Crypto Trust Network
9 subscribers
9 links
The official CTN telegram annoucement channel.
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Channel created
Thanks for joing everyone - sorry we haven't been very active here!
We're going to be ramping up our telegram a *lot* over the next few days along with some large upcoming media and we'll be here to answer any questions you may have
Development is underway for our first deliverable feature: aimed to stop would-be transactions to fradulent wallets before they occur - check out more here:
We've just wrapped up an excellent interview on a large site - one of the features they liekd the most was our verified address service - allowing us to warn someone if they're about to make a deposit to a fradulent or dangerous wallet *before* they do
We'll link the interview when it's live
Another great media mention, we have about 3 more due to come out over today & tomorrow.
Just under a day left until the token-sale officially launches!
CTN wallet integration example shared on twitter
The token sale is officially on! You can watch live blockchain data on our site:
We're also in the process of setting up a group chat for community discussion: the intent of the annoucement channel was for post official news & sale annoucments while ensuring we weren't encouraging phishing
CTN Telegram chat is now up! Find the link here:
WARNING PHISHING SCAM there has been a fake site copying ours with a slightly modified URL.

DO NOT send any funds to any wallet other than our verified wallet: 0x491559dd3DfdBCA13EDc74569e86c8A0D517975b

Make sure you're on the one and only real site:
Come join us in the chat channel - the team is here answering any questiosn you may have
Annoucement: We're going to be hosting a live stream in just over an hour. You can learn more about CTN, meet some of the team & ask any questions you may have.