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Boom πŸ’₯ another Huge X Class Solar Flare
Hey Soul Tribe,

How are you feeling?

Yesterday I was talking about today the 9th of May being a "Upswing Event"

And what we have received is a huge amount of Solar Flares in the past 24-48hrs almost the biggest recorded!

It's absolutely incredible what's occurring right now on the planet 🌎

We are truly now living through these long awaited, prophesied times!

This is a big transformation taking place & will be impacting everyone in unique ways! Just remember that you're not alone, we are all moving through a Metamorphosis.

There is another round of "Soul Walk-In Upgrades" Occurring right now as more Conciousness is returning into the Physical Body.

More Information about these updates can be found on recent YouTube videos:
The Collective Upward Swing Event:
May Energy Update:
Interview with Daryl James:

Symptoms you may be Experiencing:
🌟 Dizziness & Vertigo ~this is due to the impact on your Energy body & shifts within your Energy Field to adjust to New Frequencies
🌟 Extreme tiredness & exhaustion ~ your body needs to align & adjust to these changes. This will require more sleep/rest to adjust & realign
🌟 Extreme/Heightened Emotions & Sensitivity ~ this could be outbursts of sadness/anger/frustration
🌟 Outdated Energies will draw out like a magnet. Emotional/Mental patterns that aren't aligned with your Soul Blueprint
🌟 Headaches & Migraines ~ as our Higher Chakra's Activate ~ Rewiring of Conciousness occurs to connect the higher mind with our human Conciousness 🌟 Opening up our expanded Awearness/Conciousness ~ can feel like a temporary identity crisis
🌟 Body Aches & pains ~ The physical body's are filtering in more light, this is shift to our Crystalline Structure
🌟 Physical discomfort, especially in the legs & feet ~ This can be painful during these shifts, keep in mind it's temporary & will pass.
🌟 Intense dreams & feeling disorientation upon waking
🌟 During our sleep state we often travel multidimensionally & are very active doing work in the realms & Higher Levels
🌟 This can add to 'Soul Exhaustion' making you feel very tired upon waking & temporary disorientated upon waking

Best ways to support yourself during this Transition:
πŸŒ€ Rest, Relax & Recuperate
πŸŒ€ Drink losts of Water & Fresh Food
πŸŒ€ Energy Clearing, (Upkeep Energy Hygiene)
πŸŒ€Meditation & Emotional Balancing
πŸŒ€Gentle Exercise ~ Walking in Nature
πŸŒ€ Open Hearted & Honest Communication with Loved ones
πŸŒ€Practice Compassion for yourself & others
πŸŒ€ Self care, seek support of a practitioner if you need additional support

Much love
Alisha BrachΓ© πŸ’œπŸ‘½βœ¨

To access Elevation Training & Elevate 2 Training: Available at-your-own-pace learning via the link:
Hey Soul Tribe,

How are you feeling?

We have such a huge influx of Solar Energies & Now in the middle of a Geomagnetic Solar Storm.

This update is to share more about current themes:

πŸ’« Relationships are Evolving
πŸ’« Restoration of Right Relationships now accessible
πŸ’« Restoration of Conciousness
πŸ’« Changes happening within Divine Counterpart Connections
πŸ’« SSP completion for many who have had their conciousness utilised & how that has prevented Soul Connections to Align
πŸ’« What is occurring within our Dream Space & how that is the Timeline that is individual & collectively awaiting us to expand into

These are incredibly powerful & exciting times!

Are you noticing that the veil is very thin & loved ones who have transitioned are right their awaiting us to join them in the new Timeline which is now available πŸ₯°πŸ™Œ

In the past few days The Sun 🌞 exploded with multiple X Class Solar Flares!

What is happening to us through these energies is... A massive Energetic Clean up, to support the Physical Intergration of our Conciousness ~ Masculine & Feminine Balance & Merging of our Higher Aspects into Physical Embodiment.

This Energy Clean up is on multiple levels:
Ancestral Clearing, DNA Recalibrating, Past Life, Karmic Cycles coming into Completion & The Life Review Process.

As this occurs its clearing out outdated patterns to create space for Clarity, Personal Power & Abundance.

Symptoms & Sensations might experience with Solar Flares Activations:

🌟 Solar Plexus activity ~ feeling anxious, uncomfortable & feeling lots of 'fear rise up' for no apparent reason ~ the Solar Plexus is directly connected with the Sun Energy & Accessing Higher Consciousness
🌟 Heart/High Heart Expansion this can be felt, physically, energetically or both
🌟 Feeling Inspiration, Insights & Downloads ~ this is a time where our Conciousness has the opportunity to expand to greater heights & the next level
🌟 Energy influx in the body ~ feeling the Vibration Energy charges as our Bodies are Adjusting to Higher Levels of Frequency
🌟 Little or no sleep, very Heightened Dreams & lots of Dream Space Activity
🌟 Headaches ~ Intense head pressure in Crown & Third Eye as our Conciousness Expands
🌟 Aches & pains in the Body especially legs
🌟 Pain in the spine as the Energy Channel Clears & Opens
🌟Heightened Emotions & Mental patterns
🌟 Heightened Spiritual & Psychic Phenomena
🌟 Triggers coming up for release

Things you can do to alleviate these symptoms:
πŸ”ΉοΈDrink plenty of water
πŸ”ΉοΈRest the body & mind
πŸ”ΉοΈMeditation & Balancing your Energy
πŸ”ΉοΈ Connect with Nature & Elements
πŸ”ΉοΈ Be gentle with yourself and others

Much love
Alisha BrachΓ©

The Elevation Training Series is designed to support people with all the tips, tricks & processes to navigate through these Energetic times!

You can access Elevation Training & Elevate 2 Training at-your-own-pace learning via the link:

For Personal Session please email me at
Hey Soul Tribe,

How are you?

We have now officially entered into Ascension 2.0!

What does this mean?

It means that our Soul is calling us to a higher level of Human Evolution & to arrive in a the new Frequencies of the Co-Creative New Space Timeline ✨️

As we moved through the Collective Upward Swing Event this was followed by the most amount of Solar Flares ever recorded & this still continues...

What is occurring within each of us is the preparation to arrive in this space. Therefore each of us are being prepared.

What many powerful Soul's have gone through already on their Ascension pathway was to prepare us for right now.

This will involve a radical shift within our perception, the ability to let go of self limiting beliefs, programs and previous experiences which have held us back from merging into our Soul Destiny Timeline.

This process is incredibly challenging, uncomfortable and beyond whatever we're known before. It truly is the unknown pathway that only our Higher Self knows how to navigate through.

It requires us to let go of fear, suffering, unconscious patterns and the limitations that have been held within us to emerge anew.

This is the Rebirth of ourselves into the embodied Higher Self in Physicality.

Once this process has been accomplished, what awaits us is everything that we have been working tireless for.

This is truly a "Soul Test" right now so that we can reclaim our birth right & walk through the very thin veil of one version of our lives into the next...

See Articles that might be helpful for what you're moving through now:

Some people who are just beginning their Ascension Process will need support in understanding how to navigate through this corridor. Below are some articles that I wrote in 2017 that goes into more detail.

Ascension Ancient Times Vs Modern Day

Ascension individually & Collectively working together for a Quantum Shift

Much love
Alisha BrachΓ©

The Elevation Training Series is designed to support people with all the tips, tricks & processes to navigate through these Energetic times!

You can access Elevation Training & Elevate 2 Training at-your-own-pace learning via the link:

For Personal Session please email me at
Hey Soul Tribe,

How are you feeling?

Do you feel like you're walking inbetween two Timelines in every moment?

What I'm witnessing at the moment these two timelines are in the process of Merging into one! Finally πŸ™ŒπŸ’«

The Collective is preparing to come together on this singular Timeline.

What I'm currently witnessing is the "New Co-Creational Space." Many are moving through final stages to adjust into this incredible "New Space" ~ This is the place where Connect, Collaborate & Unify towards creating a New & Bright Future for Humanity.

What this is asking for those who are moving towards this vibrationally is to focus on the inner Alchemising process. Focus on the Future Version of yourself, the best possible life you're already living.

As this is already existing in your highest Timeline Now and awaiting you to connect & merge with this Aspect of yourself, I've been viewing this for months & now witnessing it happing in real time!

As we move through this space right now & many are on such a big precipice to where they've never been before... What can occur in the internal process is a filtering out of older unprocessed Emotions, Energies & Mental Patterns.

Things such as Fear of the Unknown, Self Sabotage & Unworthiness can be highlighted to be addressed once & for all if we are concious of what is playing & and the reason why these old Energies & Patterns are surfacing.

If you're sensitive to Collective Energies, keep your Energy Practices up daily! Keeping Love & Unity at the forefront of your Heart & Mind.

These current Energies are highlighting the  Evolution of Relationships see my latest YouTube Video:

One thing to very very mindful of is not all "Thoughts" are your personal Truth.  The best way to navigate unconscious thought patterns is be the observer as much as possible, stay present to what's surfacing & release it with love.  Knowing that an older part of you is "Dying" so that you're frequency can align with your new Timeline.

Pay attention to your Dream Space, this is delivering important Messages, Prophetic Information & from what I understand it's attuning us to the Frequency of this singular Timeline.

Yes! Energetically we are attuning ourselves to our Future Version, It's this Version that is Recalibrated, Restored by our own Consciousness & Unique Frequency.

That's right our time in 'Dream Space' is actually facilitating us to connect with the Future Version of Ourselves to help us Prepare for what's in-store πŸ™

Have you noticed or experienced this?

I have also experienced the overlay of this Timeline materialise in physical form.

Have you also experienced anything similar?

Loved ones who have transitioned to pave the way are making themselves known. Are you having visitation from beings who have crossed over or higher ET Beings?

I certainly have & also been seeing it in Dream Space & so have many others!

It's been exciting to explore these Future Timelines, which new ways of operating in Conscious Communities are being structured, innovative Healing Techniques & Advanced Technologies, Inspiring Creative Projects & lots of Abundant time ahead!

Abundance & Creative Innovation is very much written in the Stars & Astrology over the next few weeks.

Much Love
Alisha BrachΓ©

To support you accessing your Soul Destiny Timeline which is awaiting all the Teachings & Tools are available via Elevation Training & Elevate 2 Training: at-your-own-pace learning via the link:

For Personal Session please email me at

Hey Soul Tribe,

What exc times we are experiencing right now on this planet πŸ™Œβœ¨οΈ

This is just a quick Energy Update to share many of the insights & observations that I've been witnessing over the past week.

How are you feeling?

Theme's are:
πŸ’« Changes within Divine Counterpart Connections
πŸ’« What is occurring within our Dream Space & how a Singular Collective Timeline is opening up for us all to connect with
πŸ’« Abrupt Changes happening on a personal level
πŸ’« Experience of Greif & Emotions which are releasing as we let go of the old Timeline
πŸ’« Connections with loved ones who have crossed over who are loving guiding us & supporting this transition

These are incredibly powerful & exciting times!

Symptoms & Sensations might Experiencing:

🌟 Heart palpitations and expansion of heart chakra feeling outpouring of unconditional love
🌟 Heart/High Heart Expansion this can be felt, physically, energetically or both
🌟 Solar Plexus ~ feeling anxious, uncomfortable & feeling lots of 'fear rise up' for no apparent reason
🌟 Feeling Inspiration, Insights & Downloads ~ this is a time where our Conciousness has the opportunity to expand to greater heights & the next level
🌟 Energy influx in the body ~ feeling the Vibration Energy charges as our Bodies are Adjusting to Higher Levels of Frequency
🌟 Little or no sleep, very Heightened Dreams & lots of Dream Space Activity
🌟 Headaches ~ Intense head pressure in Crown & Third Eye as our Conciousness Expands
🌟 Aches & pains in the Body especially legs
🌟 Pain in the spine as the Energy Channel Clears & Opens
🌟Heightened Emotions & Mental patterns
🌟 Heightened Spiritual & Psychic Phenomena
🌟 Triggers coming up for release

Things you can do to alleviate these symptoms:
πŸ”ΉοΈDrink plenty of water
πŸ”ΉοΈRest the body & mind
πŸ”ΉοΈMeditation & Balancing your Energy
πŸ”ΉοΈConnect with Nature & Elements
πŸ”ΉοΈBe gentle with yourself and others

Much love
Alisha BrachΓ©

The Elevation Training Series is designed to support people with all the tips, tricks & processes to navigate through these Energetic times!

You can access Elevation Training & Elevate 2 Training at-your-own-pace learning via the link:

For Personal Session please email me at
Hey Soul Tribe,

With intense energy & changes brings it challenges. This update is to share the information that been brought through over the past few days.

During the rest of May the importance of connecting with the higher perspective is imperative, as we are able to hold that vision & connection of love within our hearts πŸ’–

It enables is to connect with the Future Version & our Souls Destiny Timeline. That many are now experiencing through their dream space ✨️

May 2024 changes are a combination of:
🌟 Restoration of Right Relationships (Romantic, Family, Friends & Soul Groups)
🌟 The Rollout of Soul Mission 2.0
🌟 Changes happening on the Energetics & Soul Template level so that it can manifest in the Physical
🌟 Restoration of Conciousness with many Powerful Soul's
🌟 Closing off of Timelines until this point of Singular Timeline Convergence

This post is dedicated to everyone who is struggling moving through so many big changes at once:

It's confusing for in the Human Experience:
πŸŒ€ Loss of Memory & brain fog
πŸŒ€ Feel lack of Purpose
πŸŒ€ Confused & Disorientated
πŸŒ€ Fatigue & Exhaustion
πŸŒ€ Lacking Faith & Trust

This is a time for great compassion for yourself & your own Divine Masculine. To helps support this transformation connect within your heartspace & you're internal guidance.

Right now humanity is moving through some very Important & Powerful changes.

This is impacting everyone's Masculine aspects within them.

There's waves of emotions that move through are Anger, Sadness and the underlying truth is it's Grief πŸ˜”

The Grief is what is happening to so many people right now, because of separation.
Being separated from within themselves which can be very highlighted in your personal life.

There is deep longing to Reconnect & Reunite, in the physical with Loved ones & Soul Group. This is what we are being prepared for as we move into June 2024.

The 'Masculine' right now are going through a very accelerated Ascension Process.

This needs Love, Support, Compassion & Understanding.

They were not able until now to start the process of unraveling and disconnecting from the old world as they played a role within it.

This role has now closed, the Masculine Template now is completely transforming. With this changes so many things for the better.

We are on the precipice right now. It's encouraged that everyone finds the Personal Power, Strength, Courage to move forward into this new Frequencies and make way for the Future.

It is time! As we stay present and allow ourselves to become who we have always destined to become.

The Singular Collective Timeline of Divine Destiny is awaiting us ✨️

Much love
Alisha BrachΓ©

To support you accessing your Soul Destiny Timeline which is awaiting all the Teachings & Tools are available via Elevation Training & Elevate 2 Training: at-your-own-pace learning via the link:

For Personal Session please email me at
Woah! Can you feel it?

I've sensed it building for a 3 days now...
This morning I could see it in a tangible way!

I saw a very bright white light that is coming through into our bodies ✨️ this is deeply penetrating into the cells. Going right into our core. The words "Deep Cell Rejuvenation."

As this energy started coming through I noticed, massively feeling off balance, light-headed & dizzy. Which put me to sleep for a very long deep slumber...

Today as the next increment hit; its creating big fluxes of energy within the hearts energy field spinning quickly & pushing outward....

This is now moving through the body & like a buzzing sensation 😴 as this is occurring it feels as though it's kicking up dust so to speak within the energy field.

Pulsing & pushing out outdated energy which is connected to old or false timelines, beliefs systems, energy cords connected into the past. Basically a huge purification & detox of what's left to be dissolved connected within the old crumbling paradigm that's we are still connected with!

Why? We are creating space... we are embodying more of our Higher Selves into our human body! Imagine the expansive part of you trying to squeeze into your body with all the old worn-out aspects still there!

It's certainly a tight squeeze... ekkk so be gentle with yourself it's certainly not a comfortable experience! It's pushing the nervous system on overdrive right now.

So you might feel really heavy mentally & emotionally ~ like death & Rebirth energy...
It could be hard on the physical body. It might bring up lots of fears 😨 going into fight or flight.

This is just an overview of what I've observed. However really important to honour your own experience and asking the most important question.

"What can I do now to support myself?"

Just know in the lead up to this we've had non stop Solar Flares, Geomagnetic Storm influxes.

We are becoming more sensitive as this process unfolding so it's good to remember to keep focused on supporting yourself as best as possible.

Notable current Symptoms:
πŸŒ€ Heightened Emotions & Random Crying
πŸŒ€ Feeling Anxiety/or Stress in the body
(no particular reason)
πŸŒ€ Heightened Mental patterns ~ looping negitive thoughts/intrusive thoughts
πŸŒ€ Sleepy ~ need to nap
πŸŒ€ Broken sleep & intense dreams
πŸŒ€ Nausea & digestive issues
πŸŒ€ Physical body detoxifying
πŸŒ€ Heightened Energetic & Telepathy
πŸŒ€ Heightened awareness of Multidimensional experiences & Multiple Timelines

Things you can do to alleviate these symptoms:
πŸ’« Drink plenty of water ~ Electrolytes & Salt in water to get maximum hydration
πŸ’« Allow your body & mind to rest
πŸ’« Meditation
πŸ’« Clear your Energy & Environment
πŸ’« Connect with Nature
πŸ’« Respond Vs React
πŸ’« If/when triggers arise observe them ~ be conscious that it's an opportunity for Release & Transform ~ you are releasing what no longer serves you

Regular energy clearing can also help support this process as we are creating space within our Temple πŸ›• our Physical Bodies to hold more light ✨️

Much love πŸ’–
Alisha BrachΓ©

To support you accessing your Soul Destiny Timeline which is awaiting all the Teachings & Tools are available via Elevation Training & Elevate 2 Training: at-your-own-pace learning via the link:

For Personal Session please email me at
Please join Genine Hill & Myself on YouTube link the link below:

A heart-warming conversation talking about what we can expect for the second half of 2024. Genine speaks about some of the upcoming Astrological Transit, which supports the intuitive Guidance that I've received.

In this podcast we talk about practical ways you can support yourself daily to make the most of these Energies & Astrological Alignments.

You can connect with Genine Hill:

Much love
Alisha BrachΓ©
Hey Soul Tribe πŸ€—

How are you feeling? As we are being squeeze out of the last few days of May, before we move into much lighter Energies of June πŸ’ž

The Sun has stirred up again as we've just had another X Class Flare 🌞

It's certain a very interesting space which we are moving through right now & many people are struggling to keep up with the challenges which are happening within our physical bodies, which is direct result as our inner expansion πŸ™Œ

As our inner world starts to change it make the outer world 🌎 very difficult to navigate through...

If you would like more information about what Solar Flares can impact directly in our day-to-day life, see the recent interview at:
Navigating Timelines & Solar Energies 26 minutes β™₯️

Soul Mission 2.0 information:

Gentle Reminder that this is pivotal time of Great Changes on all levels πŸŒŸπŸ’ž

Physical body is transforming on such a deep cellular level:
πŸŒ€Feels as though all the molecules are being pulled apart & put back together again in a new way
πŸŒ€Throat is scratchy, coughing, spluttering
πŸŒ€Pounding Headache & Head pressure
πŸŒ€Heart pressure ~ lots of heart chakra expansion & releasing which can be bursts of unconditional love or immense grief releasing
πŸŒ€Weird floating sensation of almost feeling out of body as though your observing reality but not as much participating
πŸŒ€Trying to navigate a new pathway like a child learning to walk & talk again
πŸŒ€ Brain function is not working like it used to loosing words & thoughts mid sentence
πŸŒ€Struggling to verbally communicate
πŸŒ€Fatigue & feeling wired simultaneously
πŸŒ€Getting used to the controls of operating a new body & energy system coming online
πŸŒ€This is all very new & profoundly different
πŸŒ€Other people may be going through deep release to allow all this to come online
πŸŒ€Be patient with your process wherever you are at its all perfect
πŸŒ€Eyes are impacted by the brightness of new light & reality opening up to be physical seen
πŸŒ€I know & understanding that this possibly is a very mentally confusing, challenging & uncomfortable space for many
πŸŒ€Keeping your energy field as clear as possible is really important

How are you feeling & experiencing this passageway?

To expand your Energy Support & Toolkit to everything you need to navigate these times,  Accessing your Soul Destiny Timeline, Souls Mission & Support Divine Partnership Connections to Align with Union πŸ’ž

Elevation Training & Elevate 2 Training: at-your-own-pace learning via the link:

For Personal Session please email me at

Much love πŸ’–
Alisha BrachΓ©