Covid Vaccine Injuries
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Collating injuries from around the world so people can have more information about these new products. We try not to post the same testimony twice, apologies if this occurs.
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🇦🇺💉💉 Responses to Dr Mitch's interview. #ahpra #clotshots #australia #wakeupaustralia #doctors
Media is too big
💉🇦🇺💉🇦🇺👏👏👏 "There is a huge amount of cognitive dissonance.." Dr Duncan Symes taking it to the city of Melbourne. A big serve of medical uncomfortable truths #doctors #australia #clotshots #ahpra #censorship
Forwarded from Senator Gerard Rennick
Media is too big
In this round of questioning I asked AHPRA why they rely on the advice of Health Bureaucrats at ATAGI, most of whom have conflicts of interest due to their employers receiving significant funding from big pharmaceutical companies and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.

I also highlighted the fact their advice has been wrong in regards to transmission.
In what was an incredible act of arrogance Brendan Murphy tried to run interference for ATAGI's poor advice.

#auspol #atagi #ahpra #australia #bigpharma #senatorrennick #senatorgerardrennick #gerardrennick
Forwarded from Senator Gerard Rennick
Latest all cause mortality statistics year to date Aug 22 out this morning.

Of the 18,671 deaths increase over the average 7,727 died “with” Covid. Many more, greater than 10,000 didn’t die “with” Covid.

So when will the authorities admit we now have an excess death pandemic?

#auspol #abs #australia #tga #atagi #ahpra #senatorrennick #senatogerardrennick #gerardrennick
Forwarded from Senator Gerard Rennick
Media is too big
Yesterday Malcolm Roberts moved an amendment to the IR Bill that would have prevented people being discriminated against on the basis of their Covid-19 vaccine status.

I spoke to the amendment and as you can tell I was pretty fired up because I knew we didn’t have the numbers.

This amendment would have allowed unvaxxed people in the private sector to go back to work.

What was despicable however was that while I was speaking I was being heckled by Green Senators Larissa Waters and Sarah Hanson Young.

To mock people who have been injured by the vaccine is the lowest of the low and tells you everything you need to know about the greens party.

In fact after I spoke Hanson Young moved a motion to shut down the debate on the amendment which got up.

The next time a change to the IR act is introduced by Labor I will move the amendment again.

Special thanks to Malcolm and those who voted for the bill.

#auspol #AustralianGreens #australia #tga #atagi #ahpra #senatorrennick #senatorgerardrennick #gerardrennick
Forwarded from Senator Gerard Rennick
There has been a new release of information on the TGAs FOI Disclosure Log, and it’s significant.

FOI 4032 - Proportionality Reporting Ratio analyses for the COVID-19 vaccines to October 22 show that they cause a higher rate of injury than other vaccines in the same class.

The ratio isn’t just marginally higher - it is huge with some injury rates greater than 10 times other vaccines of the same class.

Despite this alarming safety signal, Health Authorities still claim the vaccines are safe and effective without the full disclosure of this alarming signal.

More details on the FOI at

#auspol #australia #tga #atagi #ahpra #senatorrennick #senatorgerardrennick #gerardrennick
Forwarded from Senator Gerard Rennick
The TGA have admitted the PCR test can’t distinguish between live and dead viruses yet health officials still assign Covid as a cause of death, even if it could be a false positive.

Why isn’t the media calling out the government for reporting misinformation?

#auspol #abs #australia #ahpra #atagi #tga #health #SenatorRennick #SenatorGerardRennick #GerardRennick
Forwarded from Senator Gerard Rennick
Media is too big
What is it with the bureaucrats they just wash their hands of everything and say it's the responsibility of another department.

In estimates I asked CASA whether or not they use independent doctors to assess the safety of the vaccine.

Needless to say, they don’t despite the fact the TGA is captured by big pharmaceutical companies.

I would have thought CASA being an independent regulator would have their own independent doctor.

They also claim they have had no individual reports of vaccine injuries. This is concerning as I have been contacted by airline staff who have been injured by the vaccine.

#auspol #CASA #TGA #ATAGI #AHPRA #senatorrennick #senatorgerardrennick
#gerardrennick #australia
Forwarded from Senator Gerard Rennick
They Promised "Safe And Effective"; We Got "Sudden And Unexpected”.

#auspol #abs #australia #ahpra #atagi #tga #health #SenatorRennick #SenatorGerardRennick #GerardRennick
Forwarded from Senator Gerard Rennick
Media is too big
In estimates I asked the Australian Federal Police how to press charges against bureaucrats for reckless and negligent behaviour.

Unfortunately they weren’t interested in holding them to account.

#auspol #australia #AFP #australianfederalpolice #labor #ahpra #atagi #tga #health #SenatorRennick #SenatorGerardRennick #GerardRennick
Forwarded from Senator Gerard Rennick
Media is too big
Yesterday I spoke in support of Senator Babets motion to hold an inquiry into excess deaths.

Overall deaths in Australia this year will come in under just 190,000 deaths, up from around 164,000 in 2019 and 171,000 in 2021.

While it is claimed half of the increase is from Covid, (this is dubious as the majority of these had chronic comorbidities) there around 10,000 deaths (assuming the Covid ones weren't related to the V) that are unexplained.

The Question needs to be asked why didn't the V stop deaths from Covid as promised by the experts. Whatever ever happened to 92% protection?

The subsequent vote only went down by one this morning. We are making progress.

#auspol #australia #tga #ahpra #atagi #health #censorship #qld #queensland #qldsenator #SenatorRennick #SenatorGerardRennick #GerardRennick
Forwarded from Senator Gerard Rennick
Better late than never, but for anyone injured by the jab this acknowledgment by ATAGI that the risk of myocarditis is greater after the jab than after Covid should be:

a) enough to end all mandates and
b) enough to hold hold your employer, big pharmaceuticals and the government to account for causing you bodily harm
c) plus the media for false advertising

Why didn’t ATAGI and the TGA acknowledge this risk before the rollout?

And if they failed to identify this side effect how many other side effects did they miss?

Document from:

#auspol #australia #tga #ahpra #atagi #health #qld #queensland #qldsenator #SenatorRennick #SenatorGerardRennick #GerardRennick
Forwarded from Senator Gerard Rennick
Shout out to the firefighters for their fight against mandates. It’s great to see that even those who are vaxxed can see what’s going on.

#auspol #australia #tga #ahpra #atagi #health #qld #queensland #qldsenator #SenatorRennick #SenatorGerardRennick #GerardRennick