensation if not taken.
Working in a fast-growing and disruptive industry where the possibilities are endless.
Salary level from $ 6 000 to $ 8 000 net.
Fully remote: your life, your way of working.
Freedom, autonomy, and responsibility.
Learning opportunities.
Token options TBD.
For all questions write to Telegram @leonety_lety and on email igwtforever7@gmail.com
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #job #работа #devops #senior #linux #docker #tcpip #solana #ethereum #terra
Вакансия: DevOps Engineer Senior;
Компания: blockchain company;
Уровень зп: от 6 000 до 8 000 $ net;
Локация: remote;
Занятость: full-time, 5/2;
We are building high-performance, open source platform for launching decentralized applications on the Solana blockchain using the same programming languages and developer tooling as Ethereum. Ethereum developers can scale performance and access new liquidity without significant code changes, or build scalable applications from day one.
Now we are looking for a full-time Senior DevOps Engineer to join our team.
6+ years of experience implementing, troubleshooting, and supporting core infrastructure software and/or distributed systems.
Experience in configuration management, automation efforts, technical troubleshooting, and performance tuning for 24/7 systems.
Scripting experience in writing and modifying code to improve monitoring and automation.
Experience with Linux, Docker, systems automation tools, and systems architecture tools.
Experience with TCP/IP networking, architecture, and distributed systems.
Experience with configuring the Solana/Ethereum/Terra or other blockchain technologies.
Key Responsibilities:
Create architecture, designs, and documentation that will lead to consistent reliability, scalability, security, and performance of the 24/7 servers.
Develop, maintain, and support technical infrastructure, hardware, and system software components.
Refine and enhance processes that allow for proper testing and validation of releases that go from development to staging to production environments.
Stay up to date on the latest technology in our space. Interact effectively with other team members to accomplish shared projects.
Competitive salary.
Holidays: 24 working days during a year, with compensation if not taken.
Working in a fast-growing and disruptive industry where the possibilities are endless.
Salary level from $ 6 000 to $ 8 000 net.
Fully remote: your life, your way of working.
Freedom, autonomy, and responsibility.
Learning opportunities.
Token options TBD.
For all questions write to Telegram @leonety_lety and on email igwtforever7@gmail.com
Публикатор: Vitaliy Gasnikov
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #job #работа #devops #senior #linux #docker #tcpip #solana #ethereum #terra
Вакансия: DevOps Engineer Senior;
Компания: blockchain company;
Уровень зп: от 6 000 до 8 000 $ net;
Локация: remote;
Занятость: full-time, 5/2;
We are building high-performance, open source platform for launching decentralized applications on the Solana blockchain using the same programming languages and developer tooling as Ethereum. Ethereum developers can scale performance and access new liquidity without significant code changes, or build scalable applications from day one.
Now we are looking for a full-time Senior DevOps Engineer to join our team.
6+ years of experience implementing, troubleshooting, and supporting core infrastructure software and/or distributed systems.
Experience in configuration management, automation efforts, technical troubleshooting, and performance tuning for 24/7 systems.
Scripting experience in writing and modifying code to improve monitoring and automation.
Experience with Linux, Docker, systems automation tools, and systems architecture tools.
Experience with TCP/IP networking, architecture, and distributed systems.
Experience with configuring the Solana/Ethereum/Terra or other blockchain technologies.
Key Responsibilities:
Create architecture, designs, and documentation that will lead to consistent reliability, scalability, security, and performance of the 24/7 servers.
Develop, maintain, and support technical infrastructure, hardware, and system software components.
Refine and enhance processes that allow for proper testing and validation of releases that go from development to staging to production environments.
Stay up to date on the latest technology in our space. Interact effectively with other team members to accomplish shared projects.
Competitive salary.
Holidays: 24 working days during a year, with compensation if not taken.
Working in a fast-growing and disruptive industry where the possibilities are endless.
Salary level from $ 6 000 to $ 8 000 net.
Fully remote: your life, your way of working.
Freedom, autonomy, and responsibility.
Learning opportunities.
Token options TBD.
For all questions write to Telegram @leonety_lety and on email igwtforever7@gmail.com
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #job #работа #devops #senior #linux #docker #tcpip #solana #ethereum #terra
Вакансия: DevOps Engineer Senior;
Компания: blockchain company;
Уровень зп: от 6 000 до 8 000 $ net;
Локация: remote;
Занятость: full-time, 5/2;
We are building high-performance, open source platform for launching decentralized applications on the Solana blockchain using the same programming languages and developer tooling as Ethereum. Ethereum developers can scale performance and access new liquidity without significant code changes, or build scalable applications from day one.
Now we are looking for a full-time Senior DevOps Engineer to join our team.
6+ years of experience implementing, troubleshooting, and supporting core infrastructure software and/or distributed systems.
Experience in configuration management, automation efforts, technical troubleshooting, and performance tuning for 24/7 systems.
Scripting experience in writing and modifying code to improve monitoring and automation.
Experience with Linux, Docker, systems automation tools, and systems architecture tools.
Experience with TCP/IP networking, architecture, and distributed systems.
Experience with configuring the Solana/Ethereum/Terra or other blockchain technologies.
Key Responsibilities:
Create architecture, designs, and documentation that will lead to consistent reliability, scalability, security, and performance of the 24/7 servers.
Develop, maintain, and support technical infrastructure, hardware, and system software components.
Refine and enhance processes that allow for proper testing and validation of releases that go from development to staging to production environments.
Stay up to date on the latest technology in our space. Interact effectively with other team members to accomplish shared projects.
Competitive salary.
Holidays: 24 working days during a year, with compensation if not taken.
Working in a fast-growing and disruptive industry where the possibilities are endless.
Salary level from $ 6 000 to $ 8 000 net.
Fully remote: your life, your way of working.
Freedom, autonomy, and responsibility.
Learning opportunities.
Token options TBD.
For all questions write to Telegram @leonety_lety and on email igwtforever7@gmail.com