Dagmawi Babi
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Believer of Christ | Creative Developer.

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"ትእዛዙም በልጁ በኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ እንድናምንና እርሱ እንዳዘዘንም እርስ በርሳችን እንድንዋደድ ነው። ትእዛዞቹንም የሚጠብቁ ሁሉ በእርሱ ይኖራሉ፤ እርሱም በእነርሱ ይኖራል። በእኛ መኖሩን በዚህ ይኸውም እርሱ በሰጠን መንፈስ እናውቃለን።"
— 1ኛ ዮሐንስ 3:23-24

Here, the apostle John acknowledges that sometimes our hearts might condemn us — perhaps we feel guilty, unworthy, or anxious about our standing before God. However, John reminds us that "God is greater than our hearts." Even when we feel overwhelmed by self-doubt, God's knowledge and love surpass our feelings. He knows everything about us, and His grace can overcome our self-condemnation.

#Spiritual #Lessons #Scripture #BibleStudy
Dagmawi Babi
"This is the way we know that we belong to the way of truth. When our hearts make us feel guilty, we can still have peace before God. God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything." — 1 John 3:19-20 ICB #Scripture @Dagmawi_Babi
Sometimes your heart condemns you, makes you feel guilty even when God has forgiven you. This verse is for that.

It says God is greater than a condemning heart. So trust the faithfulness of God forgiving you and let your heart rest.

#Spiritual #Lessons
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My Testimony is Now Published!

This is the story of how I was saved and started my beautiful relationship with God. This is how the generous loving God rescued my lost, lust drenched soul and changed me.

This is one of my most secretive stories to tell. I hope it sparks something in you and reconnects you with God.

Remember it has adult themes and may not be suitable for every reader so pray before reading it. Take your time with it, try not to judge and open your heart to how good God can be!

You can read it on my blog, on notion or as a pdf here. Have a blessed and beautiful time. I'd love to hear what you thought of my story as well.

Enjoy! 🌷

#DBlogs #MyBlogs #MyTestimony #Spiritual
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"ኢየሱስም እንዲህ አላት፤ “ትንሣኤና ሕይወት እኔ ነኝ፤ በእኔ የሚያምን ቢሞት እንኳ በሕይወት ይኖራል፤ በእኔ የሚኖር፣ የሚያምንብኝም ከቶ አይሞትም፤ ይህን ታምኛለሽን?”
-- ዮሐንስ 11:25-26

#Spiritual #ChristianArt
There are a bunch of answers to this that people with different perspectives gave. Pretty cool. So I won't expand on this much.

Since the question was towards me, I'll just narrate the Christian side in a blip.

One of my fav verses in the Bible is this:
“ነገርን መሰወር ለእግዚአብሔር ክብሩ ነው፤ ነገርን ፈልፍሎ ማውጣት ግን ለነገሥታት ክብራቸው ነው።”
— ምሳሌ 25፥2

It says that Humanity and civilization expanding in complexities, advancements, technology, tools, and more is our honor. It's what make us beautiful and shine. It's our story to tell at the campfire.

So God purposely hid things, in the literal sense for us to dig up or explore to discover and also in the sense that He made things so complex that we have to upgrade our complexities to reach what He hid. So well practiced science and technology makes God happy and it is in complete alignment of His will.

Another striking story for me is the story of Bezalel in the Bible. He is considered to be the first person the Holy Spirit came onto and filled him with so much engineering, architectural, interior design and construction knowledge and wisdom.

“እነሆ፤ ከይሁዳ ነገድ የሆር የልጅ ልጅ የሆነውን የኡሪን ልጅ ባስልኤልን መርጬዋለሁ። በሁሉም ዐይነት የእጅ ጥበብ ሥራ፣ ብልሃት፣ ችሎታና ዕውቀት እንዲኖረው የእግዚአብሔርን መንፈስ ሞልቼዋለሁ፤ይኸውም በወርቅ፣ በብርና በናስ ለሚሠሩት ሥራዎች በጥበብ የተሠሩ ጌጦችን እንዲያበጅ፣ ድንጋዮችን እንዲቆፍርና እንዲጠርብ ከዕንጨትም ጥርብ እንዲያወጣ፣ ሁሉንም ዐይነት የእጅ ጥበብ ሥራዎችን እንዲያከናውን ነው።"
-- ዘጸአት 31:2-5

Here you can see that God not only wants people to pursue science, technology, engineering, maths and more but He will actively participate in your journey.

God encourages believers to pursue complexities, seek the truth, discover things, battle the evils of this world both in the spiritual and physical sense, to seek wisdom actively and more.

Now, what's so beautiful for a Christian STEM person is that the products, technology, tools and designs built are sound morally, have gone through so much value filters that it prevents some possible evil and addictions as well.

But in a deeper sense, God works with you. His Spirit pours down wisdom and knowledge, guides and teaches you. So when you're out there fighting to make a cure for cancer, building spaceships to reach other solar systems, building robots to help humanity, building software to enhance life; God will bless, guide and help you with that.

Another deep thing is, purpose and beauty. So you could launch the best AI there is but then again you have no meaning for your life, you could be dying on the inside, you could not experience what joy is.


#Spiritual #Thoughts #Work
"So every truly humbled man will say, when he hears of the great offenses of others, 'They today, and I tomorrow, unless Grace shall intervene to keep me from following their evil example.'"
— C.H. Spurgeon

#Spiritual #Quotes