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I remember working a night shift years ago. One of the bounces/security guard got assaulted with baddy running off into the dark.

I along with one of the bouncers went for a walk and located old mate hiding behind a wall.

Needless to say he was arrested and brought to justice.

I recounted that story at a funeral today for that security guard. 🥲He was only 49 years old and had died unexpectedly. (And yes, he was.)👎

I had got a call from a reinstated pure blood high school teacher seeking advice for a police matter.😳

Throughout the conversation he told me that both his sister and mother had breast cancer return even after they had had a mastectomy. (Yes at least 3.)👎

I had visited my old home town on Lake Macquarie last weekend and caught up with some mates. One of them told me that a friend of his wife had died suddenly while sleeping, fit as a fiddle. (Yes he was too).👎

The point?

Sadly this is only going to increase over the coming months and will start to affect people on this channel with close friends and families succumbing to the jabs we all tried to warn them against. (My sisters had Five 5 jabs, nurse).

My only remedy moving forward is faith in Jesus Christ not ONLY for the hope in the resurrection of our loved ones to come but also to point families and friends to HIM in their pain and sorrow.🙏🔥✝️

‘And the Peace of God which passeth understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus’ Phil 4:13🎉🎉

‘Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me though he were dead, yet shall he LIVE’ John 11:25🎉🎉💥💥🔥🔥

The best is yet to come





It seems cash out Tuesday was a hit. Even the lady at the local travel agent mentioned she had to attend an ATM to get cash out.🎉💵

Apparently now days you need a reason to get large amounts of cash out. (2,5,10,15 grand etc). It’s for our safety apparently 😳🤷‍♂️💵

Anyway, in the cash out Tuesday theme I went to get some cash out and they wanted a reason. (It’s none of their dam business).💵💵💵💵💵

So I told the teller I was transitioning.😳😂😂😂

She nearly fell off the chair she was sitting on.

(Keep in mind this is a small country town where people know everyone including the other bank tellers husband who’s my boss on the farm).

The lady standing next to me was giggling.

They all know about my previous employment.👮‍♂️

Even the old dear with the walking stick was eyeing me.😳😂

What a laugh.

The point.


Do the opposite to what they say.



Lately I’ve been trying to get into the habit of ditching the phone and going outside into the night with the Shepard’s and go for a walk.

Tonight, What a glorious evening. The stars shining brightly and the moon giving us its smiley face….

There’s a lot of negative news we can look at but

There’s something soothing about gazing into the heavens, almost peaceful.

‘The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handywork.

Day unto day uttereth speech and night unto night showeth knowledge.

There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard’

Psalm 19:1-3

We do not need to be filled with fear as we see escalating wars around the world because he that made the heavens also holds the earth in the palms of his hands.

The best is yet to come.




Australia, We ARE the lab rats for the globalists agenda.

A mate just got back from Italy/Greece.

I asked him if everything was paid by card or cash (Euros).

He said they use CASH for everything. Cash is king over there.

So Australia, let’s stick it to the globalist and make every day a cash day.




The family, some mates and I went to see the Julian Assange movie/doco at the local cinema on Thursday.

It was interesting to watch how ‘they’ treated him.

It was the same MO used by ‘they’ during the Covid scandemic defaming prominate Doctors, Scientists and Politicians alike who didn’t conform to the narrative.

My take away from the movie/doco was this.

Unite-let’s put away our differences and come together on what we agree on, to live in peace and freedom.

Act Now-If we don’t act NOW, it maybe too late tomorrow.

The point?

Tomorrow is the Digital ID rally in YOUR capital city.

Go and support your elected MP in their fight FOR YOU to stop this crap.


Sent from Brisbane.

See you tomorrow at 1100 am wearing my #DoNotComply T shirt from Drifta.


It was good to be with like minded people in Brisbane today.

☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️The main point I think was to MAKE YOURSELF KNOWN to your elected MP in your community. Let them know you’re not happy. MAKE A NOISE.




Catching up with old colleagues while re-intergrating has been very interesting.

A colleague retold her story of receiving her first C19 shot and immediately being taken to hospital in an ambulance with high blood pressure and racing heartbeat. She changed brands for shots two and three and vowed not to get anymore. (I took the opportunity to drop some truth bombs).🔥

Another shared a story of her getting C19 AFTER her third shot and how she was sick as a dog. She was concerned that her grandma who was immune compromised would get it and that’s why she got the jabs. Her grandma did get C19 and it wasn’t any worse than the mild flu. (Another opportunity to drop some T bombs)🔥

Another colleague was talking about the scam of global warming. The batteries catching fire, child slavery used to get the resources, what to do with the damaged solar panels and burying wind turbine blades etc. (I took the opportunity to talk to him about the WEF,WHO treaty and UN agenda, 15 minute cities, more truth bombs)🔥

A new guy that had started at the station had been ‘enlightened’ by my colleagues that I was into conspiracy theories so he came in and tried to bait me.

‘Hey Thomo, do you have any new conspiracy theories?’.

I replied, ‘Like the conspiracy that the jabs weren’t safe and effective?, O hang on, that’s a fact’. Or ‘The mandates were unlawful?, O wait that’s a fact too’.

(Needless to say we did engage in a conversation on 911 with the Sgt who was pointing out anomalies).

The point?

Truth can withstand scrutiny, Lies are exposed by it.

Keep telling the truth and do not shy away from it.

‘Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you FREE’ John 8:32.

Buckle up Australia. We are coming into the home straight, things may get bumpy but we WILL get over the line.




The Best Is Yet To Come 🔥🎉🇦🇺✝️🙏💯💥

Keep an eye out for a potential ‘bird flu’ outbreak.

The WHO is starting to beat the drums.

USA elections in UNDER 6 months and C19 was created to lockdown and force mail ballots.

Are they going to try it again?

Have a read.

Remember though if you see crap on MSM about this you know it’s very possible.





Trust us ‘they say’

It’s safe ‘they say’.

Going digital is flawed and all about control.




Sharing truth is like a farmer sowing seed.

Some of the seed will fall on hard ground and will get picked off and eaten by the birds, other seed will fall into the weeds and thorn bushes only to be choked by them when it starts to grow.

Finally some seed will fall on good soil and grow tall and strong and yield a great harvest. (Paraphrased by myself but can be found in Mark 4:1-20).

The point?

When talking to people about C19 shots, climate change, digital I.D. WHO/WEF/UN agenda etc some will hear what you say agree, then walk away consumed with the worries of the world,

Others will hear it and be distracted by the footy, the next holiday or the current NETFLIX show,

But some will hear and WAKEUP, connect the dots and go and share with others.

The awakening is REAL and happening in real time.

While Doing patrols today I caught up with our local grocer who found more people were using cash from the cities, and people talking about digital ID and its issues.

I had a quick chat with a lady while in line at the bank and she had a spray about the digital future path we are headed.

Doing a Fire and Rescue course on the weekend and sharing with others who are awake and just providing additional information they were not aware of,

And a colleague yesterday who was sharing her experience in South Korea and digital ID and conspiracy theories. (Generally closed to such discussions).

And most importantly sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with a girl who didn’t know why he had to die. 🔥

It doesn’t get better than that.

We may have lost the digital id bill battle last week but the war is not over but I see the enemy loosing ground (Elon Musks victory of the Australia government censorship) and nations around the world rejecting the global agenda

Be encouraged.

The best is yet to come.





Media is too big
Trying to get the hype going again.

Listen to this guy.

SIX Shots and still sick as a dog.

Don’t forget the masks that are useless.

But I do agree, wash your hands. Breathe fresh air and get that beautiful winter sun on your body. (Vit D).


The week that was.

I had a chat with an undertaker while doing RBT (Random Breath Testing) in the last week.

We had general chit chat then I asked him if there had been an increase in work the last few months.

No was his reply. He then stated that the conspiracy theorist say there has been.

‘What conspiracy?’ I replied.

‘That people were dying from the vaccines’, He said.


‘They were getting myocarditis and heart issues and dying’.

I then asked him what he thought.

He stated that he had had three people talk to him in his professional capacity, that after they had been vaccinated they had suffered severe adverse reactions. He believed something was in the jabs.😳🔥💥

I was speaking to a colleague about his EV.

He stated that he was looking for a new PETROL driven car because the EV he has is too slow to charge and adds hours to a long trip because of it, not to mention the availability of charging stations.🎉

Also the cost of re charging an EV at a Tesla charging station was almost the same cost as fuel at a petrol bowser.💵💵💵

A wind farm is being built nearby. A farmer was talking to a colleague about the blades on the wind turbines, that the blades are made of fibreglass and as they break down the fibres are spread far and wide into the ecosystem polluting it.

A dirty little secret the Greens don’t talk about.👎👎👎


It’s a great feeling when people around you start to drop truth bombs.💥💥💥🔥

People are waking up.👍💪

The best is yet to come.




I was doing RBT on the border the other day.

I saw this couple walking toward me and the man’s says, ‘I just want to thank you for standing up’.

I had no idea who he was and the lady was standing there with a grin.

I still had no idea who these people were. It must have been apparent on my face because the lady said, ‘you pulled me over last week and commented on the sticker’

Boom, I remembered (As some of you might remember me commenting on in a previous post)

The man had lost his job as a school teacher and we were able to share the struggles we had during that time and how we were able to cope (Socialising with like minded people and having faith in God).

It was great to meet them, and to be able to encourage one another.

We specifically spoke about helping and supporting those that are waking up who have been jabbed and suffering injuries as a result and to try and avoid the temptation of ‘gloating’ (Even though your justified in doing so).


I was blown away by my Sgt today. He asked me if I had heard about the State of Kansas in the USA suing Pfizer for not disclosing the adverse reactions of the c 19 vaccines etc. (Article ABOVE ☝️☝️☝️)

In response I made a comment about a court in the US deeming the clot shots NOT being vaccines. (Drip feeding when the opportunity presents itself).

Wow, it’s ALL coming out on the jabs.

MSM can’t keep it secret any longer.

Hold the line Champions.



Is the current debate about Nuclear verse Renewables a distraction for BOOM…..Bird flu scandemic round 2?


From Twitter.

Highly possible.

So over seas they’re pushing the bird flu jab.

We’ve spoke about this before.


As I said to a concreter today about the last 2 1/2 years, and the very REAL probability they will try and do it again,



So the WA government who locked down the state and told you the jabs were safe and effective….

And NOW knowing the jabs are kill shots….

Are spending millions on a ‘Health Campaign’ to get more jabs.

How about promoting a healthy lifestyle of exercise, sunshine, fresh air, good sleep, good nutrition which is predominantly FREE.

Not to mention drinking good clean water, trusting in God, turning off the idiot box, positive attitude and laughing.



Have a read


So a colleague came to me today and told me he was joining a class action for being forced to get the jab.😳

So apparently the Queensland Police Union of Employees is gathering the vaccinated Police to do a class action against the QPS.

BUT they are not doing it for the unvaccinated Police, just the ones that OBEYED.

The grounds?

As the result of the Justices decision handed down in the QLD Supreme Court in February.

WHICH was as a result of Unvaccinated Police, Ambulance officers and Nurses (People like YOU and ME) who fought the mandates and WON.

O The Irony.😳🤷‍♂️




I was patrolling the highway today. I saw a small truck parked up with some small children at the back of it an adult working at the rear of it. I tooted the horn and waved at the kids as I went by.

About a km or so up the road I got a thought to go back to the truck and see what was going on.

I pulled up behind the truck, the children there with their mum and dad was putting a tarp on some hay. (It was starting to rain).

I put the window down and said g’day to the kids and the mum.

A conversation started with general chit chat.

As most conversations go nowadays we ended up chatting about the state of the world which turned into home schooling and its benefits,

The Climate change agenda,

The WEF,

Furries and identity politics,

The Rain Making Control Act 1967,

Covid 19

And as it turned out I was talking with pure bloods, he an engineer and she an accountant come farmers.

The mum asked what could we little people do to stop the agenda.

My response is as always, #DoNotComply , if they tell you to wear a mask tell them to stick it up your…..😳.


And that God was in control ultimately 👍🙏✝️.

Hubby came over and we spoke about faith and prayer and never giving up.

It was great to chat with them. I hit the lights and sirens for the kids and promptly left and drove to my RBT site.👮‍♂️👮‍♂️👮‍♂️

There were a lot of sicky people coming through.

I pulled over a lady.

She tells me to keep away from her as she had Covid and had had it for 10 days.

She told me it was worse than the cancer that she had some years ago.

I asked her had she been jabbed. She said she had had THREE shots.

I said to her that they clearly weren’t working. She agreed.

She told me that her kids weren’t jabbed but felt she needed too.

I told her I wasn’t jabbed and thought the whole Covid thing was crap.

Again she agreed. I told her to boost her immune system as that would be more beneficial than getting jabs that don’t work.

I wished her the best as she drove off.

I was chatting to an Inspector yesterday. We chatted about the job and its changes over the years.

I then hit the boss up.

I asked him if he had had any adverse reactions from the jabs? (mandated to get four as he was over 50).

His reply, the first two were ok the last two he had tingling in his arms and stated ‘He had never been the same since’. He couldn’t put his finger on it but just wasn’t right.

I told him straight not to get ANY more jabs for Covid or the flu or anything as they were very dangerous.

What’s the point?

Don’t be afraid to ask questions, to talk to people.


And our job is TO TELL people the truth.

As the above stories show people have questions, they may not verbalise it but they are there.

‘You are the light of the world’

Matthew 5:14-16

It’s a very dark world and people are lost. It’s TIME to shine the light.🔥🔥🙏👍
