Detroit Proud Boys Official
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Free the Boys!!!
Forwarded from The Toledo Proud Boys
Find your local chapter here:

Contact them. If your local chapter doesn’t have their contact info listed, find an adjacent chapter and ask them to put you in touch with Proud Boys local to your area. You will be asked a series of questions and you will be vetted. If your vetting comes back clean, you will begin your prospecting phase.

Your ethnicity is irrelevant. We don’t care what color you are. The only prerequisites to our organization are that you are a biological male and you believe western civilization is the best.
Forwarded from The Ochs Report (Nick Ochs)
Media is too big
I am very clear on the status of Enrique Tarrio: RAT

No serious political dissident can associate with someone who has a 5k.1 agreement. That means he flipped hard to avoid a 30 month sentence. Wouldn't have even done 2 years and sent dozens to prison.

I've said all this before years ago and thought I wouldn't have to again, but unfortunately I need to restate. If you are tolerating this man, please stop embarrassing yourself.
Unfortunately, due to Henry “Enrique” Tarrio’s public statement we are forced to issue the following three part post. We wrestled with keeping this internalized but are forced now to respond publicly.
Part One.

Henry “Enrique” Tarrio is a federal informant. See for yourself:
He has engaged in federal informant activity multiple times. Why does matter to us? Clearly this is a grave character flaw and unbecoming of a man. More importantly, any organization that engages in political dissidence against governmental entities who choose to use the federal judicial system as a weapon, must not tolerate anyone who has ever chosen to work for this very same federal judicial system as an informant. He simply can’t be trusted. We’ve done our due diligence to understand his side of the story. Claims of him “having no choice” because the feds “threatened to go after people he cared about” fall on deaf ears. If your family or friends run the risk of being hurt by your criminal activity, then don’t commit crime. If his federal involvement was discovered during his prospecting period Henry would never have been admitted as a member. This same standard must be applied currently. A few years ago, Henry Tarrio was disavowed by his Florida Proud Boy chapter in strict accordance with applicable bylaws. The decision was almost unanimous. His entire chapter voted to have him removed, the only vote cast in his favor he cast for himself.

Of particular note in Henry’s tenure as a federal informant is a circumstance in which Henry Tarrio helped federal law enforcement prosecute 13 people spanning two separate indictments. His sentence was reduced from 30 months in prison to 16 months. We ask the reader to consider these numbers for a moment. Henry had a 30 month sentence. After his work as an informant, this was reduced to 16 months. Henry sent THIRTEEN PEOPLE to trial to spare himself 14 months in jail. This isn’t a circumstance where a defendant is shaving off decades of prison time. Henry decided that 13 people who trusted him had to face prison so he could be released early by less than a year and a half.
Part Two.

Henry ran a merchandise business which manufactured Proud Boy hats and T-shirts in addition to other apparel. Being disavowed from his chapter and no longer a Proud Boy presented an obvious problem for this enterprise. Perhaps it was this, or sheer hubris, that prompted Henry to form his own illegitimate chapter in the same geographical location as the chapter that disavowed him. Whatever the reason, he refused to respect the decision of his chapter and formed a new chapter outside of the established protocols respected by all Proud Boys. He called his new and illegitimate chapter “Villan City” and continues to claim membership in this fictitious chapter today. Nationally, some Proud Boys maintained loyalty to Henry after the creation of his counterfeit chapter. Perhaps, in an incredibly naive moment of sympathy, they felt that his role as a federal informant was before his time as a Proud Boy and as such was irrelevant. Yet the majority of these supporters seem unaware that Henry was disavowed by the men who knew him the best, his own chapter and was done so before the rift in our fraternity under the very same national structure and bylaws they hold so dear.

After Henry was imprisoned for J6 his loyalists retained the administrative rights to and began removing chapters who opposed the inclusion of federal informants. To this day, Federal informant supporting chapters (known as federal chapters for short) believe if a chapter is not on their website it is not an official chapter. While this website has no bearing on who is officially a Proud Boy we will tell you this: The most ardent and vocal anti-federal chapters are not on this website. Not every chapter on this website is a federal chapter (most aren’t, there are some very solid genuine chapters on that list) however, ALL federal chapters are listed on this site. In this way, has become a useful resource or determining which chapters could possibly be willing to harbor federal informants. Choose wisely.
Part Three.

In the aftermath of the presidential election and subsequent release of the J6 hostages, club membership inquiries have escalated. We welcome any biological male of any ethnicity who believes that western civilization is the best civilization on earth. Additionally, we caution you to be aware of the danger of federal chapters. If you are interested in joining, as you begin your application process ask your prospective chapter this: “Do you support having men who are or were ever federal informants as club members?” If the answer isn’t a resounding “no” then we highly recommend you look elsewhere. Undoubtedly some of you will hear “we don’t do anything illegal so why does that matter?” This is correct, we are not a criminal organization or hate group. However, four years from now it is conceivable that a Democratic administration will be in control of our judicial system and looking for retribution. You have already seen how they treat their political opponents. Do you want to take that chance as a member of a chapter that harbors federal informants?

Henry’s formation of an illegitimate chapter outside of established bylaws led to a split in our organization. Tarrio loyalists wished to look past his self-admitted actions as a federal informant. The rest of the club did not. Initially internal strife regarding leadership structure fueled this debate. Some chapters wished to maintain a national leadership structure and Henry’s chairmanship. Some wished for a new chairman while still adhering to the same leadership structure. These were known as “national” chapters. Most chapters recognized the failure of Henry’s leadership after J6 and the dangers presented by any national leadership structure, particularly when facing a weaponized judicial system. These became known as “autonomous” chapters. Today, many “national” chapters have also done away with ties to a national leadership structure, leaving the divide quite simple to understand. There are two types of Proud Boy chapters. Genuine chapters and Federal chapters. If a chapter knowingly condones federal informants in their ranks, they are a federal chapter. Genuine Proud Boys would never do such a thing.


The Genuine Proud Boys
The Detroit Proud Boys agree and endorse the statements above from our brothers from Cape Fear.
Forwarded from Autonomous PB
These memes would be funny if they weren’t true. Enrique runs around with some story about how he was offered a deal to turn on Trump and didn’t. The interviewer on Crowder asked him for proof of this, or more details, and he clammed up quick. That story is bullshit. Just like the stories he initially told all his brothers about his snitching in 2013.

He put over a dozen low level, non-violent criminals in jail in his home county to save himself a few years in prison. He authorized his lawyer to blame J6 on Trump in his closing arguments and say that Enrique was Trumps scapegoat. These things are all documented. None of his cover stories are accompanied by a shred of proof.

For the absolute mental midgets that are still in the fed ran chapters of PB, I’ll ask you a few questions to take to your prez, and have them take to the OPC.

1. Where is proof that Enrique was ever offered a chance to turn on anyone for J6? This shit all gets done in writing. Where is it? Surely he would put it right out if he had it. He’d look like a hero.

He wasn’t offered anything. He was the leader of PB and the leader doesn’t get offers. Unless it could have damaged Trump, and he didn’t have anything on Trump, because Trump didn’t know that bullshit was gonna happen any more than he did.

2. Where are the names of the 26 embedded informants from J6 that he says he has. He keeps dropping innuendo that it’s autonomous guys and/or his numerous critics.

Bring it on. You need filing fees or photo copy fees? I’ll pay them. Let’s see the names. I know mine isn’t one of them, and if it’s anyone I associate with they are fine. Why are we not seeing these names?

3. Why doesn’t his cover story from the 2013 incident match up with his publicly available paperwork and why wasn’t your prez, who is responsible for the safety of his men, already demanding the answer to this before we had to split the club?

Doors alway open when you find out the answers…
Forwarded from Autonomous PB
Detailed statement by the Autonomous chapters on why we had to separate from Enrique the federal informant and his supporters.
Forwarded from Autonomous Chapters
Anyone, or any chapter, in the “national” faction of Proud Boys who has recently found themselves placed back under the leadership and influence of a convicted federal informant and cannot abide that situation… is welcome to have their chapter president reach out to any of the autonomous chapters and they will be vetted and added to our ranks. We have grown to encompass about 1/3 of the club in 4 short years and we welcome all brothers with good intentions who wish to follow our standards. Including a zero tolerance policy for informants.

For information on adding your chapter to the Autonomous chapters presidents chat and removing your men from the influence and association of federal informants you can contact the presidents of any of the chapters listed above. Or you can also reach out to: @Rebel_Savage, @NobleInfidel, or @Gadsden1775
The chapters on this list are hereby publicly declaring that anyone who has ever served or is currently serving as an informant for any judicial, intelligence, or media agency or entity, public or private, federal, state, or local is ineligible for membership in the Proud Boys. In addition, these chapters recognize no national chairman or national leadership structure.