Covid Positive News
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I'm Robito, the founder of CPN and the hypnotherapy ambassador for the PHA @FreedomHypnosis
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Forwarded from Andrew Bridgen
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The ‘safe and effective’ narrative is unwinding, looks like only 6% believe Rishi Sunak and are taking the boosters now.
Forwarded from Andrew Bridgen
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Sounds like Tedros the Terrorist is panicking, begging young people to raise their voice in support of the pandemic treaty, and to help "counter the lies that are undermining the agreement."

Lies meaning anything that disagrees with potentially handing over sovereign national powers to an unelected supranational entity that is financed by Eugenicist Bill Gates. Those sort of lies.

What it really sounds like is... the establishment are rattled, the push back from the public has been effective, never give up, all freedoms must be fought for, and if we all say no, then they have no choice.
Forwarded from Wide Awake Media
Media is too big
Panicked that the WHO Pandemic Agreement faces complete derailment, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus denies that countries will be required to "cede sovereignty to [the] WHO", or that the WHO will acquire "the power to impose lockdowns or vaccine mandates on countries"—labelling such concerns "fake news, lies and conspiracy theories".

"There are those who claim that the Pandemic Agreement and IHR will cede sovereignty to [the] WHO, and give the WHO Secretariat the power to impose lockdowns or vaccine mandates on countries... This is fake news, lies and conspiracy theories."

"We cannot allow this historic agreement, this milestone in global health, to be sabotaged by those who spread lies, either deliberately or unknowingly. We need your support to counter these lies by speaking up at home and telling your citizens that this agreement, and an amended IHR, will not and cannot cede sovereignty to [the] WHO."

For more content like this, subscribe to @WideAwakeMedia
Forwarded from Dan Astin-Gregory

‘Pfizer misused social media to misleadingly and illegally promote their covid vaccine’

‘This messaging contained limited information about the vaccine’s efficacy, no safety information & no reference to adverse events’

The greatest pharmaceutical fraud in the history of medicine is finally beginning to get some attention, it’s just such a shame no one would listen when it really counted but the fight for justice rolls on.

Forwarded from Michelle Leduc Catlin
This is the film we’ve been waiting for. A documentary by a mainstream filmmaker, aimed at the “moveable middle.” Please support the Toronto premiere and share with friends and family.
Dan Astin-Gregory tells me:

"The convoy is actually purposefully timed to occur AFTER the WHA assembly has concluded to proclaim our independence in determining the future of our healthcare, though the campaign does have a double meaning as we will be seeking to halt or delay the ratification of the treaty and IHR amendments."

I promised I'd share the campaign so here you go.. Check it out..

Robito 💙
Forwarded from 100% Hooman
The world is watching Guernsey
Forwarded from Collective Evolution
Depending on how we place our attention, our world can feel like a divided place. But this Earth Day, we can focus on something that truly connects us all...


Good, healthy food, full of nutrients and without harsh pesticides is a cornerstone of our health. Yet our current agricultural practices are not just adding unnecessary toxins to our bodies and nature, but are also depleting our soils.

So today, join the growing movement of support for healthy farms and food systems!

For one day only, on April 22, 2024, ‘Common Ground’ (follow-up to the documentary Kiss the Ground) presents a Nationwide Super Screening in select AMC theatres across 75+ cities!

You will experience the hard truths about our food and agricultural systems and walk away with tangible solutions after seeing the profound and hopeful stories of heroes among us that are defying the odds to heal the planet with regenerative practices, one acre at a time!

Learn more + Get tickets here.

Facing your darkest stuff to reveal your full inner light ⚡️

Peeling away the onion layers

My work is about helping people find their own inner truths, peel away the conditioning, and live from their own unique self.

That means I need to be an example of that. The way I see it, when we don't have balance between the inner and outer world, we don't have inner and outer freedom.

Personally, I'm not barraged or overwhelmed by negative news or by positive solutions because I don't engage myself in searching out that stuff. I watched a good documentary yesterday about frequencies, but generally I stay away from what's going on and focus my online attention on my Freedom Hypnosis and the Conscious People's Network.

I am not offering 121 hypnosis sessions now because I have 3 months work with the UK uni teaching Critical Thinking coming up from June (it's that time of year again) and some time between then and now.

In this quiet time, I'm fasting, and focusing on inner balance.

I have just reached 1111 subscribers 🎉 on Substack and will be emailing everyone with a powerful thank you gift (a recorded actual Freedom Hypnosis session for you to try at home!) very soon, so if you have yet to subscribe to my Substack, please do so to receive the gift by email:

Get your free gift 🎁

Big announcements coming soon from our partners Over to the Youth and the PHA. To learn more and get involved in the People's Health Alliance, find your country here:

Click through the pinned 📌 posts on Telegram @FreedomHypnosis to find out more what I do.

If you have benefited from Covid Positive News, Freedom Hypnosis or the Conscious People's Network at any time over these years, please consider buying me a coffee to thank me for the work I've done so far. 🙏

As I now focus on finetuning my own inner and outer balance, it will make my day, give me a feeling of gratitude and a smile within. Thank you all for being you! And please remember:

You are the one you are waiting for. No one knows what is best for you better than you!

Watch CPN TV 💟

Buy me a coffee ☕️
Blessings, Robito 💙

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🇯🇵In Japan they are now openly on TV talking about the harms of the covid injections.
🇺🇸Join👉 @SGTnewsNetwork
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Media is too big
A Meditation on Screen

Perfect Days is a 2023 film inspired by the humanity shown by the Japanese in Tokyo to each other in Covid during the longest lockdown in history.

It's a funny synchronicity that from the time I spent in Japan and Tokyo, what stood out for me was the Eastern spiritual philosophy in the culture, and the amazing toilets!

Seriously. I've raved about them ever since. Heating. Bum hole cleaning spray. Music, and flushing noises to hide your farts.

But this film is a meditation.

You watch a man silently clean toilets for ,4 days, and during the process you experience peace in the present moment entering your soul through the screen.

At the same time, you learn who this man is at his core through the interactions, through his routines and through the incredible end scene.

It's a story about a man who focuses on the beauty now, and it gives you a taste of what it feels like to live that way.

Definetely recommend it.

Robito 💙
