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An important businessman went to see his doctor because he could not
sleep at night. The doctor examined him carefully and said to him. "your
trouble is that you need to learn to relax. Have you got and hobbies?" the
businessman thought for a few moment and then said. "no, doctor, I
haven't. I don't have any time for hobbies." Well, the doctor answered,
"that is you main trouble, you see you don't have time for anything except
your work. You must find some hobbies, and you must learn to relax with
them, or you'll be dead in less than five years. Why don't you learn to
paint pictures? " all right, doctor " the businessman said. " I'l try that "
the next day he telephoned the doctor and said "that was a very good idea
of your , doctor . thank you very much.I have already painted fifteen
pictures since I was you "

Now answer the following questions:
1.why did the businessman go to his doctor ?
2. what did the doctor advise him to do ?
3. what would happen to the businessman if he didn't listen to the doctor's
4. the businessman had a lot of time for hobbies?
5. the businessman painted 52 pictures . (true\false)
6. choose the suitable title :
a. the doctor's hobbies
b. not able to sleep

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