Destination B1 and B2
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Word formation - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec
Topic vocabulary

โ€” o'z ichiga olmoq
Cough โ€” yo'talmoq
Cure โ€” davolamoq
Exercise โ€” mashq qilmoq
Flu โ€” grip
Have an operation โ€” operatsiyani boshdan o'tkazmoq
Healthy โ€” sog'lom
Ignore โ€” rad etmoq, e'tiborsizv qoldirmoq
Infection โ€” infeksiya
Ingredient โ€” tarkibiy qism
Injury โ€” jarohat, shikast
Limit โ€” cheklamoq
Stir โ€” aralashtirmoq
Suffer โ€” azoblanmoq
Taste โ€” tatib ko'rmoq
Treatment โ€” davo
Vitamin โ€” vitamin
Meal โ€” taom
Pill โ€” tabletka
Recover โ€” sog'aymoq

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๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Topic vocabulary - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec
Plurals โ€” Ingliz tilida ko'plik, noto'g'ri otlar (=YouTube kanalimda yangi dars)

Topic vocabulary, phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases, word formation

Salty โ€”
Slice โ€” tilim-tilim qilib kesmoq
Sour โ€” nordon
Spicy โ€” ziravorli
Cut down โ€” ning iste'molini kamaytirmoq
Fall down โ€” yiqilib tushmoq
Get over โ€” sog'aymoq
Go off โ€” aynimoq
Lie down โ€” yotmoq
Put on โ€” vazn orttirmoq
Sit down โ€” o'tirmoq
Stand up โ€” turmoq
In comparison with โ€” bilan taqqoslaganda
In shape โ€” yaxshi qomatda
On a diet โ€” parhezda
At night โ€” tunda
At risk โ€” xavfda
In addition to โ€” ga qo'shimcha tarzda
Reduce โ€” kamaytirmoq
Reduction โ€” chegirma

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๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Topic vocabulary, phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases, word formation - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec
Real Madrid vs Bavaria

Real โ€” โค๏ธ
Bavaria โ€” ๐Ÿ‘
Word formation

Sense -
Sensible - mulohazali, aqlli
Sensitive - nozik qalbli, ta'sirchan
Weigh - vazn o'lchamoq
Weight - vazn
Bake - non yopmoq
Baker - novvoy
Bakery - novvoyxona
Bend - egmoq, bukmoq
Bent - egmoq, bend fe'lining past simple shakli
Cook - oshpaz
Cooker - gaz plitasi
Cookery - taomlarning qanday tayyorlanishi
Intend - mo'ljallamoq, rejalashtirmoq
Intention - niyat
Intentional - atayin qilingan
Jog - sekin yugurmoq
Jogging - sekin yugurish
Jogger - sekin yuguruvchi
Medicine - tibbiyot

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๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Word formation - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec
Topic vocabulary

- shakl
Silk - ipak
Sleeve - yeng
Smooth - yumshoq
Stretch - cho'zmoq, tortmoq
Striped - yo'l-yo'l
Ancient - qadimiy
Checked - katak-katak
Cotton - paxta
Create - yaratmoq
Design - dizaynlashtirmoq
Maintain - sozlamoq
Match - mos tushmoq
Material - material
Notice - sezmoq
Pattern - naqsh, bezak
Pile - uyum, to'da
Practical - amaliy
Rough - g'adir-budur, qo'pol
Style - uslub

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๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Topic vocabulary - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec
Word patterns, adjectives, verbs, nouns, topic vocabulary

Familiar with -
bilan tanish
Involved in - da qatnashgan
Similar to - ga o'xshash
Change sth into - ga o'zgartirmoq
Describe sth as - dek tasvirlamoq
Explain sth to - ga tushuntirmoq, izohlamoq
Remind sb of - ni eslatmoq
Remove sth from - dan olib tashlamoq
An influence on - ga ta'sir
A picture of - ning surati
Amazed by - ...dan hayron, ajablangan
Shower - selday yog'gan yomg'ir
Name - ism
Litter - axlat tashlamoq
Amazing - ajoyib
Climate - iqlim
Countryside - qishloq
Environment - atrof-muhit
Extinct - qirilib ketgan, yo'q bo'lib ketgan
Forecast - bashorat, oldindan aytmoq

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๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Topic vocabulary, phrasal verbs - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec
Deyarli hamma e'tibordan qochiradigan mavzu. YouTube kanalimda

Phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases, word formation

Try on -
kiyib ko'rmoq
Fill up - to'ldirmoq
Have on - kiyib olmoq
At the back of - ning orqasida
At the end of - ning oxirida
In style - urfda, mo'dada
In front of - ning to'g'risida, oldida
In the corner of - ning burchagida
Out of style - urfda emas, mo'dada emas
Compose - yaratmoq
Composition - kompozitsiya, musiqa asari
Composer - bastakor
Perfect - a'lo, mukammal
Perfection - mukammallik
Imperfect - nuqsonli
Prepare - tayyorlanmoq
Preparation - tayyorgarlik
Art - san'at
Artist - san'atkor
Artistic - san'atga oid

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๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases, word formation - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec
Word formation

Break -
Broke - sindirmoq, break fe'lining past simple shakli
Broken - sindirmoq, break fe'lining past participle shakli
Breakable - sinadigan
Unbreakable - sinmas
Exhibit - namoyish qilmoq
Exhibition - ko'rgazma
Free - erkin
Freedom - erkinlik
Hand - qo'l
Handful - bir siqim, ozgina
Handle - tutqich
Imagine - tasavvur qilmoq
Imagination - tasavvur
Imaginative - tasavvurga boy, kreativ
Intelligent - aqlli
Intelligence - zukkolik, donolik
Handle - ushlamoq
Amazed by - ...dan hayron, ajablangan
Disappointed with - ...dan ko'ngli qolgan

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๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Word formation - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec
Destination B1 and B2
Telegram storiesdan ko'rish
Yarim kechasi basketball o'ynaydiganlar, biz ham hozir o'ynayabmiz!
Word patterns, adjectives, verbs, nouns, topic vocabulary

Familiar with โ€”
bilan tanish
Involved in โ€” da qatnashgan
Similar to โ€” ga o'xshash
Change sth into โ€” ga o'zgartirmoq
Describe sth as โ€” dek tasvirlamoq
Explain sth to โ€” ga tushuntirmoq, izohlamoq
Remind sb of โ€” ni eslatmoq
Remove sth from โ€” dan olib tashlamoq
An influence on โ€” ga ta'sir
A picture of โ€” ning surati
Amazed by โ€” ...dan hayron, ajablangan
Shower โ€” selday yog'gan yomg'ir
Name โ€” ism
Litter โ€” axlat tashlamoq
Amazing โ€” ajoyib
Climate โ€” iqlim
Countryside โ€” qishloq
Environment โ€” atrof-muhit
Extinct โ€” qirilib ketgan, yo'q bo'lib ketgan
Forecast โ€” bashorat, oldindan aytmoq

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