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Mask mandates in outdoor areas were always an anti-scientific absurdity.

Yet, I was willing to comply with this absurd law.

However the law at the time, still allowed masks to be removed for eating & drinking and for the purposes of enunciation while working outside.

And in another waste of taxpayers’ money, I was sent a fine for allegedly not wearing a mask, the result of a politically motivated complaint, for not wearing a mask while filming a TV commercial for the UAP.

And even before the police had heard evidence from the film crew, the police leaked the story to the media.

It’s a $500 fine, but I’m going to defend this on principle.
Could someone please forward this to Alan Joyce and the Qantas board.

"Should pilots—under federal regulation required to be among the healthiest workers in the United States—who have taken an experimental ‘vaccine’ that is now shown to have potentially deadly, long-term side effects, be allowed to fly massive aircraft in our skies? While those who have (smartly) refrained from such a course be forced out of their jobs?”
LISTEN TO THE DOCTOR : Ivermectin reduced the risk of dying from Covid by 94.6%.

The action by the TGA in Australia to deny Australians access to Ivermectin to protect themselves from Covid should be viewed as a heinous crime against humanity - and the bureaucrats at the TGA have blood on their hands - as do the cowardly Liberal & Labor politicians that allowed this happened.

The stupidity of the brainwashed ‘’we love renewables" crowd is about to wreck the economy and cause untold pain and suffering to low income earners, many of whom will be unable to afford to heat their home this winter.

The facts are, that subsidising intermittent weather dependant generation (solar & wind) is like injecting a toxic poison into your system. It undermines the efficiency of the grid, forcing the base load generators (coal) to operate in a stop, start mode.

And with the anti-coal zealotry of The Greens, the Teals, Labor & and many in the Liberals, we are getting the investment in the maintenance of our existing coal fleet nor new coal generators.

Meanwhile the Communist Chinese, when they pause from laughing at our national stupidity, are building hundreds of new coal plants.

Yet at the weekend Australians voted in politicians that want to speed up the economic destruction of Australia and for policies that will hand an economic, political and military advantage to the Communist Chinese.

God help us.
Media is too big
JESUS WHAT HAPPENED TO US by the brilliant Five Times August

Never before in human history has the public had access to such a wide range of information, but never allowed itself to be so brainwashed by vested commercial interests.

Five Times August - - please support this brilliant artist.
I’d like to thank everyone for all the kind emails and letters I’ve even been receiving.

And yes, I was always aware of the inevitable negative consequences that would result from taking a stand.

For when it comes to Politicians & Govt Bureaucrats denying sick & dying Australians the right to access to low cost off-patent medicines such as Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin (a crime against humanity) when there is a mountain of evidence that these medicines are safe and will save lives -

And secondly, when Australians are blackmailed (with threat of job & career loss) into injecting a dangerous & ineffective experimental genetic agent into their bodies (which results in the spike protein going into women’s ovaries), for which the short term adverse events include death, and the long term adverse events are unknown - these are hills were anyone with a conscience has to plant their flag firmly into the ground and to be prepared to die for.

Here we have a peer-reviewed study that concludes the widespread use of mask "was not able to reduce transmission’’ and WORSE that there was a "positive correlation between mask usage & deaths" suggesting that the "universal use of masks may have had harmful unintended consequences"

I.e : You were more likely to die if you’d been forced or brainwashed into wearing a mask.

Mask mandates where never about the science, the evidence or reduce transmission - they were only about spreading fear to brainwash people so they could sell more vaccines, brainwashing people to line up like sheep to injected with an experimental substance.

Therefore, if you were a politician that made masks compulsory - your stupidity, ignorance & arrogance may have caused more deaths.

And the sad tragedy of Election Day, to see so many brainwashed soles turn up to vote all masked up.

All aided and abetted by weak cowardly politicians and the main stream media.

Great news for the voters of the Northern Beaches and Sydney Harbour.

Following the success of the fake green independents at the election - who demand ‘’action on climate change’’™️ construction of 100 giant wind turbines in each Teal electorate commences on Monday.

"This is the ‘real action’ that people voted for’’ said a spokeswoman for the Teals.

"With hundreds of giant industrial turbines installed along the Northern Beaches and the Sydney Harbour foreshore, this will put an end to bad weather and we’ll be safe again’’ the spokeswomen said.

With a billion dollar price tag, the wind turbines will be manufactured in China by firms controlled by the Communist party.

The Teal spokeswomen further added, "with the money the Chinese Communists will make from this, we can expect many Communist Chinese Government officials to visit the area to enjoy the improved weather - which will be a great boost for the local tourist sector’’.
I wonder if we conduct a poll of Green & Teal voters, how many would be able to correctly state that the past 12 months have seen close to the fewest number of major tropical cyclones in more than 40 years ?

And I wonder why the ABC or any other Australian media don’t publish these facts ?
To share this outside of Telegram text

Source Data:
Can see when Boosters Began Circa November 7th Report

“data for 2021 is compared to an average number of deaths recorded over the 5 years from 2015-2019 as was the case in previous publications. Data for 2022 is compared to a baseline comprising the years 2017-2019 “
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"Lockdowns were an enormous & catastrophic mistake that should never be repeated.. We should recoil with horror.. Policies have violated medical ethics & crushed ability for physicians/scientists to discuss facts/evidence.. many have been silenced"

The lockdowns killed many more than they ‘’saved" and the economic harm they caused will take a generation or more to repair.

I have argued exactly the same as Professor BHATTACHARYA now admits.

For speaking the truth I was viciously vilified, smeared, abused and even physically assaulted for opposing unprecedented, unscientific and catastrophic lockdowns.

The incompetent bumbling fools that enforced the lockdowns such as Health Hazzard, Kerry Chant, Dan Andrews and the likes should all be resigning in shame.

And to the Liberal MP’s and Ministers that sat in silence, while every principle of the Liberal party was trashed during these lockdowns - congratulations, you just about destroyed the Liberal party.
The precedent has been set. The majority have accepted mandating injections.

So how long until it’s no Monkey Pox vaccine - No job ?

Two years ago I was censored and banned by Facebook, and attacked & vilified by incompetent fools like Labor’s Chris Bowen and media shrills like Ally Langdon for suggesting that the evidence at the time showed that forcing children to wear masks was child abuse - because masks were useless when it came to Covid19 and would cause children psychological harm.

And now here we have another study (one of the largest to date) which found masks useless on children.

I wonder if Ally Langdon will apologise on her show, or if Chris Bowen will apologise in Parliament - not to me - but apologise to the children for their ignorance, stupidity and the harm they have caused.

Forcing children to wear masks was always about spreading fear so they could sell the vaccines.
The tactics worked before, so why wouldn’t they try them again ?
Six thousand dead Australians all denied the chance of early treatment with Ivermectin/Zinc because of the TGA.

The TGA’s action of blocking Australian doctors from prescribing Ivermectin to treat Covid, was not only a crime against humanity - but with over 6,000 dead, it should be viewed as criminal incompetence of the highest degree.

How many of these over 6,000 dead Australians would be alive today if they had of had the opportunity to access Ivermectin or HCQ as an early treatment ?

If you follow the real life examples of the results of doctors like Dr. Tyson & Dr Fareed - the answer is most likely all 6,000.

How do those at the TGA sleep at night knowing they blood of their hands ?

How do they sleep at night knowing hundreds will die next week because they can’t access these medicines?

And the MS media says nothing.
This week, a 126 Years Ago . . . May 27, 1896

A massive tornado struck St Louis, Missouri killing 306 persons - 3rd Deadliest Tornado in U.S. History

The Chicago Daily Tribunes front page under the heading, EAST St. LOUIS IS A MORGUE ...

In all probability the exact number of those whose lives were crushed out by falling walls or who met their fate under the waters of the raging Mississippi will never be known.” .

Today’s generation can thank fossil fuels that we are so much safer today from such extreme weather than past generations.

The only problem is that an entire generation of school children have been lied to and brainwashed to believe the exact opposite.
Forwarded from Omicron Slayer
In these two short clips,
Compare the supremacist arrogance of Schwab and Bourla with the pain of compassion suffered by ethical ICU doctor Paul Marik.
Dr. Marik , a most humane frontline doctor happens to be the second most cited ICU doctor in the USA.
He broke down into tears talking about the humanitarian catastrophe that is being caused by Covid 'Vaccine' SIDE EFFECTS.

This is rivetting stuff for mass formation hypno-analysis, because see Schwab, with a full-on head cold (omicron) mocking people who said he got ill after being jabbed, calling them 'conspiracy theorists' while Bourla gloats at his own "success".

For the many millions who may soon wake up , moving on from this medical crime against humanity without expressing extreme rage is going to be very, very difficult.

Truth Be
Arrest Gates Gang
Free Julian Assange

look through the fog