Covid Positive News
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Global Media Starts Apologising for False Reporting of Covid Pandemic

Jan 16th 2022

🌍🔆 @covidpositivenews:

Go truth in media! 🥳

Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet apologised for reporting government messaging on data and lockdowns without scrutinising or questioning it.

Editor-in-Chief of Germany’s BILD newspaper apologised for reporting the German government's fear-driven COVID-19 claims, especially "presenting the child as a vector of the pandemic. Those who wanted to contradict this propaganda were never invited to the expert table."

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Those Previously Infected with COVID-19 have Naturally Acquired Immunity Equal to or More Robust and Superior than Existing Vaccines.

Jan 16th 2022

🌍🔆 @covidpositivenews:

Go natural immunity! 🥳

146 research studies confirmed that if you or people you know have been infected with COVID-19, you/they will have developed robust long-lasting immunity against future infection.

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Hemp Compounds Prevent Covid Penetrating Human Cells

Jan 17th 2022

🌍🔆 @covidpositivenews:

Go hemp! 🥳

Cannabis compounds commonly found in hemp prevent the virus that causes Covid-19 from penetrating healthy human cells, according to a lab study in the Journal of Nature Products.

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Spain to call for EU to End Digital Tracking & Open the Debate Among Health Professionals

Jan 17th 2022

🌍🔆 @covidpositivenews:

Go Spain! 🥳

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez urged Europe to consider treating COVID-19 more like an endemic illness — a regularly occurring milder disease like the flu — "and move away from the detailed tracking system."

Sanchez said it is time to open the debate “at the technical level and at the level of health professionals, but also at the European level.”

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England to Scrap the Digital COVID-19 Health Pass by End of January

Jan 18th 2022

🌍🔆 @covidpositivenews:

Go England! 🥳

COVID-19 digital health passes were set to be abandoned in England this month after health secretary Sajid Javid concluded that COVID-19 certification was no longer needed as the Omicron wave recedes, telling MPs that he shared their “instinctive discomfort” at the policy.

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Just positive news about the covid pandemic as everything unravelled @covidpositivenews

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The History of CPN

From then to now - A trip down memory lane ⚡️

I launched CPN on Telegram as @CovidPositiveNews in January 2022. CPN started as a news channel based on the science of positivity and constructive solutions-focused journalism to help people focus on what is going right and to experience the many benefits of nurturing a glass half full perspective.

Barbara Fredrickson, an award winning social psychologist at Carolina University at Chapel Hill has authored over 100 peer-reviewed articles on positive emotions, demonstrating how a positive mindset repairs people’s overall mental and physical health, and corrects, restores, and undoes the many detrimental mental and physiological effects of negativity bias - or focusing on negativity.

For decades her research has shown how positive emotions “share the feature of broadening an individual’s momentary thought–action repertoire" but also “share the feature of building the individual’s personal resources, ranging from physical resources to intellectual resources to social resources."

In other words, inner positivity enhances people mentally, physically and socially.

Studies also show positive emotions increase general longevity (i.e. we live longer) and decrease the likelihood of developing any disease, including heart issues.

"People who had a positive outlook were one-third less likely to have a heart attack or other cardiovascular event within five to 25 years than those with a more negative outlook.

If you are by nature a cheerful person and look on the bright side of things, you are more likely to be protected from cardiac events," says study leader Lisa R. Yanek.

The belief in a positive outcome literally heals us (placebo effect), and the belief in a negative outcome literally makes us ill (nocebo effect).

"The placebo effect can do things that are apparent miracles," Dr. Campbell explains, and "there is a placebo or nocebo effect in absolutely everything."

"Results suggest that positive emotions, positive social connections, and physical health influence one another in a self-sustaining upward-spiral dynamic," Fredrickson explains.

"This research shows not only that our emotions are controllable, but also that we can take the reins of our daily emotions and steer ourselves toward better physical health."

Our tendency to focus on the negative (negativity bias) can thus be retrained, and research shows one way to nurture that positive mindset is to read constructive, solutions-focused news which leaves us inspired, optimistic, and willing to meet opposing views, and with stronger intentions to engage in pro-social behaviours (i.e. to engage in the world positively and constructively).

Covid Positive News was renamed the @ConsciousPeoplesNetwork on March 20th 2023. The word 'conscious' means "having knowledge of something" and being "aware of and responding to one's surroundings."

CPN has indeed become a Conscious People's Network, but - as we move beyond the events of COVID - is no longer only a global community of the famous and non-famous in ‘the truth/freedom movement’ but fast becoming a community for the global unifying ‘great awakening and consciousness expansion movement’.

After all, we live in a quantum gravitational universe with “a globally agreed-upon cognitive model" of reality and the “Observers ultimately define the structure of physical reality itself," explains Dr. Robert Lanza.

To create a positive world, we need a “profound shift in our ordinary everyday worldview" from “a network of observers," he continues.

In other words, if we can nurture and develop a positive mindset, believe in and focus on a positive outcome — collectively as a network, this will become reality.

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Robito, founder of CPN 💙
PHA Hypnotherapy Ambassador
@FreedomHypnosis |

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German Government announces Pandemic is over in Germany

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Jan 20th 2022

🌍🔆 @covidpositivenews:

Go Haseloff! 🥳

Reiner Haseloff, Minister President of Saxony-Anhalt and  President of the Bundesrat, announced on the 14th Jan 2022 that the pandemic situation in Germany was now over.

Translated (link below):

Saxony-Anhalt's Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (CDU) defended the freedom of action of the federal states in the Bundesrat on Friday. The new federal government has decided to end the pandemic situation of national importance, so it must also accept "that we set our own priorities," said Haseloff.

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Czech Republic Scraps Mandatory Vaccinations

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Jan 20th 2022

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🌍🔆 Go Czech Republic! 🥳

The Czech Republic's new government dismissed on Wednesday the previous government’s plan to make COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory for key professionals and over 60s.

"We've agreed that vaccination against COVID-19 won't be mandatory." Prime Minister Petr Fiala said.

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An archive of positive news about the covid pandemic as everything unravelled @covidpositivenews

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Now Official: Ivermectin Prevents and Treats Covid

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Jan 20th 2022

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🌍🔆 Go peer-reviewed science! 🥳

Peer-reviewed meta-analysis, systematic review and trial sequential analysis published in the American Journal of Therapeutics concludes that Ivermectin is unequivocally effective as a treatment for, and prophylaxis against, COVID-19 infection.

The study (August 2021) found: "large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin" and "ivermectin prophylaxis reduced COVID-19 infection by an average 86%."

"The antiparasitic ivermectin, with antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, has now been tested in numerous clinical trials.... The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally."

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Plant-based Chewing Gum Developed That Stops COVID

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Jan 21st 2022

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🌍🔆 Go Pennsylvania University! 🥳

Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania developed a chewing gum with plant-based virus-trapping proteins that stops SARS-CoV-2 entering the body with up to 95% effectiveness.

The study (November 2021) states:

"In summary, this is the first report of use of a biomaterial to debulk SARS-CoV-2 in saliva. Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is an urgent concern around the globe due to emerging variants, inadequate vaccination, and limitation of current containment methods."

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Multiple Studies: Nature Improves Mental and Physical Issues Caused or Exacerbated by Covid Pandemic

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Jan 21st 2022

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🌍🔆 Go green spaces! 🥳

Numerous studies on spending time in nature during the pandemic have shown significant reductions in depression, anxiety, stress, sleep disorders and physical complaints caused or exacerbated by the Covid pandemic.

Those who have "maintained or increased their time outside were less stressed and had greater psychological well-being."

Known scientifically as forest bathing, or taking nature pills, studies (links in article) have found partaking in nature-based recreational activities, walking in, relaxing in, and even viewing green spaces increases happiness, improves heart rate variability, and staves off psychological distress, among many other benefits.

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Cannabidiol (CBD) Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication in Human Cells and in Mice

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Jan 22nd 2022

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🌍🔆 Go cannabidiol (CBD)! 🥳

An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the University of Chicago have found that a high purity dose of cannabidiol (CBD), a compound of the cannabis plant, can inhibit infection by SARS-CoV-2 in human cells and in mice.

The study published Jan 20th 2022 in Science Advances follows a lab study from researchers at Oregon State Uni published in the Journal of Nature Products (see previous post) that found two other cannabis plant compounds, cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) and cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), also prevent the virus that causes Covid-19 penetrating human cells.

The CBD study (link below) states: "Our results suggest that CBD and its metabolite 7-OH-CBD can block SARS-CoV-2 infection at early and even later stages of infection."

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Brazil Carries Out Largest Covid Ivermectin Study in the World

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Jan 22nd 2022

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🌍🔆 Go Brazil! 🥳

The Brazilian public health system (SUS) carried out the largest ivermectin study in the world, finding hospitalisation reduced by at least 56% and mortality by at least 68%.

The data were peer-reviewed by three independent groups of international scientists then published in the prestigious scientific journal Cureus.

The study follows a previous peer-reviewed meta-analysis (see post) that found ivermectin reduces Covid-19 infection by an average 86%.

This new study found: "significant reductions in COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths." and concludes "we can speculate that the prophylactic use of ivermectin could play an important role in the reduction of the pandemic burden."

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Billboards Make Vaccine Side Effects A Topic Across the USA

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Jan 22nd 2022

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🌍🔆 Go critical thinking! 🥳

A Texas couple questioning the high number of serious side effects from Covid vaccines raised $200,000+ in donations to put up over 100 billboards in more than 25 U.S. states.

The couple question over one million injuries reported by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) managed by the CDC.

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Judge rules Trudeau ‘not justified’ for use of Emergencies Act to break convoy

🌍🔆 Go Canada! 🥳

A Canadian court has ruled that Justin Trudeau’s government was not justified when it used sweeping powers to break up what the prime minister called “illegal and dangerous” protest blockades across the country two years ago.

In his decision, Justice Richard Mosley wrote that the move was “unreasonable” and led to infringement of Canada’s charter of rights and freedoms.

In February 2022, truckers and their supporters occupied Ottawa, the Canadian capital, for nearly a month in a protest over public health orders related to the coronavirus pandemic. Protesters also blockaded key border crossings with the US.

A public inquiry in February last year found that the government acted appropriately when it invoked the Act.

But the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) and the Canadian Constitution Foundation applied for a judicial review, arguing the government’s use of the Emergencies Act breached the country’s charter of rights and freedoms.

The Conservatives are currently polling far ahead of Trudeau’s Liberal party ahead of an expected election next year.

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UN court orders Israel to ensure acts of genocide are not committed in Gaza

Great news! However..

Awake and aware people are getting sucked into the anti-Jew narrative and sharing posts.

If you think any group of people are like this or like that, or any group deserve death, you're misguided.

No one group of people are good or bad. War and genocide is always about claiming power over a region.

Let that sink in. Reflect on it.

No one group of people are good or bad. War and genocide is always about claiming power over a region.

Focus on government and politics as the cause. Ordinary everyday people are the victims.

If we want a world where kindness, compassion, love, is the norm .. We need to be an example of that.

Politicians and any people who desire to rule, harm and kill need therapy. We need to stop agreeing to fight and to stop killing our own kind - humans.

Now the positive news..

UN court orders Israel to ensure acts of genocide are not committed in Gaza

The ​UN’s international court of justice has ordered Israel to ensure its forces do not commit acts of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, in a historic decision.

In an interim judgment delivered on Friday, the president of the court, Joan Donoghue, said Israel must “take all measures within its its power” to prevent acts that fell within the scope of the genocide convention and must ensure “with immediate effect” that its forces do not commit any of the acts covered by the convention.

“The court further considers that Israel must take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance."

Though the judges did not call for an immediate ceasefire, the decision will raise hopes of one in order to allow humanitarian aid to Gaza’s 2.3 million population.

Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has previously pledged to continue the military campaign until “total victory” is achieved.

More than 1% – 25,700 people – of Gaza’s population has been killed in the war, mostly women and children, and hundreds of thousands of buildings have been damaged or destroyed.

The 1948 genocide convention, enacted after the mass murder of Jews in the Nazi Holocaust, defines it as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”.

The ICJ’s highly anticipated decision came amid a Reuters report that the director of the US Central Intelligence Agency and his Israeli counterpart will meet Qatari officials in the coming days for talks on a second potential Gaza hostage deal and pause in fighting.

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