Artem Ryblov’s Data Science Weekly
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@artemfisherman’s Data Science Weekly: Elevate your expertise with a standout data science resource each week, carefully chosen for depth and impact.

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End to End Machine Learning (FREE Courses)

The best way to learn new concepts is to use them to build something. These courses are structured to build foundational knowledge (100 series), provide in-depth applied machine learning case studies (200 series), and embark on project-driven deep-dives (300 series).

- 111. Getting ready to learn Python, Mac edition
- 112. Getting ready to learn Python, Windows edition
- 201. Intro to Python
- 211. Decision Trees with Python and Pandas
- 212. Time-Series Analysis
- 213. Nonlinear Modelling and Optimization
- 221. The k-nearest neighbours algorithm
- 311. Neural Network Visualization
- 312. Build a Neural Network Framework
- 313. Advanced Neural Network Methods
- 314. Neural Network Optimization
- 321. Convolutional Neural Networks in One Dimension
- 322. Convolutional neural networks in two dimensions

Come have a look around and try one out today!

Navigational hashtags: #armknowledgesharing #armcourses
General hashtags: #machinelearning #ml #algorithms #learning #course #python #decisiontrees #pandas #timeseries #nonlinear #knn #neuralnetworks #neuralnetwork #convolutionalneuralnetworks #optimization #analysis #visualization

Google Machine Learning Education

Learn to build ML products with Google's Machine Learning Courses.

Foundational courses
The foundational courses cover machine learning fundamentals and core concepts. They recommend taking them in the order below.

1. Introduction to Machine Learning
A brief introduction to machine learning.
2. Machine Learning Crash Course
A hands-on course to explore the critical basics of machine learning.
3. Problem Framing
A course to help you map real-world problems to machine learning solutions.
4. Data Preparation and Feature Engineering
An introduction to preparing your data for ML workflows.
5. Testing and Debugging
Strategies for testing and debugging machine learning models and pipelines.

Advanced Courses
The advanced courses teach tools and techniques for solving a variety of machine learning problems. The courses are structured independently. Take them based on interest or problem domain.

- Decision Forests
Decision forests are an alternative to neural networks.
- Recommendation Systems
Recommendation systems generate personalized suggestions.
- Clustering
Clustering is a key unsupervised machine learning strategy to associate related items.
- Generative Adversarial Networks
GANs create new data instances that resemble your training data.
- Image Classification
Is that a picture of a cat or is it a dog?
- Fairness in Perspective API
Hands-on practice debugging fairness issues.

Their guides offer simple step-by-step walkthroughs for solving common machine learning problems using best practices.

- Rules of ML
Become a better machine learning engineer by following these machine learning best practices used at Google.
- People + AI Guidebook
This guide assists UXers, PMs, and developers in collaboratively working through AI design topics and questions.
- Text Classification
This comprehensive guide provides a walkthrough to solving text classification problems using machine learning.
- Good Data Analysis
This guide describes the tricks that an expert data analyst uses to evaluate huge data sets in machine learning problems.
- Deep Learning Tuning Playbook
This guide explains a scientific way to optimize the training of deep learning models.


Navigational hashtags: #armknowledgesharing #armcourses
General hashtags: #machinelearning #ml #google #course #courses #featureengineering #recsys #clustering #gan
