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Documentary: The truth about Ukraine’s 2014 Maidan uprising to install a US-backed regime

A French documentary ‘Ukraine: The masks of the revolution’ by Paul Moreira was broadcast on the French TV channel Canal + in 2016. The Ukrainian Embassy in Paris asked to have the broadcast of the film in France taken off the air. But what is in there that the Ukrainian authorities were so afraid of?
Chickenpox Vaccines given to Children result in outbreaks of Shingles in Adults

According to Dr. Gary Goldman, before the universal chickenpox or varicella vaccine was introduced in the USA in 1996, 95% of adults had experienced natural chickenpox, usually as children, and had life-long immunity. Subsequent exposures to natural chickenpox prevented or postponed shingles.

Childhood chickenpox vaccination programmes have increased the cases of shingles in adults…
Member of Parliament asks the UK Government about the use of midazolam during the pandemic

Independent Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen has asked the UK Government about the use of midazolam and morphine on elderly patients during the “pandemic.”
UK’s Covid Pandemic Industry plotted to kill 11 million Cats

A former health minister has admitted that Britain’s 11 million cats were in the crosshairs at the start of the Covid pandemic, and that the government considered “exterminating” them all.
Lawsuit claims HPV vaccine causes auto-immune and neurologic disorders

A class action lawsuit is ongoing and growing against Merck for its HPV vaccine, Gardasil. The law firm, Miller & Zois, is taking on legal cases in all 50 American states of victims who have suffered harm from the vaccine. They are looking at various types of Gardasil lawsuits, focusing on premature ovarian failure…
UK researchers experiment with a solar geoengineering system called SATAN

Last September, researchers in the UK launched a high-altitude weather balloon that released a few hundred grams of sulphur dioxide into the stratosphere, a potential scientific first in the solar geoengineering field.

Solar geoengineering is highly controversial given, among other issues, that blasting chemicals into our immediate orbit tampers with the natural order, making weather less predictable or threatening populations’ food supplies by causing drought.
UK GOV. confirms Unvaccinated had lowest Mortality Rate per 100k in 2022

The UK government has just published a report that confirms Covid-19 vaccination is deadly, with figures showing mortality rates per 100,000 were lowest among the unvaccinated throughout the whole of 2022.
They want us hungry, broke and dead

It is now time to imprison the globalists, the conspirators, the EU supporters, the left wing pseudo-intellectual extremists and the insane armies of the woke. They’ve done far too much damage already. They want you broke, hungry and dead and it’s time to take back control of our lives and our world ...
It is NOT Agenda 2030 – It is Agenda 2023

We know that the globalist intelligence services have partnered with big tech to build us a digital prison to enforce social credit score-controlled Central Bank Digital Currencies. We know that they seek to control our genetics through genetic vaccination, our money through CBDCs and our carbon footprint through social credit scores and our movement through…
New report reveals that polar wildlife thrives despite climate alarmists’ dire predictions

The “climate emergency” narrative seems to be continuing down its path of self-destruct with a recent report by a prominent Canadian zoologist stating that polar bears and other polar wildlife continued to thrive in 2022 despite predictions of impending catastrophe.
Proposed legislation in Montana would ban vaccinated people from donating blood

Legislation being proposed in Montana, USA, would ban people who had been injected with a covid “vaccine” from donating blood or organs.

The bill would also ban people who have high-count spike proteins from “long covid.”
Secret CDC Reports confirm 535k American Children & Young Adults have died since the FDA approved the COVID-19 Vaccine, resulting in a shocking 50% increase in Excess Deaths

A shocking report secretly released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has revealed that COVID-19 vaccines, touted as the solution to the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus, may actually be causing more harm than good to children and young adults
Is the sudden publicising of the “lab leak theory” a sign of the end or the beginning of something new?

Corporate media has suddenly become awash with the “lab leak theory.” There has been overwhelming evidence for some time that covid was manufactured in a laboratory using gain-of-function because of its highly unusual genetic structure. Whether we think covid is the main threat or the vaccine is, they both came from a biotech laboratory…
After scorning those opposing ULEZ plans, the Mayor of London uses their tax money to fund propaganda for its expansion

Labour’s London Mayor Sadiq Khan provoked anger at a “people’s question time” event at Ealing Town Hall on Thursday when he described Ultra Low Emission Zone (“ULEZ”) protestors as: “Some are far-right, Some are covid deniers. Some are vaccine deniers. And some are Tories.”
When Vaccines meet Science Fiction

The vaccine industry never stops looking for new opportunities and researchers are constantly talking about introducing new vaccines.

Although new vaccines are forever being introduced, vaccines are rarely if ever withdrawn ...
What do Ethiopia, Ukraine and Marxism have in common?

In mid-February, WHO convened an emergency meeting, just a day after Equatorial Guinea, in West Africa, confirmed its first-ever outbreak of the Marburg virus disease.

The emergency meeting was to discuss whether to test one of several Marburg vaccines and treatments in development during this outbreak.
What you need to know about Agenda 2030 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Obscured by noble-sounding verbiage, the text of the World Economic Forum’s Agenda 2030 hides a hideous truth. When you look past the “sustainable development” jargon, it’s clear they want to take away your goods, such as electrical appliances, motor vehicles and even property rights. Investigative journalist Whitney Webb reveals the inner workings of the…
Secret CDC Reports confirm 535k American Children & Young Adults have died since the FDA approved the COVID-19 Vaccine, resulting in a shocking 50% increase in Excess Deaths

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Researchers warn Net Zero Zealots’ policies will cause half the world’s population to starve

Net Zero initiatives of governments and private organisations are scientifically invalid and will lead to worldwide impoverishment and starvation if implemented, according to a paper published by CO2 Coalition.