Crypto Sentiment from BittsAnalytics
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Ever wanted to know which coins are most talked about right now? Maybe you’re building a new product and want to capitalise on the buzz surrounding certain coins. Or maybe you're just interested in finding out if your favourite coin is gaining any popularity. Our cool app will help you with all of this!
Are you following the latest news? Then you probably know that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have been extremely volatile. This has made it hard for people to find and report on factual information. However, your friends at BittsAnalytics decided to take a step back and look at the bigger picture — we’re interested in introducing you to coins that are actually mentioned on social media by real people, not bots or paid promoters.
Not a day goes by without a new crypto coin hitting the market. We track all of them and show how popular each one is on Twitter, Reddit and other social media.
Keeping track of your favorite cryptocurrency is now as easy as pressing a button. Social feeds can often be a great trove of useful information on the topics you're interested in, especially if you are keeping an eye on a particular cryptocurrency. We've put together this tool to simplify how you can collect, organize, and analyze all your favorite coins.
Try out the free demo of our crypto sentiment for Bitcoin at
The cryptocurrency market changes very frequently. The trend can change from good to bad or bad to good. The price goes up and down every hour. It is a scary rollercoaster for investors who want to make money on cryptocurrencies. We collect positive/negative words used by social media users in their posts on twitter including bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, bitcoin cash, dash, ripple etc. We select the top 200 most mentioned cryptocurrencies on social media channels which have the biggest impact on all cryptocurrencies. We know social media discussion of cryptocurrencies are important because they can directly affect the price of all cryptocurrenies via mass psychology. Our site is your best source of information about what social media users talk about every day and how this influences cryptocurrency prices. Check out video at for more information on our platform.
We have launched a new Saas platform from our Company - UnicornSEO -> Best keywords research tool .SEO is not an easy business. It takes hard work, research and knowledge of the rules and strategies. There are many advanced tools available for SEO. But some of them are not user-friendly enough; some of them can’t be used by people who are not advanced in this business. UnicornSEO is a tool for people with all levels of involvement in search engine optimization – from rookies to experts.
Our company has just launched a new Saas platform that allows one to categorize products using either IAB classification or Google product taxonomy. This product classification tool using IAB taxonomy is great for many purposes. E.g. you can use it to classify all the products on your online store. You can also use it for obtaining leads for online stores, by classifying a large number of ecommerce websites and then extracting their social media contacts or email contacts. Product categorization is a relatively hard problem, the biggest problem is obtaining appropriate data sets on which to train the machine learning models. That is the key point. We were able to get great training data sets for both IAB and google product taxonomies. Without it, we would have hard time to provide the high quality product classification. We have also recently focused not only product categorization but on website categorization and url classification available via API, which can be used for brand safety, online filtering, market segmentation and many others.
Just came across an interesting website that tracks the best trending products to sell in 2022. From data science perspective, trends can be tracked in various way. E.g. can approach would be to use Twitter firehose and check all the tweets that mention some kind of product, extract them and then determine number of mentions per some interval, e.g. a good latency would be 1 day. You can read more about Twitter firehose here: Another way to help with finding best trending products to sell in 2022 is to look up this library from GeneralMills
Website categorization is an important tool with which real-time bidding companies determine which websites are suitable for ads of some advertiser being published there. E.g. if you sell some hardware equipment then you are not really interested in displaying your ads on a website which is showing apparel accessories items. So website categorization tool or API is quite valuable to have.
Education has become an important part of our life. Tutoring for mathematics and physics is helping young people achieve their ambitions in STEM and other fields. Interesting webpage on tutoring: Physik Nachhilfe und Mathe Nachhilfe.
Machine learning consulting has become an important discipline which is changing a lot of companies as they implement new machine learning models and solution to better cope with the stream of internal data that they have in their data lakes. AI has become especially significant after the breakthrough of using GPUs for computations which has sped up a lot of tasks due to GPUs having so many cores. Generally a GPU is faster than a CPU by around 40x so we really made almost a quantum leap in terms of performance when it comes to machine learning models. This has led to rise of machine learning consulting since then.
BittsAnalytics social #crypto #feargreed index chart.

Based on sentiment analysis of 1+ million social posts per day on crypto.

After many months (Sep-Dec 21)in previous year with many positive sentiment days, we just cannot get out of neutral / negative state since Jan. it is almost as if some kind of phase transition occur and it seems that until we get more positive sentiment back it is hard to see how we get back to higher prices from here.
Mean CVaR methodology is a portfolio optimisation framework, where the standard risk metric - variance is replaced with Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR). CVaR takes into account higher moments of distribution (Skewness, Kurtosis) and thus better captures asymmetric nature of returns and fat tail events. Its use in a dynamic setting can lead to composition of portfolios with better risk return profile and can reduce probability of fat tail losses in portfolios. Mean Cvar Optimizer Software is a great way to optimize your crypto portfolio given has often one sees fat tails risk in this financial domain. Just look at the recent fall of Bitcoin from over 60k to what is now below 30k in just a few months. Mean Cvar Optimizer Software can help optimize for such tail risk.
What is website categorization? Website categorization is the task of taking a website, fetching its content, metadata (e.g. title description in html tags) and its text (which can be structured further in h1, h2, h3 to h6 elements) and then using this textual data to predict which content category best describes the website. E.g. would be assigned News category, etc. There are many possible categories for websites. E.g. here is a list of a sample of categories when the website is Ecommerce type: Couponsand Discounts
Virtual Reality
Animation TV
Grocery Shopping
Inline Skating
Women's Health
Artificial Intelligence
Early Childhood Education
Financial Assistance
Men's Fashion
Talk Radio
Comedy Movies
Fantasy Movies. What is website categorization question can also be answered by looking at the methods that help us categorize websites. As we are usually dealing with millions of websites, the method is in most cases automated and thus using some kind of a supervised machine learning model for this purpose. A good place to start to categorize websites is e.g. taking Alexa top 1 million websites as the initial list:
Optical character recognition is a very useful technology that allows companies to digitalize their vast troves of documents. It is most commonly abbreviated as OCR and can be used most often in form of some kind of API. Text recognition (OCR) is one of the most important technologies for document scanning today. We used OCR API recently in combination with a reverse api tool to scan for domains that are shared on the same IP but also have similar images, i.e. from same categories in terms of content.