Destination B1 and B2
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๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Word patterns, adjectives, verbs, nouns, topic vocabulary - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec
Topic vocabulary

Locate -
Mammal - sut emizuvchi
Mild - iliq
Name - nomlamoq
Origin - kelib chiqish
Planet - sayyora
Preserve - muhofaza qilmoq
Recycle - qayta ishlamoq
Reptile - sudralib yuruvchi hayvon
Rescue - qutqarmoq
Satellite - sun'iy yo'ldosh
Shower - dush
Freezing - judayam sovuq
Global - global
Heatwave - avvalgidan issiq muddat
Insect - hashorat
Lightning - chaqmoq
Litter - axlat
Local - mahalliy
Solar system - quyosh sistemasi

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๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Topic vocabulary - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec
Word formation, word patterns, adjectives, verbs, nouns

โ€” ifloslanish
Polluted โ€” ifloslangan
Invade โ€” bostirib kirmoq
Invasion โ€” istilo, bosqin
Invader โ€” bosqinchi
Destruction โ€” vayrona
Escape from โ€” dan qochmoq
Prevent sb from โ€” dan saqlamoq
Save sth from โ€” dan asramoq
Think about โ€” haqida o'ylamoq
Worry about โ€” haqida xavotir olmoq
Afraid of โ€” dan qo'rqqan
Aware of โ€” dan xabardor
Enthusiastic about โ€” haqida zavqqa to'la
Seious about โ€” haqida jiddiy
Short of โ€” yetarli emas
Damage to โ€” ga zarar, ziyon
An increase in โ€” da o'sish
A cure for โ€” uchun davo
A recipe for โ€” uchun retsept

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๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Word formation, word patterns, adjectives, verbs, nouns - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec
Topic vocabulary, phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases

Species โ€”
Thunder โ€” momaqaldiroq
Wild โ€” yovvoyi
Wildlife โ€” yovvoyi hayot
Blow up โ€” portlamoq
Build up โ€” o'smoq, ko'paymoq
Keep out โ€” kirishga to'sqinlik qilmoq
Put down โ€” tashlamoq
Put out โ€” yong'inni o'chirmoq
Put up โ€” ilmoq
Clear up โ€” tozalamoq
Go out โ€” o'chib qolmoq (olov)
At most โ€” ko'pi bilan
At the bottom of โ€” ning tagida
In the distance โ€” masofadan, uzoqdan
In total โ€” jami bo'lib
On top โ€” ning yuqorisida
At the top of โ€” ning ustida
In the beginning โ€” boshida, eng avval
Danger โ€” xavf

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๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Topic vocabulary, phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec
Word formation

โ€” xavfli
Deep โ€” chuqur
Deeply โ€” chuqur tarzda
Depth โ€” chuqurlik
Destroy โ€” vayron qilmoq
Destruction โ€” buzilish
Destructive โ€” vayron qiluvchi
Centre โ€” markaz
Central โ€” markaziy
Circle โ€” aylana
Circular โ€” aylana shaklidagi
Fog โ€” tuman
Foggy โ€” tumanli
Garden โ€” bog'
Gardener โ€” bog'bon
Gardening โ€” bog'dorchilik
Nature โ€” tabiat
Natural โ€” tabiiy
Naturally โ€” tabiiy tarzda
Pollute โ€” ifloslantirmoq

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๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Word formation - level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec
Present continuous zamoni haqida to'liq video dars. 0 dan B1+ darajagacha barcha bilishingiz kerak bo'lgan ma'lumotlari: ๐Ÿ‘‡

YouTube: havola
Topic vocabulary, word patterns

Happy with
โ€” dan xursand
Sorry for โ€” uchun afsusda
Surprised by โ€” dan hayratlangan
Attitude โ€” munosabat
Bad-tempered โ€” jahldor
Behave โ€” o'zini tutmoq
React โ€” ga javoban harakat qilmoq
Regret โ€” afsuslanmoq
Ridiculous โ€” kulgili
Amusing โ€” tabbasum ulashadigan, kuldiradigan
Annoy โ€” jig'ibiyronlashtirmoq, asabiylashtirmoq
Romantic โ€” romantik
Rude โ€” qo'pol
Gossip โ€” g'iybat qilmoq
Accident โ€” tasodif
Result โ€” natija
Insult โ€” haqorat qilmoq
Praise โ€” maqtamoq
Cause โ€” sabab bo'lmoq
Doubt โ€” shubhalanmoq

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๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Topic vocabulary, word patterns โ€” level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec
Ingliz tilida "H" o'qilmasdan aytiladigan barcha so'zlar. Tallafuz darslari hamma uchun ๐Ÿ‘‡

YouTube kanalimda: havola
Ingliz tilida barcha tallafuz qilishda yanglishadigan so'zlar. Tallafuz qoidalari darsi "T" harfi aytilmaydigan so'zlarni o'rganamiz. YouTube kanalimda:

Tomosha qilish uchun havola
Some va Any haqida to'liq ma'lumotlar jamlangan video darsimiz tayor:

YouTube kanalimda: havola
Topic vocabulary, word patterns 2

Bully โ€”
bezorlik qilow, zo'ravonlik qilmoq, qo'rqitmoq
Calm โ€” tinch, hotirjam
Celebrate โ€” nishonlamoq
Character โ€” xarakter
Depressed โ€” tushkunlikka tushgan
Embarassing โ€” uyatga qo'yadigan
Emotion โ€” his-tuyg'u
Enthusiastic โ€” zavqqa to'la
Feeling โ€” his-tuyg'u
Glad โ€” mamnun, xursand
Hurt โ€” jarohatlangan
Miserable โ€” g'amgin, xafa
Naughty โ€” bo'ysunmas
Noisy โ€” shovqinli
Polite โ€” xushmuomala
Sense of humour โ€” yumor hisi
Shy โ€” uyalchang
Stress โ€” stressiya
Tell a joke โ€” latifa aytmoq
Upset โ€” xafa

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๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Topic vocabulary, word patterns - 2 โ€” level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec
Topic vocabulary, word patterns, phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases, word formation

โ€” zo'ravon
Hurt โ€” shikastlamoq
Calm down โ€” tinchlanmoq
Cheer up โ€” xursand bo'lmoq
Run away โ€” qochmoq
Run away from โ€” dan qochmoq
Shut up โ€” gapirishni to'xtatmoq
Speak up โ€” balandroq gapirmoq
Come on โ€” tezlashmoq
Go on โ€” davom ettirmoq
Hang on โ€” kutmoq
At first โ€” boshida, dastlab
In secret โ€” maxfiylik bilan, hech kimga sezdirmay
In spite of โ€” ga qaramasdan
In tears โ€” yig'layotgan paytda
At least โ€” eng kamida
At times โ€” ba'zan
Emotion โ€” his-tuyg'u
Emotional โ€” hayajonli
Energy โ€” energiya, quvat

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๐ŸŽฒ Quiz '๐Ÿ“‹ Vocabulary test @destinations_B1_B2'
Topic vocabulary, word patterns, phrasal verbs, prepositional phrases, word formation โ€” level B1 and B2 Quiz: @destination_test_B1_B2
๐Ÿ–Š 20 questions ยท โฑ 15 sec
Word formation

โ€” energetik
Excite โ€” hayajonlantirmoq
Excitement โ€” xursandchilik
Exciting โ€” hayajonli, ajoyib
Bore โ€” ko'p gapiradigan va zerikarli odam, zerikarli holat
Boring โ€” zerikarli
Bored โ€” zerikkan
Comedy โ€” komediya
Comedian โ€” komedian
Excited โ€” hayajonlangan, xursand
Feel โ€” his qilmoq
Felt โ€” his qilmoq, feel fe'lining past simple shakli
Feeling โ€” his-tuyg'u
Happy โ€” xursand
Unhappy โ€” xafa
Happiness โ€” baxt
Unhappiness โ€” qayg'u
Hate โ€” nafratlanmoq
Hatred โ€” nafrat
Noise โ€” shovqin

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