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Vanessa Martins Figueiredo

13 Years old, Brazil

Vaccine: Pfizer
Dose 1: 2021
Dose 2: Not confirmed
Died: January 10, 2022

Vanessa Martins Figueiredo a 13 year old girl from Brazil has died as a result of receiving the Pfizer injection according to her mother. When there is more information on this story, we will do an update. Sending love to Vanessa’s family. This is heart breaking. Enough is enough. We must save the children.

May you Rest In Peace Vanessa ❤️

#Death #Brazil #COVIDVACCINEVICTIMS #Youth #Child #Pfizer


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Bruno Graf

28 Years old, Brazil

Bruno a young healthy young man was set to marry the love of his life Renata. Only 10 day’s after receiving the AstraZeneca injection on August 26, 2021, Bruno went to the hospital having symptoms. Within 3 hours of being admitted he suffered a hemorrhagic stroke brought on by “vaccine” induced thrombocytopenia. Bruno’s mother sent me this message. She has been fighting to bring awareness since her beloved sons death. May Bruno’s family find peace and justice.

Rest In Peace Bruno ❤️

#AstraZeneca #Death #Brazil #Brasil #COVIDVACCINEVICTIMS


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George Watts Jr.

24 Years old, USA
First Dose: August 2021
Second Dose: September 2021
Died: October 27, 2021

George a healthy 24-year-old student died on Oct. 27, 2021, six weeks after receiving a Pfizer covid injection. He had no underlying medical conditions according to his father. was vaccinated in August and in mid-September.

George collapsed in his room on the morning of Oct. 27 and was pronounced dead that day. An autopsy report from the Coroner’s Office shows that George died from myocarditis related to the Pfizer injection.

According to the deputy coroner for Bradford County, Timothy Cahill: “The cause of death is the COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis. We are currently working on other cases that are related to vaccine and booster-related issues within our county.”

Rest In Peace George ❤️



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Marry Zaira Caraan Noel “Zaii”

26 Years old, Philippines
First Dose: Unknown
Second Dose: November 24, 2021
Died: February 21, 2022

Zaii a healthy young 26 year old mother from Laguna, Philippines received a second dose of a Covid injection on November 24, 2021 which lead her to suffer from seizures and frequent fainting spells. She was admitted to the hospital on January 27, 2022. According to a brain scan, she developed two brain tumors with an abscess and needed surgery. Sadly Zaii passed away on February 21, 2022 not long after her diagnosis. It is unknown which injection she had.

Doctors and scientists have been seeing a dramatic uptick in cancers in recently injected patients. Patients who had cancer in remission are getting cancer back and dying soon after. Others developing cancer and dying within days or weeks of diagnosis.

Rest In Peace Zaii ❤️



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Shane Keith Warne

52 Years old, Australia
First Dose: Unknown, 2021
Second Dose: Unknown 2021
Booster: Unknown
Died: March 4, 2022

Shane a healthy 52 year old professional cricket player has died of a heart attack. He was found in his Thai villa according to sources. Shane stated in a tweet that he received two doses of a Covid injection prior to falling ill with what he thought was Covid. There are rumors he recently received a booster. He has played professionally in Australia and in the UK where he also lived. It’s sad we have to add Shane to the large growing list of athletes dying suddenly of cardiac arrest following the Covid injections.

Rest In Peace Shane ❤️



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Caitlin Gotze

23 Years old, Australia
First Dose: September 6, 2021
Second Dose: September 28, 2021
Died: November 17, 2021
Brand: Pfizer

Caitlin was a beautiful, perfectly healthy, vibrant and strong young woman. She was a lover of horses and worked as a racing foreman in Queensland, Australia. She died leaving behind her devastated family following two doses of the Pfizer injection. In a timeline of events her mother states that Caitlin was not feeling well from day one after the second dose for nearly a month until her sudden passing. A forensic pathologist admits she had an enlarged heart at the time of her passing as the coroner is still listing her death as undetermined. It is clear that Caitlin died of cardiac arrest as a result of the injections she received. Her Godfundme link is below.

Rest In Peace Caitilin❤️

Donate to her fund here: vmBA7qjCkPII35IHS8ECJjJgaE9W0LBs



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Cédric Baekeland

28 Years old, Belgium
First Dose: Unknown
Second Dose: Unknown
Third Dose: Unknown
Fourth Dose: Unknown
Died: March 15, 2022
Brand: Unknown

Cédric a top cyclist from Belgium has died while at a training camp in Mallorca. Sources say Cédric’s team have all had the Covid injections in order to participate in competitions. It is unclear which brand or how many doses he had. While at the training camp 28 year old Cédric woke his roommate up in their hotel room for help, but all efforts to save him failed. Please ask yourself how a healthy 28 year old professional athlete, one of many drops dead of cardiac arrest. My heart goes out to his loved ones.

Rest In Peace Cédric ❤️

#Death #Belgium #COVIDVACCINEVICTIMS #Athlete


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Reneboy Hera Mejias

22 Years old, Philippines
First Dose: Date Unknown
Second Dose: Date Unknown
Booster: Yes, Date Unknown
Died: May 3, 2022
Brand: Sputnik and AstraZeneca

Reneboy a healthy 22 year old student and cake decorator from Cebu City, Philippines became I’ll after receiving the AstraZeneca booster shot. He had previously taken two doses of the Sputnik shot. According to his sister, she believes he passed away after falling ill and developing Pulmonary Tuberculosis from the booster shot.

May you Rest In Peace Reneboy ❤️

#Death #Philippines #COVIDVACCINEVICTIMS #AstraZeneca #Sputnik


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Dustin Barnes

38 Years old, USA
First Dose: Date Unknown
Second Dose: April 7, 2021
Booster: November 17, 2021
4th Dose: Unknown
Died: May 11, 2022
Brand: Unknown

Dustin a 38 year old reporter at USA Today and avid Mariah Carey fan passed away after suffering a heart attack on May 6, 2022. According to his social media accounts he had taken a second dose of a Pfizer injection on April 7, 2021 and a booster shot on November 17, 2021. It’s unknown if he had received a 4th dose of the lethal injection. Dustin posted about his heart attack and days later was found deceased by his colleagues in his Nashville apartment. His mom says his heart attack and death were sudden and unexpected.

May you Rest In Peace Dustin ❤️

#Death #USA #HeartAttack #Heart #Cardiovascular #COVIDVACCINEVICTIMS


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Hannah Purvis

41 Years old, UK
First Dose: March 30, 2021
Second Dose: Unknown
Booster: Unknown
4th Dose: Unknown
Died: April 1, 2022
Brand: Unknown

Hannah an avid runner who worked for CNA Hardy from the UK died suddenly on April 1, 2022. She was only 41 years old. According to her social media post, Hannah had received a Covid injection on March 30, 2021. Her family and friends describe her as a loving, happy woman who loved wearing bright colors.

May you Rest In Peace Hannah ❤️



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Darío de Jesús Gómez Zapata

71 Years old, Colombia
First Dose: Date Unknown
Second Dose: Date Unknown
Booster: Date Unknown
Died: July 26, 2022
Brand: Unknown

Darío an adored singer and composer from Colombia died unexpectedly of cardiac arrest on July 26, 2022. According to his family, Dorío complained to a loved one that he felt unwell since receiving a third dose of the Covid injections and feeling as if he had a flu only dying a few days later.

May you Rest In Peace ❤️

#Death #Colombia#Cardiac #COVIDVACCINEVICTIMS


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Anette Patino

49 Years old, USA
First Dose: 2021
Second Dose: 2021
Booster: Unknown
Died: July 8, 2022
Brand: Unknown

Annette a 49 year old nurse from California suffered a sudden brain aneurysm. She was on life support, but sadly there was no chance of survival according to the hospital. Annette had posted on social media she had received the Covid injections sometime in 2021.

May you Rest In Peace Anette ❤️



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Catherine “Katie” Fleagle

36 Years old, USA
First Dose: 12/16/2020
Second Dose: 1/07/2021
Booster: Unknown
Died: July 1, 2022
Brand: Pfizer

Katie a 36 year old nurse, wife and mother of two received her first dose of the Pfizer shot on December 16, 2020. According to her vaccination card, she had a second dose on January 7, 2021. There is no information as to if she had had a booster. The young and healthy mom of two died suddenly and unexpectedly in her sleep, leaving behind a 3 year old and 4 month old baby.

May you Rest In Peace Katie ❤️



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Nina Pasini Deibler

51 Years old, USA
First Dose: April 2021
Second Dose: May 2021
Booster: Unknown
Died: June 29, 2022
Brand: Unknown

Nina a 51 year old wife and mother known for her love of skiing, family and living life with grace died unexpectedly on June 29, 2022. According to her social media, Nina had take her first dose of a Covid injection sometime in April 2021 and a second dose in May 2022. It is unclear if she had any further shots following. In honor of Nina and the millions who share a similar story, “We do brave & strong, we sleep less & love more. We do this together & we never give up.”, Keep sharing their stories. It’s the only way we stop this genocide.

May you Rest In Peace Nina ❤️



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Christopher Houghton-Rai

38 Years old, UK
First Dose: April 2021
Second Dose: May 2021
Booster: Unknown
Died: June 21, 2022
Brand: Unknown

Christopher a 38 year old husband, father, brother and son had been enthusiastic about taking the Covid shots in 2021 according to a social media post. Chris worked as a department manager for Toyota Vertu. While at work on June 21, 2022 he collapsed and suffered cardiac arrest and could not be revived according to his devastated nurse wife and colleagues. Another child is left without a parent. This is truly heartbreaking.

May you Rest In Peace Christopher ❤️



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Paul Cook

65 Years old, USA
First Dose: Sometime early 2021
Second Dose: 2021
Booster: 2 boosters, but dates unknown
Died: July 27, 2022
Brand: Pfizer

Paul Cook, 65 had fallen I’ll after receiving 4 doses of the Covid Vaccine. According to Jennifer the love of Paul’s life, he developed complications with his immune system, pancreatic and liver cancer which he was diagnosed with late March 2022. He immediately started chemotherapy early April 2022. Sadly Paul passed away on July 27, 2022. His partner Asttarte as he called her shares the story of Paul’s legacy in a poignant email to me which I’m including.

May you Rest In Peace Paul ❤️



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Shawn Foster

45 Years old, USA
First Dose: Sometime early 2021
Second Dose: Unknown
Died: December 19, 2021
Brand: Pfizer

Shawn, A friend from way back, a skateboarder, a lover of cars, an artist, a genuine kind soul who is missed by so many. Shawn and I went to school together so it was a shock to hear the news of his sudden passing. He had died unexpectedly in his sleep. I wasn’t sure if or when I would do this post, but I know if Shawn could speak he would want people to know if it meant saving someone else’s life. He said he had the jab early last year and since then his health was never the same. An autopsy was not done, but a 45 year old man doesn’t just die in his sleep for no reason. Your story deserves to be shared. I’m sorry old friend that this happened to you. I remember you as the sweet big bear and that’s how I’ll always remember you.

May you Rest In Peace Shawn ❤️

#Death #USA #DiedSuddenly #CovidVaccineVictims

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Lukia DeWitt Beverly

47 Years old, USA
First Dose: December 29, 2020
Second Dose: January 26, 2021
Died: May 14, 2021
Brand: Moderna

Lukia DeWitt Beverly was a 47 year old pediatric nurse practitioner, was working on her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree, co-owner of an independent internal medicine-pediatric practice where she splits her time between clinical and administrative duties. She served as the co-chair of the Immunization Special Interest Group with the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, Shot@ Life Champion co-leader for Virginia and supported the work of various National, state and community organizations. According to her twitter, she took her first dose of the Moderna shot on December 29, 2020 and a second on January 26, 2021. She leaves behind her husband and two daughters.


May you Rest In Eternal Peace Lukia ❤️

#Death #USA #DiedSuddenly #CovidVaccineVictims #Moderna


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Michal Stowe

51 Years old, USA
First Dose: 4/30/2021
Second Dose: None
Brand: Moderna

Michal Stowe received her first and only dose of a Modern injection on April 30, 2021. Two weeks later on May 11, 2021 at 6:00am, her 14 year old daughter found her in medical distress and dialed 911. She had suffered a massive aneurysm. Though brain dead, she was placed on life support for 11 days. Life support was removed on May 21, 2021. Date of her official death May 11, 2021.

According to Michal’s sister, they spoke the night before her aneurysm and she complained of weird neck pain and excessive tiredness. Prior to the shot, Michal was healthy and often traveled especially taking her favorite annual beach trips.

Rest In Peace Michal ❤️

#Death #USA #CovidVaccineVictims #Neurological #Aneurysm #Moderna


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Elizabeth Rose Ragonese

2 Years old, USA
First Dose: 12/15/2022
Brand: Moderna
Death: 12/16/2022

Elizabeth Rose, age 2 from New Hampshire received her first and only dose of a Moderna Covid injection on December 15, 2022. According to her CDC VAERS report, she passed away the following day on December 16, 2022 after receiving a Covid and flu injection. There is no further information available at present time as to what transpired between the time of her injections and her passing.

“Liz had a wisdom and curiosity about her that far surpassed her young age. She was the first one jumping in the pool, climbing a tree, or racing down a slide. As she was quite literally "no frills", Liz would much prefer frolicking outdoors in a dinosaur onesie to wearing a dress decked out in bows.”

Rest In Peace sweet Liz❤️

#Death #USA #CovidVaccineVictims #DiedSuddenly #Moderna #Child


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