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⚡️ El #DecidimFest23 s'obria amb Intel·ligència Col·lectiva per la Democràcia i els Reptes de Decidim.

🗣 Arnau Monterde: "La new thing de l’era digital tindrà a veure amb la cooperació i amb la pau".

🗣 Carol Romero, citant el poeta palestí Mahmud Darwish: "En la intel·ligència col·lectiva d’un poble resideix la seva força més gran. Som un teixit d’històries, somnis i aspiracions compartides".

📽 Ja podeu recuperar la sessió inaugural aquí:

🎞 També disponible en anglès:
On 21 November we will be in Brussels participating in "OSOR Turns 15: From Pioneering to Mainstreaming Open Technologies in Public Services".

🔹 Delving into the specifics of open source collaboration, governance, sustainability and funding with Arnau Monterde & others.
🔹 Presenting Decidim with Nil Homedes.
🔹As nominees for the EU Public Services Open Source Achievement Awards.

🌟 The registration for the event, organised by the Commission’s Open Source Observatory, is open🌟➡️

📢 We're celebrating open source communities. Share this invitation with your networks and become a part of the movement towards a more open and sovereign Interoperable Europe.
🎞 Recuperamos la sesión Desafíos Éticos para la Democratización de la Inteligencia Artificial con Ashwin Singh y Sara Suárez, moderada por Pablo Aragón en el #DecidimFest23:

🗣 Sara Suárez: “El impacto social de la IA es masivo e indiscriminado. La fuerza de los sistemas de IA reside, precisamente, en que se nutre de lo colectivo".

🗣 Ashwin Singh: "Las comunidades marginalizadas deberían ser les creadores de sistemas de IA".

🔗 También disponible íntegramente en castellano:

🔗 And in English:
Today we are celebrating open source communities at the #OSORTurns15: From Pioneering to Mainstreaming Open Technologies in Public Services.

🔹 14:20 - 15:40: National and Local Governments' Role in Open Source: Champions, Creators, or Funders?
Arnau Monterde, Director of Democratic Innovation at the City Council of Barcelona, will join this session covering the opportunities and challenges of governments using open source. The panel will compare public services that are employing democratic innovation in cities and smaller municipalities as well as ways of funding open source development.

🔹 16:00 - 17:20 Spotlight on projects nominated for OSOR Awards
Nil Homedes will be presenting #Decidim, as one of the 8 finalists of the EU Public Services Open Source Achievement Awards, which will share their story, lessons learned and tips for others willing to choose openness in the public sector.

🔹17:20 - 17:50 OSOR Awards Ceremony

🔗 Register & watch the streaming live!
🎊 #Decidim was recognised as a finalist of the jury #OSORAward at the #OSORTurns15.

Thank you very much for this acknowledgment and congratulations to all the finalists and winners of these amazing #OpenSource #PublicService projects.

🌐 Together towards a #EUCommi #DigitalTransformation!
Media is too big
La resistència ✊🏾, per ser sostenible, ha de ser alegre! 💖

Rayén Jara de Radical Data va visitar-nos amb motiu del #DecidimFest23 per explicar com la força de les dades pot canviar el món. En aquesta entrevista ens insta a aprendre del Sud Global i a reivindicar la joia com a eina de transformació.

Si en l'actualitat l'ús que fan certes plataformes de les dades oprimeix a alguns col·lectius, Radical Data proposa reapropiar-nos d'aquestes eines per emancipar-nos i alliberar-nos com a pràctica de resistència.

 Llegeix l'entrevista completa
🎞 The Artificial Intelligence for Citizen Participation panel of #DecidimFest23 is now available on video:

👥 With Róbert Bjarnason from Citizens Foundation and Xabier E. Barandiaran from UVP/EHU and #Decidim, moderated by Alejandra González.

🌐 The founders of two of the most relevant free software experiences of democratic participation ask themselves about their intersection with AI.

🔗 Also available in Catalan:
📌 This #GivingTuesday help us to keep #Decidim as an autonomous project.

🗣 We are a digital platform for citizen participation & radical democracy based on:

🔹#FLOSS technology
🔹privacy-preserving principles
🔹community governance

👇 Contribute here:
📣 Attention, Decidim community members!

🗓 We are excited to announce our next Community Meeting scheduled for 14th December, 16:00-17:00 UTC.

🗣 This event offers you a unique platform to present an innovative use case of Decidim, propose a new module development, or any thought-provoking idea you might have. It will also be a space where thematic groups can present their progress and facilitate networking opportunities.

👥 Whether you are new to our community or a seasoned member, we welcome you to join this event to collaborate, contribute and grow.

✍️ Register to attend here!
🗓 Mañana, 14 de diciembre, de 16:00 a 17:00 CET, celebramos un nuevo Encuentro de la Comunidad Decidim.

🗣 Una plataforma para presentar un caso de uso innovador, proponer el desarrollo de un nuevo módulo o exponer cualquier idea que tengas. Un espacio donde los grupos temáticos presenten sus avances y en el que encontrar oportunidades de networking.

🚀 Tanto si eres nueva en nuestra comunidad como si eres un miembro veterano, te invitamos a unirte para colaborar, contribuir y crecer juntas.

✍️ ¡Te esperamos mañana!
📌 Today we're celebrating the Community Meeting from 16:00-17:00 CET and we'd love to see everyone there.

🗣 This is a valuable opportunity to share your work, progress, and insights about #Decidim. Not just that, if you've got an interesting use case, a new module to showcase, or even an inkling of a new idea, this meeting is the perfect stage to share it!

👥 Remember - your contributions aren’t just integral to the development of #Decidim but also help our community grow and evolve.

🌐 Looking forward to everyone's participation. Let's wrap-up the year with this collaborative community meeting!

💫 Join us!
10 minutes left for the #Decidim #CommunityMeeting:

[16:00 - 16:10]

[16:10 - 16:20]
Thematic groups updates

[16:20 - 16:40]
Ideas selection

[16:40 - 17:00]
Open Q/A

🔗 Don’t miss it. Join us here!
🚀 Decidim 0.28.0 is out now!

Featuring a complete redesign aiming for more simplicity, navigability and consistency.

🔍 Check out the new Decidim Design Guide and find out about the advantages of the new redesign and the improvements to the existing features here.

🌐 We couldn’t have done this without the support of our beloved community. Thank you all for helping make Decidim the best political tool possible!
🔊 Last days to apply for the Barcelona City Council subsidy on Democratic Innovation projects!

🔹 Development and implementation of software or digital infrastructures based on Decidim or other free technologies for the improvement of democratic participation.

🔹 Projects in the framework of the European Capital of Democracy.

🔹 Digital empowerment for democratic participation, defense of digital rights and promotion of free technologies for democratic participation, digital rights and promotion of free technologies for training.

🔹 Research and development projects on democratic innovation and the challenges of the network society.

🗓 Submissions open until 25 January, inclusive.

🔗 Click for more information.
🎂 Estem d’aniversari: avui Decidim fa 7 anys!

📖 I volem celebrar-ho compartint amb vosaltres el #DecidimBook, titulat Decidim, a technopolitical network for participatory democracy. Philosophy, practice and autonomy of a collective platform in the age of Digital Intelligence, un llibre (copyleft) on presentem el nostre relat, fem un repàs de la nostra història i somiem amb el nostre futur.

🎊 Afegeix-te a la celebració compartint el llibre i la nostra història!
🚀 Decidim 0.29.0 is out!

🔥 After the major UI revamp in the previous version, this update is all about boosting the mobile experience, refining features, and squashing bugs!

👉 Check it out here

🌐 And as usual: Thank you all for helping make Decidim the best political tool possible!
🌱⚡️ New Opinion Article Released! ⚡️🌱

We have been reflecting on Technology and the Environment and have questions that we would like to share to explore and sustain better futures. 🌍

The ecosocial crisis we face today stems from a complex network of interconnections across the economy, politics, technology, environment, and culture. In our article, we pose critical questions and explore more sustainable alternatives to address these challenges.

This year's edition of #DecidimFest 2024! is centered around these reflections aiming to foster meaningful discussions and sustainable alternatives.

💚 Read the full article here 👇