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🔥The new June issue of the "Altucher's Crypto Trader" is available now in our VIP channel. 🔥

This is the message from Kamal Ravikant concerning this monthly issue:

"With bitcoin recently experiencing a resurgence, there’s been a lot of news and speculation surrounding crypto.

This month, I’m analyzing major trends and clearing up any confusion...

Inside the Issue:

📌 Trade War Showdown: Tensions and protests are creating a demand for bitcoin...

📌 Facebook’s Project Libra: Experience this historical moment for crypto. I’ll share with you the three biggest takeaways from this announcement.

📌 Where Our Cryptos Stand: With all of the developments in crypto and the recent reorganization of our portfolio — I’m doing an in-depth review of where our cryptos stand...

📌 And more!


Kamal Ravikant

Co-editor, Altucher's Crypto Trader"

Our VIP channel is the only channel in the telegram messenger and elsewhere where you can find FULL information from the "Altucher's Crypto Trader" subscription service since its beginning in October 2017.

To join our VIP, please, write to @ACT_subscription_bot. More information is here.
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Zcash Fork Update

The zcash (ZEC) fork to ycash (YEC) is coming up in two days. As a reminder, this will give ZEC holders 1:1 ycash.

Everyone who holds ZEC has a chance to get an equal amount of ycash.

In this alert, I’ll discuss details about the fork, and what we recommend you do.

What is Ycash?

Ycash is a new crypto based on zcash’s code.

That said, it does have some differences from zcash. Ycash can be mined with computers and doesn’t have the same structure for the “founder’s reward.”

When new ZEC is mined, some goes to miners, and some is distributed to founders, employees, and early investors ― the founder’s reward.

Some people have criticized the founder’s reward, believing that all of the mined ZEC belongs to the miners. But this funding is what allowed zcash to be built and what pays developers and people to keep it secure.

When zcash uncovered a flaw in its system early in the year, it was fixed before most people even knew it existed ― only because the team had the funds to do so.

Other cryptos that only have volunteer developers aren’t able to do that.

Ycash is a difference in philosophy, in that it reduces the founder’s reward from 20% to a perpetual 5%. Still, the ycash team stands to make a ton of money if it’s successful.

We don’t know yet which exchanges will support ycash, if any.

We’ve been in contact with the founders of zcash about this for the past month, and they didn’t know any other details about this – until today.

Today, the ycash team released their “how to” guide, which you can find here.

Our Recommendation

Now, before we go any further, I want to make you aware that we don’t recommend that you try to access ycash through this fork.

Why? It’s high risk.

Here’s what the ycash team has to say:

Important Note: There is no 100% risk-free way to access your YEC, so if you decide to do so, you do so at your own risk of losing both your YEC and your ZEC.

As much as we love free money, the risk of losing your ZEC to get your YEC is too high. Remember, this is crypto and if you lose your ZEC, you can't get it back.

We recommend that you sit tight on your ZEC and don't do anything.

If you possess the technical skills to pull this off and do want ycash, I’ll still provide you with that information now.

Two Ways to Access YEC

The Easy Way: According to the ycash “how to” guide, there are three wallets that will issue ycash. Using one of the three wallets that have offered to support this fork would be your easiest option to get access. That said, none are wallets we use or have yet recommended. So there are risks. If you choose to do that, you will need to move your ZEC to that wallet and wait until after the fork to move it back to your Ledger.

The Hard Way: This involves knowing how to access your ZEC private keys. Exodus Wallet, which we’ve used for our EOS swap in the past, is one place where you control your private keys and export them to receive your YEC. You also need to run a ycash node (keep a copy of the entire blockchain).

Within the ycash “how to” guide, you’ll find the exact set of instructions for claiming ycash using either one of those methods we just discussed. Do this only if you have the technical skills and risk level to do this.

FAQ’s about the ZEC-YEC Fork

What happens to our ZEC during the fork?

: Nothing. It is perfectly safe.

Which exchanges will be supporting the YEC fork?

: None that we know of. The ycash team said they are working on listings but their priority is the fork. Each exchange will decide for themselves whether to issue the equivalent YEC to ZEC holders.

How do I get my YEC if my ZEC is stored on a Ledger or other hardware wallet?

: You have to move your ZEC. According to the ycash “how to” guide, there are three wallets that will issue ycash. However, none are wallets we use. This is risky.
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What is the value of YEC?

: We have no way of knowing what the value of YEC will be. It depends entirely on the demand for it when it’s released. Some new coins created at forks are worth very little. Others, like bitcoin cash (BCH), became major cryptos.


Kamal Ravikant

Co-editor, Altucher's Crypto Trader

🔥The new July issue of the "Altucher's Crypto Trader" is available now in our VIP channel. 🔥

This is the message from Kamal Ravikant concerning this monthly issue:

"This month, we’re doing a complete analysis of bitcoin (BTC).

Here’s what you’ll find inside:

📌 Price and Volatility: Bitcoin will continue to be volatile in the near future. Here’s how we’re taking advantage…
📌 Global Issues Affecting Bitcoin: Whenever there is volatility in foreign policy, bitcoin tends to go up.
📌 Regarding Our Portfolio: Bitcoin’s market behavior affects the value of our entire portfolio. With that in mind, I’ll leave you with a brief note on altcoins…
📌 And more!


Kamal Ravikant

Co-editor, Altucher’s Crypto Trader"

Our VIP channel is the only channel in the telegram messenger and elsewhere where you can find FULL information from the "Altucher's Crypto Trader" subscription service since its beginning in October 2017.

To join our VIP, please, write to @ACT_subscription_bot. More information is here.
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Approaching Our BTC Limit Order

We said markets would be choppy for the near future ― that bitcoin (BTC) is on its way up but it won't be a smooth ride. The last few weeks have confirmed exactly that.

The good news? There's still time to buy bitcoin.

While the days of $4,000-bitcoin are over, we still have time to accumulate at dips. (Since we believe in the long-term value of bitcoin, it’s a good thing those $4,000 days are behind us.)

We placed a limit order for bitcoin at $10,000 on July 16. At the time we said that if the market dips and you can add to your bitcoin at that price, you won’t regret it.

Markets were up recently and they’re down today. This is expected. If you set a limit order for BTC up to $10,000, that order could trigger today.

If you haven’t yet set that limit order and still wish to add to your bitcoin, there’s still time to do so.

Buy bitcoin (BTC) up to $10,000.


Kamal Ravikant

Co-editor, Altucher's Crypto Trader

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New Trade Alert: Consolidating into Bitcoin

In last week’s video update, I mentioned that we were soon going to reallocate and consolidate our portfolio.

We’re going to begin that portfolio consolidation with zcoin (XZC).

Zcoin remains an interesting privacy crypto, but the market conditions have changed since we first invested in April 2018. Because of this, we’re selling into bitcoin (BTC) as we head toward the next bull run.

We originally added zcoin to our portfolio for several reasons.

Although we hold two other privacy coins, there was no clear winner for that category in our portfolio and privacy is an important use case for crypto.

Zcoin’s technology is based on privacy cryptography that dates back 25 years. It can be audited, which is a unique feature, and users can earn XZC by creating a “masternode.”

It handles privacy in an interesting way ― by issuing and burning coins in certain denominations. Meaning, you’ll never have ties to an old coin with a questionable history. This also cuts ties between owners while preserving the integrity of the amounts on the blockchain.

Zcoin is also one of the oldest coins out there, dating back to 2013. Its team is made up of some of the original bitcoin coders.

At the time we invested, zcoin was gaining use in Southeast Asia. Our bet was that zcoin would be one of the winning privacy cryptos.

At this point, it’s not.

To be fair, this isn’t all their fault ― we still believe in the team and the use case behind zcoin. But some fundamental shifts in the market are preventing zcoin’s value from growing.

The Regulatory Landscape

Since our investment in zcoin, several global regulatory developments have taken place.

Japan banned privacy cryptos… Korea’s OKEx just delisted them… Coinbase UK delisted zcash over the issue of privacy… and U.S. exchanges became much more gun-shy about the types of coins they could list.

Financial Action Task Force (FAFT) regulations regarding the “travel rule” ― used to protect against money laundering and improper use of fiat ― are now being applied to digital currencies as well. In order to comply with these regulations, crypto exchanges and other crypto businesses have to report certain customer information when transferring crypto. Because privacy cryptos mask this type of information, they’re out of compliance.

Now, I’m sure you’re wondering why zcash (ZEC) isn’t affected by this.

Zcoin is private by default. Zcash, by contrast, is not. This is how ZEC has been able to secure and maintain high-volume exchange listings like Kraken, Coinbase, and even Gemini, which is regulated by the New York State Department of Financial Services (one of the hardest licenses to get).

None of these exchanges support ZEC’s “shielded” (private) transactions ― only the public transactions. ZEC thrived by having the option not to be private.

Zcoin doesn’t have that ability. As a result, it’s struggled to gain the exchange listings and use it needs to grow.

Twenty-four hour volume for zcoin is about 1.3% of ZEC and 4% of XMR, and there is only one major exchange accessible to U.S. customers that lists zcoin: Bittrex.

Additionally, this year zcoin found a cryptographic flaw which let an attacker create XZC out of thin air (about 1% of all XZC worth). The team fixed the flaw quickly, but more zcoin is circulating as a result.

Of course, 1% isn’t enough to be significant, but given the current regulatory conditions surrounding privacy coins and zcoin’s lack of volume, we don’t think it will be the winner for privacy. Our funds would be better positioned elsewhere.

Sell zcoin (XZC) and trade for bitcoin (BTC) at market prices.


Kamal Ravikant

Co-editor, Altucher’s Crypto Trader

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2019-10-25-What Is Going On With Bitcoin.pdf
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Final Update: Our Last Crypto Trader Alert

Last Friday, my publisher Doug Hill sent an email informing all subscribers that we’ve decided to end Altucher’s Crypto Trader.

That news might have surprised you. Especially because I’ve said in several updates recently that I still believe in the long-term potential of crypto.

Indeed, 2020 should be a massive year for bitcoin. But right now, we haven’t been able to draw a large enough audience to keep this service running.

But I don’t want to leave you hanging either. Let’s get to your final Crypto Trader update, where I address some of the biggest questions I’m seeing in the reader mailbag.

FAQ: What’s Next… and Why Now?

Why are you cancelling this service?

Bitcoin is floating around $9,000 now.

Our main predictions since mid-2017 have held true:

Bitcoin would continue to go up. It was trading at $3,500 when we started this project and as I write this, it’s hovering around $8,600. A better performing asset than every other asset class.

I said that 95% of cryptocurrencies were scams and would go to zero. So far, 80% of the alt-coins from September 2017 have gone to zero. The cryptos in our portfolio are the exception ― they’re still part of the bitcoin ecosystem.

The reason for cancelling is two-fold.

First, the story outlined above has not changed at all since we started. But lots of other things have changed:

More companies than ever are implementing bitcoin and blockchain solutions...

Central banks around the world are looking into bitcoin...

More money than ever is now invested in bitcoin...

Regulations are starting to favor bitcoin...

Exchanges, derivatives, funds, and other financial tools are making it easier than ever for the average consumer to invest in bitcoin...

More companies than ever are accepting bitcoin.

This is all positive ― but it’s also pretty boring. When the story doesn’t change, there’s nothing else to say.

Second, I'm not sure how many more alt-currencies I can recommend. We've recommended the main ones that are crucial to the bitcoin ecosystem. And as bitcoin goes up, the rest should follow.

The real story is not what new alt-coin can quadruple. Instead, it’s waiting as bitcoin unfolds into a full or partial default currency for the world. As that happens, the altcoins will follow.

Will we ever get updates on bitcoin?

Yes. Bitcoin and crypto in general is something we track in the pages of Altucher’s Investment Network. When there is significant news about crypto, I will provide an update there.

What should we do with our open positions?

I recommend holding onto bitcoin and ethereum. I explained why in the last few updates.

Whatever percent chance you think bitcoin will be the big winner in crypto is the percentage of your portfolio you should have in bitcoin. Even a small amount invested in bitcoin will be a huge, huge winner.

With that said, I’m a believer in the rest of the portfolio, too. So you have some flexibility. You can hold onto them or put it all in bitcoin.

Again, as bitcoin goes up, the rest should follow. So neither choice is bad.​

A Few Final Words

I started Altucher’s Crypto Trader because I had a unique take on why bitcoin is going to go up ― the idea that every industry eventually evolves from theism to humanism to data.

Medicine is a great example:

📌 Theism: "Please, God or Allah, heal me."
📌 Humanism: “Doctor, please heal me.” “OK, take two aspirin."
📌 Dataism: “Data, please heal me.” “OK, after DNA tests and blood tests, you should take XYZ medicine and have this surgery."

As a reminder, here’s the currency evolution I’m seeing:

Barter ➡️ Metals ➡️ Paper currency backed by metals ➡️
Fiat currency ➡️ Digital currency

Digital currency, as outlined in prior updates, solves many of the problems of paper currencies and will continue to do so.

The other coins are there to solve problems or provide enhancements in bitcoin, as needed.

It's inevitable that some digital currency will replace fiat currency and with $200 billion invested in bitcoin, it's the most probable candidate by far.
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Every week now, I look at the crypto markets and there's really nothing new to report.

But again, I promise to provide updates as needed in Alliance updates and the Altucher’s Investment Network newsletter.

The crypto journey will continue to be a great journey. I have held onto my crypto holdings since day one of this adventure and will continue to do so.

Just keep in mind that the Crypto Trader tab on our website will be going down shortly. So please download anything you wish to save as soon as possible.


James Altucher

Co-editor, Altucher's Crypto Trader

The publisher of the "Altucher's Crypto Trader" decided to end it.

In our VIP channel we will continue to publish updates from the Altucher's investment network.
Crypto Trader Leaks pinned «The publisher of the "Altucher's Crypto Trader" decided to end it. In our VIP channel we will continue to publish updates from the Altucher's investment network.»
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Your February Issue is Online!

The latest issue of Altucher’s Investment Network is now online.

Here’s what you’ll find inside:

📌 Navigating the Economy During a Deadly Outbreak: There are far-reaching effects of the coronavirus… specifically for the economy.
📌 The World Only Ends Once ― Continue to Invest!: Investing in a Chinese company when the country is in virtual lockdown due to the coronavirus may seem crazy. But you’ll soon understand why I believe growth-oriented investors should be paying attention.
📌 10 Ways to Profit from the Budding Marijuana Industry: Here are some of the alternative ways companies are cashing in on the marijuana industry.
📌 And more!

#Issues #ALN
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Conversational AI Comes of Age

In 1950, computer scientist Alan Turing proposed a test to evaluate the sophistication of artificial intelligence (AI).

In his paper, “Computing Machinery and Intelligence,” Turing suggested testing a computer’s ability to think by proposing a test, called the Turing Test. If a computer could effectively hold a conversation indistinguishable from one you might have with a human... it would pass the test.

Since then, the Turing Test has remained a benchmark for AI developers around the world.

In recent years, many of us have had the chance to try the Turing Test ourselves with smart devices like Amazon Echo or Google Assistant.

However, when you start to ask more challenging or strange questions like “Alexa, how many siblings do you have” or “Hey Google, what’s your birthday?” these devices predictably will admit that they don’t understand or don’t have an answer.

Soon, this could be set to change.

Earlier this summer, AI development firm OpenAI released a software package called GPT-3, which is capable of engaging in increasingly dynamic conversations.

When asked questions like, “Why don't animals have three legs?” GPT-3 is capable of producing logical responses like, “Animals don't have three legs because they would fall over.”

It can even handle more complex questions, which require knowledge about the world like, “Which is heavier, a mouse or a toaster?“

If you’re an iPhone user and ask Siri these same questions, the AI will pull up internet search results… but it can’t provide an answer itself.

That said, GPT-3 still has its limits. Unlike Alexa or Google Assistant, the program doesn’t seem willing to admit when it doesn’t know the answer. The program also displays its limits when posed with trick questions.

For example, a blogger recently posted his experience using GPT-3. The user asked GPT-3 the question, “Who was the president of the United States in 1600?”... and received the response. “Queen Elizabeth I.”

Although the answer is close, it’s still not quite there — demonstrating the very real challenges faced by scientists hoping to solve the Turing Test.

However, the advances of GPT-3 also show the incremental progress in conversational AI.

Beyond the party tricks currently offered by the Amazon Echo and others, conversational AI could ultimately become a multibillion-dollar industry, where AI is used to replace all sorts of human interactions. With advances like GPT-3, that future might be closer than we think.


James Altucher

Editor, Altucher's Investment Network

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Your August Issue is Online!

I’m happy to announce that the next monthly issue is now ready. I wonder if Jerry Seinfeld will want a signed copy! Here’s what my team had for you this month:

📌 Buried Treasure in Mountain Pass: How One Company Could Soon Access a Massive Rare Earth Deposit in California – Unfortunately for the United States, the “rare earth metals” market is dominated by China. Fortunately, it may not remain that way...
📌 The Secret to Identifying the Next Uber – Plus, one of my favorite crypto mining plays right now...
📌 Market Movements: Feverish Buying Rarely Ends Peacefully – We’ve reached a level in the stock market where the buying is unsustainable...

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Your September Issue is Online!

Here’s what our team had for you in September:

The 3 Industries Set to Explode in the New Post-COVID Era

📌 There’s Always a Bull Market Somewhere

📌 Cyber Threats Are at an All-Time High... And They’re Creating a Huge Opportunity

📌 Market Movements: What a Contested Election Could Mean for the Markets

#Issues #ALN
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