We stand with Doctors and Scientists who have independent expertise and information, who are taking the risk because they want to SAVE HUMANITY‼️ #notrocketscuence #wakeup2021 #plandemic #clotshots #coviddoctorsnetwork #worldfreedomalliance #worlddoctorsalliance 21/6/21 https://fb.watch/6fH8Ce2PLp/
Jumping straight online to get into damage control. Guillian-Barre case linked to #johnsonandjohnson jab. Looking at her t-shirt (VACCINATED) do you think she's going to give any unbiased advice or informationation? #americanfrontlinedoctors #worlddoctorsalliance #covidmedicalnetwork #clotshots #guillianebarre #johnsonandjohnson 13/7/21