Devops Jobs — вакансии и резюме
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#вакансия #удалённо #devops #aws #fargate #cloudformation #ec2 #senior #jmeter
Компания: Start-Up NDA (после мвп версии будет релиз LP и компании в Прибалтике)
Вакансия: DevOps специалист AWS (Fargate, EC) с навыками нагрузочного тестирования
Локация: Москва, Киев, Гродно
Формат работы: период пандемии - удалённый, потом релокейт и/или офис в МСК, Гродно, Киев, Прибалтика (офисы пока не известны)
Зарплатная вилка: 2000-4500$

Всем привет ;) Имеется таска в формате пдф по проведению нагрузочного тестирования - постарался в кратце провести описание, были бы рады ввашей помощи, - указаны з/п ожидания, требуется 2 специалиста по devops + secops после решения персонализированной задачи. На данный момент стопорнулись с мелкой проблемой записи очереди и требуется помощь в решении вопроса, в том числе нужен будет полноценный девопс, что бы крутить нагрузочное тестирование и просчитать железо для получения результата. Буду рад откликам!

Задача: на AWS произвести деплой приложения сборки по dist фронтенда и бекенда, прогнать JMeter-тесты (выгрузка на s3), с возможной доработкой конфига, для чата приложения на базе Fargate 1.40 - при этом проскалировав инстансы БД и получить соответствующие метрики. Детализация будет предоставлена в пдф файле с полезной информцией по appflow и проекту в целом, включая детализацию задачи. Облачная архитектура приложения -

Применяемый стек на проекте:
— php (laravel), vuejs, bootstrap4, ws, sso & etc
— MySQL, Neo4J, RabbitMQ, RDS, MongoDB (DocumentDB) & etc
— AWS Fargate, EC, ELB, CW, ALB, ZMQ (FIFO - поэтому 2 очереди), pipeline & etc
— jira, github.

Что нужно знать и уметь: владение и опыт работы с AWS, Fargate, CW + etc, за исключением webdev части.

- работа с крупным и перспективным проектом на стадии мвп;
- компетентное отношение к работе;
- соблюдение сроков выполнения задач, даваемое после анализа самим спецом;
- оплата по факту выполнения задачи, далее устройство в штат

Общие требования:
- Умение вести адекватный структурированный диалог;
- Стрессоустойчивость;
- Соответствие заявленному стеку по CV (резюме);
- Регламентированное соблюдение сроков по реализации;
- Исполнительность;
- Умение самостоятельного решения поставленных задач, также под руководством teamlead и/или lead своих подразделений;
- Навыки работы с CI/CD, как пример: Travis;
- Умение работы с Git;
- ведение работы через Jira, Trello с использованием воркспейса: SLACK EMM;
- итерационные коммиты на git.

Илья @Elijah_Doman

👉 Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #удалённо #devops #aws #fargate #cloudformation #ec2 #senior #jmeter
Компания: Start-Up NDA (после мвп версии будет релиз LP и компании в Прибалтике)
Вакансия: DevOps специалист AWS (Fargate, EC) с навыками нагрузочного тестирования
Локация: Москва, Киев, Гродно
Формат работы: период пандемии - удалённый, потом релокейт и/или офис в МСК, Гродно, Киев, Прибалтика (офисы пока не известны)
Зарплатная вилка: 2000-4500$

Всем привет ;) Имеется таска в формате пдф по проведению нагрузочного тестирования - постарался в кратце провести описание, были бы рады ввашей помощи, - указаны з/п ожидания, требуется 2 специалиста по devops + secops после решения персонализированной задачи. На данный момент стопорнулись с мелкой проблемой записи очереди и требуется помощь в решении вопроса, в том числе нужен будет полноценный девопс, что бы крутить нагрузочное тестирование и просчитать железо для получения результата. Буду рад откликам!

Задача: на AWS произвести деплой приложения сборки по dist фронтенда и бекенда, прогнать JMeter-тесты (выгрузка на s3), с возможной доработкой конфига, для чата приложения на базе Fargate 1.40 - при этом проскалировав инстансы БД и получить соответствующие метрики. Детализация будет предоставлена в пдф файле с полезной информцией по appflow и проекту в целом, включая детализацию задачи. Облачная архитектура приложения -

Применяемый стек на проекте:
— php (laravel), vuejs, bootstrap4, ws, sso & etc
— MySQL, Neo4J, RabbitMQ, RDS, MongoDB (DocumentDB) & etc
— AWS Fargate, EC, ELB, CW, ALB, ZMQ (FIFO - поэтому 2 очереди), pipeline & etc
— jira, github.

Что нужно знать и уметь: владение и опыт работы с AWS, Fargate, CW + etc, за исключением webdev части.

- работа с крупным и перспективным проектом на стадии мвп;
- компетентное отношение к работе;
- соблюдение сроков выполнения задач, даваемое после анализа самим спецом;
- оплата по факту выполнения задачи, далее устройство в штат

Общие требования:
- Умение вести адекватный структурированный диалог;
- Стрессоустойчивость;
- Соответствие заявленному стеку по CV (резюме);
- Регламентированное соблюдение сроков по реализации;
- Исполнительность;
- Умение самостоятельного решения поставленных задач, также под руководством teamlead и/или lead своих подразделений;
- Навыки работы с CI/CD, как пример: Travis;
- Умение работы с Git;
- ведение работы через Jira, Trello с использованием воркспейса: SLACK EMM;
- итерационные коммиты на git.

Илья @Elijah_Doman

👉 Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #DevOps #sysadmin #AWS #K8S #EC2 #Senior #fulltime #ДевОпс #SRE

📍Location: Tallinn|Saint-Petersburg
🖥Position: DevOps
🖥Employment: Permanent (remotely or in office)
💶 2500 - 4500 (+) EUR per month (net 🤚🖐)
Experience: 3-4 years
Company: 3COMMAS

Who we are
3commas is a leading cloud-based Order Management System (OMS) and crypto-asset management platform offering a unified access point and interface with the worlds’ top 20 crypto exchanges.

Fully automated trade execution and portfolio management, supported by continuously evolving strategies, algorithms, and risk management solutions.

We have two teams based in Tallinn and Saint-Petersburg.

Who we need
We need an experienced DevOps. Expertise in fin-tech, trading, or cryptocurrencies will be a huge advantage.
We use Postgresql, Sidekiq, Redis, Memcached, k8s.

Skills you’ll need to have:
🔹Experience with containers and
container orchestration
(Kubernetes, Docker, etc.);
🔹Experience with CI/CD (GitLab)
🔹Experience with Git and its
🔹Ubuntu systems administration
experience (*Nix);
🔹Familiarity with Ruby On Rails;

Wood be an advantage if you:
🔹 Familiar with Okmeter, Grafana;
🔹 Familiar with Sentry;
🔹 Familiar with PostgreSQL, Redis;

What’ll you do:
🔶Maintaining improvement and
troubleshooting during the
deployment process;
🔶Automation and Release
Management with related
branching, and other DevOps
best practices;

If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer⬇️☺️

👉 Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
Публикатор: HRM Lab
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#Вакансия #DevOps #DevSecOps #Middle #Senior #3Commas #K8S
#AWS #EC2 #Postgres

🖥Position:DevOps (Middle|Senior)
📍Location: Санкт-Петербург / Таллин / Удаленка
🖥Employment: фуллтайм
💶 2300-4000 EUR
Experience: 3-6
Company: 3COMMAS

☕️ Обязанности
√ Держать всё, уронить ничего
√ Бороться с Legacy, автоматизировать и оптимизировать
√ Управлять инфраструктурой в AWS cloud
√ Давать рекомендации по улучшению архитектуры приложений и сервисов для обеспечения их отказоустойчивости, производительности и безопасности
√ Автоматизировать процессы разработки, тестирования, деплоймента
√ Решение инцедентов, разбор полетов
√ Вовремя накатывать обновления безопасности
√ Уменьшать тех. долг

🤖 Важные скилы
√ Навыки администрирования облачного окружения AWS
√ Навыки работы с K8S и Gitlab
√ Навыки работы с системой развёртывания Terraform
√ Навыки работы по ELK stack и Prometheus на высоком уровне
√ Администрирования операционных систем Linux
√ Опыт работы с несколькими командами разработки
√ Опыт работы с реляционной базой PostgreSQL
√ Опыт работы с циклом обработки инцидентов в продакшене (OpsGenie, post-mortem)

Резюме и вопросы ⬇️☺️
Публикатор: Сергей
Обсуждение вакансий и резюме в чате @devops_jobs
#вакансия #fulltime #remote #EC2 #senior #AWS #DevOps #Terraform

Позиция: Senior DevOps-инженер
Компания: Релэкс
ЗП вилка: от 200000 -350000 net
Формат: Remote
Занятость: Полная

- Навыки работы с облачными системами, AWS.
- 3+ years in devops / облачная инженерия.
- 3+ complete projects with 3-tire-alike structure and automated pipelines
- AWS Organizations
- AWS Config
- сервисы амазона Clouwatch, lambda, EC2, ELB, VPC, IAM, Congnito (federated identities)
- свободный разговорный английский (способность внятно объясниться на технические темы)

Желательно знать,т.к. используется в проекте
- CloudFormation / Terraform

- Участие в нескольких проектах.
- Участие в проекте в качестве архитектора специалиста, настройка сервисов, написание функций и так далее
- Участие в пресейл и выполнение конфигураций на low-code platform похожих на Zoho или, к примеру, при помощи AWS Amplify.
Публикатор: Alexandr
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#job #vacancy #remote #удалено #вакансия #английский #devops #aws #lambda #cloudwatch #terraform #aurora #lead #s3 #apigateway #ec2

🔥Lead DevOps Engineer🔥

- Company: Massive
- Format: Remote
- Employment: Full
- Salary 8000-10000$
- English - From B2

🚀Massive is a tool used by app developers to let you opt in to pay for premium features, content, and services with a little of your unused computing resources.
You can think of Massive as Airbnb or Turo for your computer or mobile device.
Your home and, more so, your vehicle and, most of all, your computer or mobile device are depreciating assets. They’re worth something today and, accounting for maintenance, something less tomorrow.

The Role

We're seeking a highly experienced and motivated DevOps Lead to join our engineering team and help us build and scale our platform. If you are passionate about delivering high-quality, reliable, and scalable cloud infrastructure, we want to hear from you!


- Lead and manage the development and maintenance of our cloud infrastructure, ensuring high availability, security, and scalability.
- Collaborate closely with the engineering team to design, implement, and deploy new products and features.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams (e.g., developers, product manager) to identify and address system bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
- Develop and implement strategies for continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment (CI/CD) to support our software development lifecycle.
- Optimize our cloud infrastructure for cost, performance, and resilience.
- Monitor and troubleshoot system performance, security, and network issues.
- Develop and maintain documentation for infrastructure, processes, and procedures.

The Ideal Candidate

- 7-10+ years of experience in a technical role, comfortable working with a team of senior peers.
- Experience in start-ups or with new product development is highly desired.
- At least 3 years of expertise in AWS services, including Lambda, API Gateway, CloudWatch, Route53, EC2, S3, PostgreSQL RDS, and Aurora, with a focus on smooth scaling, resiliency, cost analysis and optimization.
- Strong experience with infrastructure-as-code, specifically Terraform.
- In-depth knowledge and experience with TLS and HTTP proxy configurations.


- Fully remote
- Competitive salary
- Stock options
- Health benefits (medical, dental, vision)
- Unlimited PTO and sick days
- $50,000 Life Insurance
- $500 WFH reimbursement
- ClassPass Membership
- Opportunity to work on a variety of exciting projects

📲For questions:
Contact: @AlexandrMayel
Публикатор: Alex👨‍💻
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#job #vacancy #remote #удалено #вакансия #английский #devops #aws #lambda #cloudwatch #terraform #aurora #lead #s3 #apigateway #ec2

🔥Lead DevOps Engineer🔥

- Company: Massive
- Format: Remote
- Employment: Full
- Salary 8000-10000$
- English - From B2

🚀Massive is a tool used by app developers to let you opt in to pay for premium features, content, and services with a little of your unused computing resources.
You can think of Massive as Airbnb or Turo for your computer or mobile device.
Your home and, more so, your vehicle and, most of all, your computer or mobile device are depreciating assets. They’re worth something today and, accounting for maintenance, something less tomorrow.

The Role

We're seeking a highly experienced and motivated DevOps Lead to join our engineering team and help us build and scale our platform. If you are passionate about delivering high-quality, reliable, and scalable cloud infrastructure, we want to hear from you!


- Lead and manage the development and maintenance of our cloud infrastructure, ensuring high availability, security, and scalability.
- Collaborate closely with the engineering team to design, implement, and deploy new products and features.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams (e.g., developers, product manager) to identify and address system bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
- Develop and implement strategies for continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment (CI/CD) to support our software development lifecycle.
- Optimize our cloud infrastructure for cost, performance, and resilience.
- Monitor and troubleshoot system performance, security, and network issues.
- Develop and maintain documentation for infrastructure, processes, and procedures.

The Ideal Candidate

- 7-10+ years of experience in a technical role, comfortable working with a team of senior peers.
- Experience in start-ups or with new product development is highly desired.
- At least 3 years of expertise in AWS services, including Lambda, API Gateway, CloudWatch, Route53, EC2, S3, PostgreSQL RDS, and Aurora, with a focus on smooth scaling, resiliency, cost analysis and optimization.
- Strong experience with infrastructure-as-code, specifically Terraform.
- In-depth knowledge and experience with TLS and HTTP proxy configurations.


- Fully remote
- Competitive salary
- Stock options
- Health benefits (medical, dental, vision)
- Unlimited PTO and sick days
- $50,000 Life Insurance
- $500 WFH reimbursement
- ClassPass Membership
- Opportunity to work on a variety of exciting projects

📲For questions:
Contact: @AlexMayel
Публикатор: Alexandr
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#job #vacancy #remote #удалено #вакансия #английский #devops #aws #lambda #cloudwatch #terraform #aurora #lead #s3 #apigateway #ec2

🔥Lead DevOps Engineer🔥

- Company: Massive
- Format: Remote
- Employment: Full
- Salary 8000-10000$
- English - From B2

🚀Massive is a tool used by app developers to let you opt in to pay for premium features, content, and services with a little of your unused computing resources.
You can think of Massive as Airbnb or Turo for your computer or mobile device.
Your home and, more so, your vehicle and, most of all, your computer or mobile device are depreciating assets. They’re worth something today and, accounting for maintenance, something less tomorrow.

The Role

We're seeking a highly experienced and motivated DevOps Lead to join our engineering team and help us build and scale our platform. If you are passionate about delivering high-quality, reliable, and scalable cloud infrastructure, we want to hear from you!


- Lead and manage the development and maintenance of our cloud infrastructure, ensuring high availability, security, and scalability.
- Collaborate closely with the engineering team to design, implement, and deploy new products and features.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams (e.g., developers, product manager) to identify and address system bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
- Develop and implement strategies for continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment (CI/CD) to support our software development lifecycle.
- Optimize our cloud infrastructure for cost, performance, and resilience.
- Monitor and troubleshoot system performance, security, and network issues.
- Develop and maintain documentation for infrastructure, processes, and procedures.

The Ideal Candidate

- 7-10+ years of experience in a technical role, comfortable working with a team of senior peers.
- Experience in start-ups or with new product development is highly desired.
- At least 3 years of expertise in AWS services, including Lambda, API Gateway, CloudWatch, Route53, EC2, S3, PostgreSQL RDS, and Aurora, with a focus on smooth scaling, resiliency, cost analysis and optimization.
- Strong experience with infrastructure-as-code, specifically Terraform.
- In-depth knowledge and experience with TLS and HTTP proxy configurations.


- Fully remote
- Competitive salary
- Stock options
- Health benefits (medical, dental, vision)
- Unlimited PTO and sick days
- $50,000 Life Insurance
- $500 WFH reimbursement
- ClassPass Membership
- Opportunity to work on a variety of exciting projects

📲For questions:
Contact: @AlexandrMayel
Публикатор: Alex👨‍💻
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#job #vacancy #remote #удалено #вакансия #английский #devops #aws #lambda #cloudwatch #terraform #aurora #lead #s3 #apigateway #ec2

🔥Lead DevOps Engineer🔥

- Company: Massive
- Format: Remote
- Employment: Full
- Salary 8000-10000$
- English - From B2

🚀Massive is a tool used by app developers to let you opt in to pay for premium features, content, and services with a little of your unused computing resources.
You can think of Massive as Airbnb or Turo for your computer or mobile device.
Your home and, more so, your vehicle and, most of all, your computer or mobile device are depreciating assets. They’re worth something today and, accounting for maintenance, something less tomorrow.

The Role

We're seeking a highly experienced and motivated DevOps Lead to join our engineering team and help us build and scale our platform. If you are passionate about delivering high-quality, reliable, and scalable cloud infrastructure, we want to hear from you!


- Lead and manage the development and maintenance of our cloud infrastructure, ensuring high availability, security, and scalability.
- Collaborate closely with the engineering team to design, implement, and deploy new products and features.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams (e.g., developers, product manager) to identify and address system bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
- Develop and implement strategies for continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment (CI/CD) to support our software development lifecycle.
- Optimize our cloud infrastructure for cost, performance, and resilience.
- Monitor and troubleshoot system performance, security, and network issues.
- Develop and maintain documentation for infrastructure, processes, and procedures.

The Ideal Candidate

- 7-10+ years of experience in a technical role, comfortable working with a team of senior peers.
- Experience in start-ups or with new product development is highly desired.
- At least 3 years of expertise in AWS services, including Lambda, API Gateway, CloudWatch, Route53, EC2, S3, PostgreSQL RDS, and Aurora, with a focus on smooth scaling, resiliency, cost analysis and optimization.
- Strong experience with infrastructure-as-code, specifically Terraform.
- In-depth knowledge and experience with TLS and HTTP proxy configurations.


- Fully remote
- Competitive salary
- Stock options
- Health benefits (medical, dental, vision)
- Unlimited PTO and sick days
- $50,000 Life Insurance
- $500 WFH reimbursement
- ClassPass Membership
- Opportunity to work on a variety of exciting projects

📲For questions:
Contact: @AlexMayel
Публикатор: Alex👨‍💻
Обсуждение вакансии в чате @devops_jobs
#job #vacancy #remote #удалено #вакансия #английский #devops #aws #lambda #cloudwatch #terraform #aurora #lead #s3 #apigateway #ec2

🔥Lead DevOps Engineer🔥

- Company: Massive
- Format: Remote
- Employment: Full
- Salary 8000-10000$
- English - From B2

🚀Massive is a tool used by app developers to let you opt in to pay for premium features, content, and services with a little of your unused computing resources.
You can think of Massive as Airbnb or Turo for your computer or mobile device.
Your home and, more so, your vehicle and, most of all, your computer or mobile device are depreciating assets. They’re worth something today and, accounting for maintenance, something less tomorrow.

The Role

We're seeking a highly experienced and motivated DevOps Lead to join our engineering team and help us build and scale our platform. If you are passionate about delivering high-quality, reliable, and scalable cloud infrastructure, we want to hear from you!


- Lead and manage the development and maintenance of our cloud infrastructure, ensuring high availability, security, and scalability.
- Collaborate closely with the engineering team to design, implement, and deploy new products and features.
- Collaborate with cross-functional teams (e.g., developers, product manager) to identify and address system bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
- Develop and implement strategies for continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment (CI/CD) to support our software development lifecycle.
- Optimize our cloud infrastructure for cost, performance, and resilience.
- Monitor and troubleshoot system performance, security, and network issues.
- Develop and maintain documentation for infrastructure, processes, and procedures.

The Ideal Candidate

- 7-10+ years of experience in a technical role, comfortable working with a team of senior peers.
- Experience in start-ups or with new product development is highly desired.
- At least 3 years of expertise in AWS services, including Lambda, API Gateway, CloudWatch, Route53, EC2, S3, PostgreSQL RDS, and Aurora, with a focus on smooth scaling, resiliency, cost analysis and optimization.
- Strong experience with infrastructure-as-code, specifically Terraform.
- In-depth knowledge and experience with TLS and HTTP proxy configurations.


- Fully remote
- Competitive salary
- Stock options
- Health benefits (medical, dental, vision)
- Unlimited PTO and sick days
- $50,000 Life Insurance
- $500 WFH reimbursement
- ClassPass Membership
- Opportunity to work on a variety of exciting projects

📲For questions:
Contact: @AlexMayel