CRAIG KELLY - Keeping the bastards honest.
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To protect the cabal, Big Tech gangsters at Twitter have silenced Dr Brian Tyson.

Just image a world where a doctor with the real world experience of treating 7000 COVID patients in his clinics (with just 4 hospitalisations and 0 deaths) is censored permanently by Big Tech, just because his views don’t align with the criminal medical cabal intent on pushing their experimental genetic vaccines upon everybody.

Hearing directly from Dr Tyson’s about his experience, methods and success - spreads knowledge and saves lives.

But censoring men like Dr Tyson, will only cause death and suffering. It’s leads the world into a very dark place.

Twitter have blood in their hands.

When the likes of Twitter, FaceBook & YouTube have such market power, we need laws to make such censorship a criminal offence.

Remember when it was considered a ‘conspiracy theory’ that your freedoms would be suspended unless you submitted to injecting an experimental genetic agent (with zero long term safety data) into your body - and you’d need a vaccine passport to participate in society ?

Well now in the EU, your freedoms will be suspended unless you’ve lined up for your 3rd injection.

If you haven’t woken up yet - how many times will they force you to inject this stuff into your body, until you learn to love freedom more than you fear a coronavirus ?

Now that they’ve changed the definition of ‘’fully vaccinated’’ from two to three shots - how long until ‘’fully vaccinated’’ means 4 or 5 shots ?

In truth, for Big Pharma and Big Tech, you’ll never be ‘fully vaccinated’’ - your just a pin cushion in a circular line for your next shot.

Until the majority wakes up to the con, our freedoms will always be held hostage to submitting to yet another booster shot.
Hug your kids this Christmas and Stand Firm.
Media is too big
Global experts call for Vaccine mandates to end immediately.
The breathtaking stupidity, arrogance and incompetence of our State Health Ministers & Premiers, forcing mass resignations of Medical professionals throughout Australia - with superstitious non evidence based injection mandates - cannot be allowed to stand.

The nation cannot afford so many highly qualified and experienced people to forced out of their professions and into early retirement.

The Prime Minister has the power to stop this.

But we won’t.

He simply doesn’t have the strength to stand-up to the out of control State Premiers.

So ‘’safe & effective’’ that despite almost 100% of staff ‘’fully vaccinated’’ (jabbed twice) that they are experiencing INCREASING SICKNESS from both Covid and side effects of the boosters.

When will the majority wake up to this con ?
See how much the government cares about you ?

With zero evidence they force Australians to inject an experimental genetic vaccine into their bodies - and if it kills you, the government will pay for your funeral costs !!

Thanks ScoMo !!
They belong in jail.

These bureaucrats and their Australian equivalents must be stripped of their power.

Never again should unaccountable and unelected bureaucrats have such extreme power to destroy lives while they censor debate.
I had a great discussion with Geert Vanden Bossche yesterday and he was very generous with his time.
I video of the discussion will be posted soon.

But the bottom line is, he believes that attempting mass population wide vaccination, with a vaccine that does not result in full sterilising immunity, is reckless madness and counterproductive.
Or is that Dan Andrews is looking more like Kim Jong Un ?
Media is too big
Please, let’s reunite families and friends and end the superstitious, unscientific discrimination & segregation in time for Christmas
See poll below