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#DecidimFest22 anuncia les seves dates i obre convocatòria 🚀

Busquem tallers pràctics al voltant de Decidim i compartir pràctiques i coneixements entre totes

🟢 Devs & design
🟢 Data: Anàlisi de dades
🟢 Disseny i metodologies participatives

First workshop proposals are coming in! There's 10 days left to submit yours 🚀

Workshops will take place on Friday 14th of October, and we have 3 thematic categories:
🔸Devs and design
🔸Participatory Design or methodologies

All info here

#DecidimFest22 / 13-14th October / @CanodromBCN
¡Están llegando las primeras propuestas de talleres! Quedan 10 días para presentar la tuya 🚀

Los talleres tendrán lugar el viernes 14 de octubre, y tenemos 3 categorías temáticas:
🔸Devs y diseño
🔸Diseño participativo o metodologías

Toda la info aquí

#DecidimFest22 / 13-14 Octubre / @CanodromBCN
Estan arribant les primeres propostes de tallers! Queden 10 dies per presentar la teva 🚀

Els tallers tindran lloc el divendres 14 d'octubre i tenim 3 categories temàtiques:
🔸Devs i disseny
🔸Disseny participatiu o metodologies

Tota la info aquí

#DecidimFest22 / 13-14 d'Octubre / @CanodromBCN
Quedan solo 2 días para participar en la convocatoria abierta de #DecidimFest22

Inscribe tu taller aquí
#DecidimFest 22
Último aviso a navegantes🔔

Last chance to submit your workshop proposal 👉

The Open Call closes today at midnight!
🟢 Tornen les formacions Decidim: aprèn des de zero

1. Edició setembre-octubre. Format en línia.
Informació i inscripcions aquí

2. Edició de novembre. Presencial
Informació i inscripcions aquí

Amb la participació activa en qualsevol d' aquestes formacions obtindràs un certificat d'aprofitament
‼️ Empreses de producció d'esdeveniments i conferències :

Resten 4 dies per presentar ofertes per a la licitació de #DecidimFest22

🟢 Perfil del Contractant de la Generalitat
🟢 Portal de licitacions de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona
📢ATENCIÓN #metadecidim‼️

Ya podéis votar por los mejores talleres para #DecidimFest22 👍🏽

🔸4 votos por persona
🔸período de votación abierto hasta el 13/09

👉🏾Pase por aquí y decida
ATENCIÓ #metadecidim‼️

Ja podeu votar pels millors tallers per a #DecidimFest22 👩🏿‍💻
🔸4 vots per persona
🔸període de votació obert fins al 13/09

👉🏾Entra aquí i participa
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📢#DecidimFest22 All speakers unveiled!

👉🏿 Check them all here

☝🏽From today on we will present you a detailed update of each speaker's work
Decidim pinned a GIF
🟢 Adriana Groh leads the Sovereign Tech Fund, a new programme to invest in open digital infrastructures.
Her interest lies on applying democratic principles to innovation and digitalization.

Previously, she built a project on digital sovereignty, participation and data commons at The New Institute and was the director of the Prototype Fund, an innovation fund of the Open Knwledge Foundation Deutschland and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

At #DecidimFest22 she'll talk with free software and free data lawyer specialist Malcolm Bain.
Andrea G Rodriguez is Policy Analyst Lead on emerging technologies and the European digital agenda at the European Policy Centre, a Brussels based think tank dedicated to fostering European integration.

Previously, she was a researcher and project manager at Cidob Barcelona - Center of International Affairs, and principal investigator at the European Cybersecurity Forum - CYBERSEC.
She is fellow at the Future Policy Lab.

At #DecidimFest22 she will join Simona Levi and Jill Toh to talk about Internet regulation as a battleground
🟢 Arnaud Pinxteren is alderman of the City of Brussels, in charge of Early Childhood, Citizen Participation, and Urban Renovation.

Its policies are focused on ecology, citizen engagement and a good quality of life for the city's inhabitants🌿

At #DecidimFest22 we will get to know:
🤚🏼 what is the participatory model of Brussels?
💻 their experience with the deployment of @decidim_org
🔭 the role that technologies for participation can play within its future challenges
🟢 Ben Tarnoff is a tech worker, writer, co-founder of Logic Magazine and member of Collective Action in Tech.

🖌He has written for NY times, The Guardian, The New Republic and Jacobin.

📕Co-author of "Voices from the Valley: Tech Workers Talk About What They Do and How They Do It"

At #DecidimFest22 and together with journalist Carlos del Castillo ( he will talk about his most recent book:

✊🏾Internet for the People. The Fight for Our Digital Future. Why is the internet so broken, and what could ever possibly fix it?
#𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗶𝗺 #𝗗𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗶𝗺𝗙𝗲𝘀𝘁𝟮𝟮⚡️

🔔You have until 4pm (BCN time) to vote for your favourite workshops

📢Tens fins a les 4pm per votar pels teus tallers preferits

🚨 Tienes hasta las 4pm para votar por tus talleres preferidos

💫 Finalment els 3 tallers que han obtingut més vots són:
🔹Co-creating More Plural Debates on Decidim
Decidim.Vis: Visualizador de procesos participativos en instancias de Decidim
🔹Decidim Redesign: let's build together the Admin Dashboard

Podreu participar d´aquests tallers el matí del divendres 14 d'octubre, properament donarem més detalls sobre la inscripció.

Moltes gràcies a totes per participar i enhorabona a les guanyadores! Ens veiem al #DecidimFest22 els dies 13 i 14 d'octubre a Barcelona.
💫 Los 3 talleres más votados son:
🔹Co-creating More Plural Debates on Decidim
Decidim.Vis: Visualizador de procesos participativos en instancias de Decidim
🔹Decidim Redesign: let's build together the Admin Dashboard

Podréis participar de estos talleres la mañana del viernes 14 de octubre, próximamente daremos más detalles sobre la inscripción.

Muchas gracias a todas por participar y enhorabuena a las ganadoras! Nos vemos en #DecidimFest22.

💫 Finally, the 3 workshops that have obtained the most votes are:
🔹Co-creating More Plural Debates on Decidim
Decidim.Vis: Visualizador de procesos participativos en instancias de Decidim
🔹Decidim Redesign: let's build together the Admin Dashboard

You will be able to participate in these workshops on the morning of Friday, October 14, schedule and registration will be available soon.

Thank you all for participating and congratulations to the winners! See you at #DecidimFest22.
🟢 Jill Toh is co-founder of the Racism and Technology Center that help bridge the gap between anti-racism organisations and digital rights defenders.
Her interdisciplinary research looks at the intersections of data, technology, labour and social justice

She co-advises the Platform Workers Litigation Project, which aims to empower platform workers in asserting their data rights in the context of workplace surveillance technologies

At #DecidimFest22 she'll join Simona Levi and Andrea García Rodríguez to talk about Internet Regulation as a battlefield