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Rob Lee (Twitter)

Fighter bomber questions the benefits of the FAB-3000. He says a Su-34 can carry 3 FAB-1500M54 UMPK glide bombs at a time but only one FAB-3000. He also says the era of UMPK with cheap satellite guidance systems is coming to and end due to greater EW capabilities reducing their accuracy. 2/
Necro Mancer (Twitter)

Осуждённый за издевательства над заключенными взяточник, бывший подполковник ФСИН и начальник ИК №6 Левин Алексей Васильевич по кличке "Сварог" съездил в Украину и досрочно откинулся #всрф #потерьнет #груз200
Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (Twitter)

Russian sources associated with the Russian military aviation report about the loss of the Russian Ka-29 helicopter.

Those are actively used by Russians to counter Ukrainian naval kamikaze drone attacks in Black Sea area. Judging by the tone of the Russian posts, the crew died.
Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (Twitter)

/2. The Russian version of events is that this was a friendly fire incident. Russian comments regarding the loss of Ka-29:

“The Ukrainians used new tactics. Simultaneous attack by naval kamikaze drones and UAVs.

To fight off naval kamikaze drones, you need to raise helicopters;…
Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (Twitter)

/3. Russians report that 4 crew members died on board of Ka-29
IgorGirkin (Twitter)

Чтобы... в США наступил тотальный психоз со строительством бункеров от русских бомб и ракет по всей территории. Пусть волнуется вся их элита! Пусть дрожат и трясутся, гниды! И пусть кто-то из них выбросится из окна со словами: «The Russians are coming!»
IgorGirkin (Twitter)

сьогодні вночі Сили оборони України завдали успішного удару по місцях зберігання та підготовки до застосування “Shahed-136/Герань-2”, навчальних корпусах, пунктах управління та зв’язку розрахунків цих БпЛА, що розташовані в Краснодарському краї. За результатами бойової роботи…
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Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (Twitter)

FPV of the 47th Brigade of Ukraine collapses the basement in which four Russian infantrymen were hiding
Rob Lee (Twitter)

Fighter bomber also says Ukraine is using UAVs with its naval drones, which creates problems because Russia counters naval drones with helicopters and increases the risk of friendly fire from Russian air defenses. He says Ukraine also launches rockets/missiles when Russian attack aviation is operating in order to increase the chances of a friendly fire shoot down.
Rob Lee (Twitter)

It appears Russia shot down a naval aviation helicopter today (looks like a Ka-29). 2/
Rob Lee (Twitter)

*one of its own helicopters.
Rob Lee (Twitter)

@KyleJGlen: Could be, but Fighter Bomber suggests it was friendly fire.
Status-6 (Twitter)

Apparently, Russian air defenses shot down a Kamov Ka-29 helicopter of the Russian Navy over the Crimea last night, in a new friendly fire incident between Russian forces.

Fighter-bomber says that the incident occurred amid a simultaneous Ukrainian attack with unmanned surface…