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The Prudent Diet Hoax: How Fake Science Demonized Real Food

In 1956, every American TV screen broadcast the Prudent Diet, a revolutionary heart-healthy plan that pushed corn oil, margarine, and cereal while demonizing butter, lard, and eggs. But what if the real science told a different story—one that was buried to serve corporate interests?

🔹 Doctor Dudley White’s Warning – Heart disease was nonexistent in 1900 when people ate three times more eggs.
🔹 Ancel Keys’ Cherry-Picked Study – The 7 Countries Study was actually 20 countries, but he deleted the ones that didn’t fit his hypothesis.
🔹 The Anti-Coronary Club Disaster – The “healthy” diet led to MORE deaths, while the meat-eating group had ZERO heart disease deaths.
🔹 What Really Causes Heart Disease? – Processed seed oils, sugar, and refined carbs—not the natural fats our ancestors thrived on.
🔹 The Real Takeaway – The “heart-healthy” movement was a corporate-backed deception. It’s time to return to real food.

The science was clear—but the truth was buried. How many more generations will suffer before we undo this historic health scam?

📺 Watch, Share, and Take Back Your Health. Sometimes, the way forward is to go back.

#HealthScam #HeartHealthLies #PrudentDietHoax #FakeScience #AncelKeysLies #RealFoodMovement #NutritionTruth #ButterIsBetter #EggsAreHealthy #MeatHeals #HeartDiseaseMyths #CholesterolTruth #SeedOilScam #BigFoodLies #ProcessedFoodKills #ReturnToRealFood #HealthRevolution #SugarIsTheEnemy #NutritionDeception #FoodIndustryCorruption #DietaryBrainwashing #EatFatGetHealthy #CarnivoreDiet #WestonAPrice #NutrientDense #FatsNotTheEnemy #MedicalManipulation #BigPharmaScam #FoodLiesExposed #TakeBackYourHealth #HolisticWellness
The Hidden Symbols of the New World Order: Decoding the $1 Bill & Global Control

The New World Order—is it just a conspiracy or a carefully orchestrated plan hidden in plain sight? From the pyramid and the all-seeing eye to the 13 coded symbols and the mysterious owl, the U.S. dollar holds secrets that trace back to Freemasonry, the Illuminati, and elite global control. But the symbols are just the beginning.

🔹 Annuit Coeptis & Novus Ordo Seclorum – The hidden meaning behind “Our Enterprise is Crowned with Success” and “New Order of the World.”
🔹 The Owl of Bohemian Grove – Why an occult symbol is secretly placed on the $1 bill.
🔹 The Power of 13 – From 13 stars to 13 stripes, 13 arrows, and 13 layers of the pyramid, what does this number really represent?
🔹 Lucien Grange, The Rothschilds, & Music Industry Control – How entertainment moguls connect to financial powerhouses.
🔹 Operation Paperclip & Intelligence Manipulation – How mind control experiments from MK Ultra to screen-based programming have shaped society.
🔹 The Vatican, British Crown & Financial Contracts – Are we all part of an ancient contract that governs global power?

The CIA, Mossad, and Deep State alliances work through blackmail, banking, and propaganda, shaping wars, elections, and social engineering. But once you see the connections, you can’t unsee them.

📺 Watch, Share, and Decode the Agenda Below. The truth is hidden in plain sight.

#NewWorldOrder #IlluminatiSymbols #HiddenInPlainSight #FreemasonryExposed #DollarBillSecrets #AllSeeingEye #13Mystery #BohemianGrove #DeepStateAgenda #SecretSocieties #MKUltraMindControl #LucienGrange #RothschildPower #MusicIndustryControl #OperationPaperclip #VaticanSecrets #BritishCrownControl #EliteBankingCartel #GlobalAgenda #SymbolismMatters #EsotericKnowledge #AncientContracts #MindControlProgramming #OccultSymbols #TruthSeekersUnite #FinancialManipulation #HiddenHand #PropagandaMachine #SocialEngineering #BreakTheIllusion
Lockstep: The Rockefeller Foundation’s 2010 Blueprint for Global Control?

A decade before the world heard of COVID-19, the Rockefeller Foundation laid out a scenario eerily similar to what unfolded in 2020. In their 2010 report, “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development,” they described a pandemic leading to mass quarantines, top-down authoritarian rule, and a compliant population. Was this predictive foresight—or a scripted agenda? And why did their scenario praise China’s extreme lockdown measures?

Quarantining the healthy was unprecedented in human history—so how did it become the new normal?

📺 Watch, Share, and Discuss Below. The blueprint for control may have been in place all along…

Rockefeller Foundation: Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development

#RockefellerBlueprint #LockstepAgenda #PandemicPlanning #PredictiveProgramming #NewWorldOrder #GlobalControl #AuthoritarianRule #QuarantineTheHealthy #SocialEngineering #TechnocraticTyranny #MassCompliance #Event201 #PlannedCrisis #MedicalMartialLaw #ChinaLockdowns #EliteAgenda #TruthRevealed #WakeUpCall #SystemicControl #FreedomUnderThreat #HealthScam #SurveillanceState #TotalitarianFuture #CensorshipAgenda #ExposingTheTruth #HiddenHand #FutureScenarios #WorldDominationPlan #BreakTheIllusion #ControlledCollapse