Cultural Dissonance
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This channel will contribute with snippets of content about systems, change and culture.
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Many people have studied hierarchies in our social systems over the years. Some explore its importance while others have declared hierarchy dead in today's new organisational life.
The fact is that hierarchical structures remain the norm in most places.

I am curious to hear your take on it.

Why are our organisations structured hierarchically?
Choose all that you think 🤔 apply… and send your comments to @acuginotti

1️⃣ It is our innate way or organising as humans
2️⃣ It is a result of how we have historically done it
3️⃣ It is a way for us to cope with organisational complexity
Hierarchy as innate:

"The prevalence of hierarchies and their similarities across species suggest an innate preference, or utility, in the differentiation of power and a possible evolutionary origin." Koski, J. E., Xie, H., & Olson, I. R. (2015). Understanding social hierarchies...
Listen to Bob Dunham talking about his take on leadership - the definition he uses for leaders are: leaders declare a future that other people commit to.

You can see on organisational leadership, but also when working with groups where leaders engage and steer the conversation by making declarations others will follow. They are sometimes the manager, but most of the time they are not - and the more dynamic is the group, the more this type of leadership rotates.
The temporary suspension of hierarchy - Carnivalisation by M. Bakhtin.

Reflect on, beyond Carnival, which other rituals allow for informal networks that can break hierarchical structure, even temporarily.

"The suspension of all hierarchical precedence during carnival time was of particular significance. Rank was especially evident during official feasts; everyone was expected to appear in the full regalia of his calling... and to take the place corresponding to his position. It was a consecration of inequality. On the contrary, all were considered equal during carnival. Here, in the town square, a special form of free and familiar contact reigned among people who were usually divided by the barriers of caste, property, profession, and age. The hierarchical background and the extreme corporative and caste divisions of the medieval social order were exceptionally strong. Therefore such free, familiar contacts were deeply felt and formed an essential element of the carnival spirit. People were, so to speak, reborn for new, purely human relations. These truly human relations were not only a fruit of imagination or abstract thought; they were experienced. The utopian ideal and the realistic merged in this carnival experience, unique of its kind"
Back here for 2022! 🤩🥳

This is a compilation of things I come across while working or studying so you won’t see anything here just for the sake of posting. Check the themes on the pinned message!
We have been exploring using data for decision making, specifically context-full data in the form of stories. But what if this is used in a way that disempowers.
Learn about ‘data colonialism’ here:
Read this important article that explores the pitfalls of decision-making in organisations. 🙈🙊🙉
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My last experience working with an international organisation on their complex decision-making issues.
Check the website for ways to go about group (or individual) decision-making.
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The Magic of Language: How We Use Words to Make Things Happen

There is something special about language. It has the ability to create things out of nothing. By using words, we can communicate with each other and make things happen that we would not be able to do alone. As a result, we can build relationships, create memories, and achieve our goals. I want to invite you to explore the magic of language and how we use it to make things happen!

But first, a confession: I also take this wonder for granted. The way we can communicate is a miracle that we often take for granted because it is an integral part of our lives. It runs transparently in the background. But if you think about it, language is one of the most powerful tools we have as human beings. It allows us to connect, share our thoughts and feelings, and make things together.

Check more on the link below.
Many of us have been taught that being emotional is like being out of control. And since control and predictability are vital to reducing anxiety, expressing emotion is silently forbidden everywhere, especially in the workplace.
​​This complex world also needs other data that bring more relevant information to the table.
Many OD practitioners and human resources professionals disregard this type of data when researching or implementing their programs. Many OD interventions focus on leadership development or talent management without proper analysis of the aspects critical to the organization.
Hightly recommended book by Ralph Stacey if you are interested in group processes and dynamics. He presents a new understanding of processes contrasting with phychoanalysis and systems thinking.

🤔 One quote:
"...there is no need to look for the causes of coherent human action in concepts such as deep structures, archetypes, the collective unconscious, transcendental wholes, common pools of meaning, group minds, the group-as-a-whole, transpersonal processes, foundation matrix, the personal dynamic unconscious, internal worlds, mental models, and so on. Instead, one understands local human relating to be inherently pattern forming."
“If one takes this view of the emergence of coherent patterns of relating in the process of relating, then there is no need to look for the causes of coherent human action in concepts such as deep structures, archetypes, the collective unconscious, transcendental holes…”

Stacey, “Complex Responsive Processes in Organizations”
One of the things that I believe balance the participatory ways of Art of Hosting with the here-and-now work like Tavistock has to do with collaborative idealisations made to soothe the needs of personal and collective fulfilment.

“... visionary speak and text also have a disciplinary power, and appeals to ideals can easily have the consequence of evoking guilt, shame and the potential of exclusion.”

(Willmott cited in The Complexity of Consultancy).
‘I propose that consultants should not try to bring about alignment or harmony, but that they take diversity and conflict seriously.’

- Eric Wenzel @ What are consultants recognised for?