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⭕️The Price Volatilities of Bitcoin has Confused Many Fans of This Coin

It seems that the season of altcoins is on its way. In this midst, we can refer to some altcoins that have gained a lot of fans through the increase of their price. On the other hand, the news that has been published in recent days about the remarks of the French economy minister with respect to Facebook’s cryptocurrency has also been influential. After hearing this news, we realized that Telegram has delayed the release of its cryptocurrency for six months. Yet, Telegram has announced that there is no need to worry and this should be taken as a positive thing, because now it can work for six more months on its systems.
In this midst, Counos has also been able to benefit; by eliminating the attack that occurred in October, Counos was able to once again show the capabilities of its experts and also the power and potential for its growth to the fans in this field and also to the big investors. Even though this attack is indicative of the weakness of some exchanges, Counos will strongly continue anyway.
The analysis of graphs and also the futuristic approach of experts are different from each other, and this shows that the created wave continues onward. We will try to clearly express the reason for this wave and turmoil.
The good news is that in this market that is in turmoil, Counos still continues its way and will move toward its competitors quickly so that it can pass them and get to its main target.

#altcoin #counos #bitcoin
🔪 halving , half the reward for exploitation , or whatever it is called , has become one of the hottest topics today in the world of digital currencies . That will happen in about six months .

⭕️ The design of a strange scenario
halving doesn 't have any impact on the price of the #bitcoin

#news #halving
⭕️ Global Debt Reaches New Highs — Is BTC a Solution or a Beneficiary?

Global debt has surpassed $250 trillion. That’s 320% of gross domestic product, announced the Institute of International Finance on Nov. 14. Emerging market debt also hit a record $71.4 trillion, 220% of GDP.

⭕️ Friday Shows Bloodbath for Crypto Markets, Bitcoin Price At $7,300

Friday, Nov. 22 — Cryptocurrency prices are bleeding heavily, with some of the top-20 coins showing losses of close to 10% on the day.

Bitcoin (BTC) started the day just above the $7,600 price mark, when it suddenly started on another sell-off towards the $7,000 price level. The coin bounced off a local low of $6,800 in recent hours, before moving up to its current trading price at $7,300, showing a loss of close to 4% on the day.

⭕️ Gold investor: according to the head and shoulders pattern, Bitcoin price should fall to 1000 U.S. dollars!

Peter Schiff, prominent Bitcoin critic and gold investor, analyzed the price of Bitcoin in his last tweet and claimed that its price should fall to 1000 dollars.....

🔴Fake Trading Volumes and the Price of Bitcoin

🔻Based on a report to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, last year, 95% of trading volumes in Bitcoin was fake. Nonetheless, despite Bitcoin’s faked volume, its spot prices are still trustworthy.
Based on research, internet attention and price of bitcoin are indistinguishably connected. The report concluded that “we can affirm that Google trends is a good predictor, because of its high cross correlation value.”
In 2018 a report illustrated that cryptocurrency returns have little exposure to traditional asset classes, such as stocks, fiat currencies and commodities. The researchers indicated that cryptocurrency returns are predicted by two factors: momentum and investor attention.
In the firmament of bitcoin trading, knowing the rules and regulations is essential. By that regard, disciplined investors must be equipped with the Principle of the Prediction, therefore having an indomitable plan may lead you toward your goals.

🔴A Turning Point for Bitcoin

🔻COVID19 paves the road for Bitcoin and smart contracts to flourish. Tim Draper, the global venture capital investor believes that current global disruption has incurred huge costs on global markets but on the other side it is an exceptional occasion for Bitcoin and artificial technologies to make the dream of globalization come true.
It has been claimed that globalization has ended in a stalemate but Draper believes that geographical borders are disappearing gradually by the rise of Bitcoin and artificial technologies. Artificial intelligence will provide people with more powerful choices and it will force politicians to modify their strategies and compete in virtual fields instead of battlefields.

🔴A New World Order is Claimed to Happen After COVID19

🔻It has been claimed that after COVID19, the global economy will face an absolutely new order. People all across the world are terrified due to the current death stream running in their ghost cities. However, it has been said that China will appear more powerful than ever after the crisis because they have already opening their manufacturing corporations
It also has been predicted that Cryptocurrency and blockchain will reign over the future economy and traditional assets will perish and disappear from the global markets. Taking into consideration current disruption in the global markets, blockchain-based supply chains and digitalization of the U.S. dollar will be the next principal changes in the global economy.
Secure digital blockchain-based voting also may occur if people can’t make out to the polls in the next United States Presidential election, 2020.
🔴Bitcoin Drops below $7k

🔻Markets are Gripped by Fear; Bitcoin Price Drops below $7k
Coronavirus has had far-reaching consequences in global markets. Recession and economic depression incurred by the recent crisis, are leading to reallocation and rearrangement of global order. As a result of current disruption, Bitcoin price has plummeted considerably during past weeks. Based on a report by COIN360, Bitcoin price has dropped below $7k for the first time in the past four years.
It has been assumed that Bitcoin price will continue to decrease in value below $6.300 due to current recession and lockdown in global markets. Is it merely a natural occurrence in the cryptocurrency market or an economic hoax?

🔴Blockchains lack Interoperability

🔻Blockchain is a well-known technology that provides the modern world with unprecedented opportunity to flourish, although interoperability of blockchain networks is not that all-encompassing to provide efficient use for enterprise solutions.
According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), blockchain networks are still isolated so far. It is important to notice that without interoperability, there won’t be mass adoption. As a result, major industry projects are looking for proper solutions for the current lack of interoperability between blockchain networks. Solutions focus on Bitcoin and Ethereum as two major public blockchain.
🔴Golden Rules

🔻Due to the current
coronavirus pandemic, the global economy is under intense pressure and consequently global markets are taking extreme measures to contain the massive consequences of a great lockdown that may shrink the global economy by 3%. Take a look at the flowing golden rules that will help you survive the crisis:
1.Keep Investing: Crisis is a buying opportunity rather than a selling opportunity
2.Increase your emergency savings: Set aside sufficient cash to cover a period of up to 12 months’ worth of living expenses.
3.Keep part of your asset in cash:. Never be fully deployed.
4.Buy crypto and bitcoin: Crypto provides insurance against inflationary currency
5.A diversified portfolio is crucial: Never put all your eggs in one basket.
Currently due to the global COVID19 pandemic, people are bored and using gaming apps more than ever. As a matter of fact, gaming apps have witnessed an upsurge in downloads. Recently, crypto gaming company, Bling, reported that the number of people using its gaming apps has increased considerably since COVID19 pandemic.
Bling platform is reaching 70,000 users per day, and over 400,000 active users per month. Bling CEO stated a proposition about giving bitcoin away for free through gameplay, due to the fact that the current situation may be an opportunity for many folks who previously heard about Bitcoin but never got around to learning much about it to take that time to learn and collect some Bitcoin.

🔴How Central Banks Destructively Influence Decentralized Finance?

🔻Existing systems, such as central banking, operate effectively in some manners and ineffectively in others for a variety of reasons
Modern banking systems have incurred many damages and still are wreaking havoc on people’s life, although they are flexible and powerful enough for administrators to manage the economic upheavals and shockwaves like what we are undergoing. Nevertheless, independent monies follow an absolutely different path
Unlike a bank, Bitcoin has no balance sheet and possesses no notion of credit or debt. In other words, the protocol maintains only what users own, not what is owed to them or what they owe to others. It promises only scarcity and censorship resistance. As a result, Bitcoin cannot be bailed out, cannot bail others out and requires virtually no supervision.

🔴Will Blockchains Become Deserted Repositories of Ancient Garbage?

🔻If we remain unconcerned, most public blockchains will be destined to become deserted repositories of ancient garbage. Blockchains will suffer one of two dismal fates: either nodes become practically impossible to run long term, or node operators will discard data, weakening immutability promises.
Using blockchains for storing arbitrary data is destructive because node operators are the ones bearing the costs of data being added to the chain. If transactions impose a significant cost relative to their contribution to the security of the blockchain, they are a net negative. Levying an ongoing tax on storage, as the state rent proposal aims to do for Ethereum, is another potential solution to the problem.

🔴Satoshi’s Sword of Damocles

🔺Last week, some of the earliest mined bitcoin moved after more than a decade of dormancy. Whale Alert, a popular Twitter account that tracks major crypto transactions broadcast the message across the crypto verse, saying 40 coins mined in the first month of the network’s operation had transferred from a possible Satoshi owned wallet. Nakamoto’s seemingly altruistic, or at the very least mysterious, “donation” to the bitcoin community hangs over the market like the sword of Damocles.

🔴Microsoft ID System Launches Beta on Bitcoin Network
🔺Microsoft’s decentralized identity network ION, first announced in May is moving to beta testing on the Bitcoin network. ION was developed as a decentralized network to operate independently. The aim is to provide users with a decentralized identifier (DID) that could replace the need for usernames. The core promise of DID technology is to empower all individuals and entities with ownership and control over their identities. Microsoft has not yet set a release date for the final version.
🔴How Is Blockchain Improving Gaming? Is Adam Back Satoshi Nakamoto?

🔺Blockstream CSO and the founder and CEO of game development company Pixelmatic, Samson Mow explain that he sees the merger of blockchain and gaming as the advent of a new type of gaming economy. Since Bitcoin’s inception, there has been rampant speculation and even outright self-proclamations on the identity of its elusive creator. Recently, a YouTuber named Barely Sociable released a 40-minute investigative video claiming that Blockstream CEO Adam Back is the most likely candidate to be Satoshi.
🔴Cybercriminals Use the Blockchain to Relay Secret Messages
🔺SophosLabs published a study that revealed hackers use the blockchain network to share secret messages. SophosLabs states that hackers operating the cryptojacking malware, Glupteba, have been using the Bitcoin blockchain network to communicate in secret.
The purpose is for hackers to receive updated configuration information for the malware. Glupteba is what’s known as a zombie or software robot that can be controlled remotely. It has various functions such as a rootkit, security suppressor, virus, router attack tool, browser stealer, and as a cryptojacking tool.
Hidden Messages Found in Transactions to Twitter Hack Bitcoin Address
Some of the most influential Twitter accounts in the world were hacked earlier this week to promote fake Bitcoin giveaways.
According to blockchain data, a user sent 0.00005348 Bitcoin (BTC) in seven different transactions to the BTC wallet associated with the Twitter hack.
The yet-to-be-identified sender spent 0.00121639 BTC in transaction fees to send the following message: Just Read All Transaction Outputs as Text, You Take Risk When Use Bitcoin for Your Twitter Game, Bitcoin is Traceable Why Not Monero?