the channel of daniel
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I know nothing. I now know something...
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“i AM” the master of my MiND. The MiND drives my BODY, and my BODY is my MiND.

“i AM” not my #mind. I have a MiND.
“i AM” not my #body. I have a BODY.
“i AM” not my #thoughts. i observe the thoughts within my MiND.
“i AM” not my #sensations. i observe the sensations within my BODY and my MiND.
“i AM” not my #feelings. i observe the feelings within my BODY and my MiND.
“i AM” not my #emotions. i observe the emotions within my BODY and my MiND.
“i AM” THE CHANGE because I consciously choose to be an Independent BEiNG, with healthy Inter-dependent relationships:

“i AM” WELL because I continuously and consistently practice My 2 Step | 12 Step Programs of Recovery with Conscious Intention and Conscious Awareness:
…and when all seems lost, I like to remind myself that the real "me", the me that is the #watcher, that is persistently there just observing "my" #thoughts, "my" #feelings and "my" #actions without judgement, the thing that even though "we are it", remains undefinable in terms of its actual existence, origin or nature of being, the thing we commonly refer to as "#CONSCiOUSNESS", is as Bill Hicks said, "one CONSCiOUSNESS experiencing itself #Subjectively"… that "me", is here to appreciate the simplicity of the #illusion that mostly keeps us distracted from appreciating the irony that whilst all this "appears" to (be) matter, we are in fact all part of an infinitely fluid moment, with unimaginable possibilities and unlimited #potential that continuously renews and recycles itself, ultimately returning to source to begin again…

…that literally none of this matters is both mentally terrifying and "spiritually" #enlightening...

...for me, it's about "being present in this moment", and allowing myself to return to what may be referred to as "the #peace and #grace of #god". From that innate place of rest, "i AM", as the self-actualised creator/created, get to choose what "I" manifest next…