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We’re in the final stages of the move towards ‘The Great Reset’; We must win now or lose forever

Sir Klaus Schwab (knighted by the queen for services to conspiracy) is eager to move on with the Great Reset. And so are his co-conspirators. They know that they’re now very close to victory. The Exposé is now heavily censored by Google, Facebook, Twitter and PayPal. Let’s not lose touch, subscribe today to receive the…
Government of Canada confirms Fully Vaccinated account for 7 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths over past month despite accounting for just 5 in every 10 Cases

It’s quite clear the Covid-19 injections are not doing what they say on the tin…

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Those in the West cheering on their Governments’ support for Ukraine would do well to realise this…

Russia’s red lines with Ukraine have been stated clearly – and violated repeatedly by the US – for years. Notably, the US’ efforts to provide lethal aid to Ukraine have coincided with the winding down of its lethal support to Syrian “rebels”, suggesting that the US war and intelligence apparatus has long seen Ukraine as the “next” on its list of proxy wars…
March Fundraising Campaign – We rely solely on your support…

PayPal recently decided to “defund” The Exposé because they want to control your choices and tell you which organisations you may and may not support. So your support is now more vital than ever to The Exposé being able to bring you the facts the mainstream refuse to…
Deaths fall among Unvaccinated but rise among Fully Vaccinated, with Triple Jabbed now accounting for 8 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths in England

With the mainstream media now focused entirely on instilling fear among the general public with non-stop coverage on the conflict in Ukraine, you may have missed the latest data from the U.K. Government on Covid deaths by vaccination status…

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Confidential Pfizer Docs. reveal the Covid-19 Vaccine accumulates in the Ovaries; & now Official UK Data shows cases of Ovarian Cancer are at an all time high

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been forced by court order to publish all confidential documents sent to them by Pfizer in regard to emergency use approval of the Pfizer Covid-19 injection. The latest round of documents were published 1st March 22, and one of the documents confirms that the Pfizer Covid-19 injection…
Confidential Pfizer Docs. reveal the Covid-19 Vaccine accumulates in the Ovaries; & now Official UK Data shows cases of Ovarian Cancer are at an all time high

Data for the number of individuals suffering from ovarian cancer shows that the known trend in 2021 was significantly higher than 2020 and the 2017-2019 average…
Dr Vernon Coleman: ‘Virtue Signalling is the New Plague’

The epidemic of maskitis which has enveloped Britain for the last two years has not been cured. A careful analysis of shoppers shows that 40% are still wearing their masks in the street and that number more than doubles in shops and supermarkets...
Prof. Alexandra Henrion-Caude: An Overview of Covid Vaccines

On Day 6 of the Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples’ Court of Public Opinion, Prof. Alexandra Henrion-Caude gave an overview of the problems with the “vaccine” being offered as the only solution, the previously known warnings regarding both coronavirus vaccines and mRNA injections and why choosing the spike protein in the design of the…
Stop the Power Grab: An Open Letter on the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

The World Council for Health (“WCH”), a coalition of scientists, doctors, lawyers, and civil society advocacy organisations, opposes the World Health Organisation (“WHO”)’s moves to implement a power grab in the form of a global pandemic agreement, while the world’s attention is diverted by the latest crisis…
Irish MEP Accuses Governments and Media of Biased Coverage of Wars and Human Suffering

On 7 March, Clare Daly, an Irish Member of the European Parliament (“MEP”), shook the European hypocritical world regarding the Russia-Ukraine crisis during a sitting of the European parliament. During an impassioned speech she said: “Tens of thousands of Afghani citizens have been forced to flee in search of food and safety, 5 million children…
Irish MEP Accuses Governments and Media of Biased Coverage of Wars and Human Suffering

On 7 March, Clare Daly, an Irish Member of the European Parliament (“MEP”), shook the European hypocritical world regarding the Russia-Ukraine crisis during a sitting of the European parliament. During an impassioned speech she said: “Tens of thousands of Afghani citizens have been forced to flee in search of food and safety, 5 million children…
Confidential Pfizer Docs. reveal the Covid-19 Vaccine accumulates in the Ovaries; & now Official UK Data shows cases of Ovarian Cancer are at an all time high

Data for the number of individuals suffering from ovarian cancer shows that the known trend in 2021 was significantly higher than 2020 and the 2017-2019 average…

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COVID NEWSPEAK: Altering Definitions to Alter Perceptions

By a Biomedical Scientist “The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a…
Whitty Lied, then Children Died, ONS Data proves it…

On the 3rd September 2021 the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) announced (see here) they were not recommending the Pfizer Covid-19 injection be offered to all children over the age of 12. They simply couldn’t justify that the benefits outweighed the risks. But on the 13th September, Professor Chris Whitty, the Chief Medical…
Whitty Lied, then Children Died, ONS Data proves it…

The deadly consequences of giving Children an experimental, questionable, and unnecessary Covid-19 injection…

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Dr Vernon Coleman: ‘It’s time to arrest the guilty Doctors who gave the covid-19 Vaccines’

Now that even some of the mainstream media is reporting the fact that the covid-19 jabs are deadly, that they caused around 150 potentially serious side effects and that they have killed umpteen thousands of people, it is worth looking hard at the doctors who gave the jabs...
Vaccine-Injured explains to the Grand Jury the Constant, unbearable pain now suffered due to the Pfizer Injection

Terrance Munsamy is a 40-year-old South African who has suffered severe shingles from a first dose of the Pfizer Covid injection.  It is a heart-breaking story of pain, loss of arm function and permanent scarring. “I don’t sleep at night… This unbearable pain and this disfigurement of my arm… I don’t think I’ll be the…