Artem Ryblov’s Data Science Weekly
226 subscribers
61 photos
86 links
@artemfisherman’s Data Science Weekly: Elevate your expertise with a standout data science resource each week, carefully chosen for depth and impact.
Long-form content:
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I have accumulated a lot of information that I want to share:

- Books #armbooks
- Courses #armcourses
- YouTube channels #armyoutube
- Articles and blogs #armarticles
- Tutorials #armtutorials
- Python Libraries #armpackages
- Kaggle Notebooks #armkaggle
- Telegram channels #armtelegram
- Cheetsheets #armcheetsheets
- Repositories #armrepo
- Newsletters #armnewsletters

All the posts in the series can be found using the hashtag #armknowledgesharing (and the hashtags above)
StatQuest with Josh Starmer

"Statistics, Machine Learning and Data Science can sometimes seem like very scary topics, but since each technique is really just a combination of small and simple steps, they are actually quite simple. My goal with StatQuest is to break down the major methodologies into easy to understand pieces. That said, I don't dumb down the material. Instead, I build up your understanding so that you are smarter."

This is how Joshua Starmer PhD describes his channel and I completely agree with him!

I watch his videos to understand the meaning of the algorithms before going into details, and I encourage you to do the same!


#machinelearning #datascience #algorithms #statistics #phd
#armknowledgesharing #armyoutube

Bash Scripting Tutorial for Beginners by Herbert Lindemans

Learn bash scripting in this crash course for beginners. Understanding how to use bash scripting will enhance your productivity by automating tasks, streamlining processes, and making your workflow more efficient.

⌨️ (00:00) Introduction
⌨️ (03:24) Basic commands
⌨️ (06:21) Writing your first bash script
⌨️ (11:29) Variables
⌨️ (14:55) Positional arguments
⌨️ (16:23) Output/Input redirection
⌨️ (23:23) Test operators
⌨️ (25:19) If/Elif/Else
⌨️ (28:37) Case statements
⌨️ (32:16) Arrays
⌨️ (34:12) For loop
⌨️ (36:03) Functions
⌨️ (41:31) Exit codes
⌨️ (42:30) AWK
⌨️ (45:11) SED

Link: Video

Navigational hashtags: #armknowledgesharing #armyoutube
General hashtags: #bash #cmd #terminal
