Cooperative Bank of Oromia
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Coopbank is the fastest growing bank in Ethiopia with the highest number of customers from private banks. The bank has a vision of becoming the leading private bank in the country by the year 2025.
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Barattoota Mana Barumsaa Bultii Addaa Waldaa Misooma Oromiyaa qormaata seensa dhaabbilee barnoota olaanoorratti qabxii olaanaa galmeessisaniif badhaasa garaagaraa kennuu keenyaaf gammachuu guddaatu nutti dhagahama!
Barnoonni egeree biyyaati. Isin barattootni qabxii olaanaa fiduun sadarkaa itti aanutti ceetan, bor ogeessa jijjiirama guddaaf carraaqu akka taatan abdanna.
Baga Gammaddan!
#Coopbank #Bank #Ethiopia
Vacancy Announcement
1. IFB Business Communication Editor (Re-Advert)
•Duty Station: Head Office
•Place of Registration: Human Capital Management 📍 Africa Avenue (Bole Road), Dembel City Center 4th Floor (Kindly use lift number 6)
2. IFB Strategy Implementation and Monitoring Expert (Re- Advert)
•Duty Station: Head Office
•Place of Registration: Human Capital Management 📍 Africa Avenue (Bole Road), Dembel City Center 4th Floor (Kindly use lift number 6)
3. Branch Manager I
•Duty Station: Nagale Arbagugu Branch
•Place of Registration: Asalla District Office📍 Asalla
4. Office Assistant II
•Duty Station: Adama Branch
•Place of Registration: Adama District Office📍 Adama
For more information on qualifications and more, please visit our website:
#Coopbank #Bank #Ethiopia
Kabajamtoota Imaltoota Hajjii Hundaaf
Kaffaltii imala Hajjii karaa damee keenya isinitti dhihootti argamuun raawwachuu akka dandeessan kabajaan isin beeksifna.

Maqaa Herreegaa: Mana Maree Waliigalaa Dhimmoota Islaamummaa Itiyoophiyaa
Lakkoofsa Herreegaa: 1000090418703

የተከበራችሁ የሐጅ ተጓዦች
የሐጅ ጉዞ ክፍያችሁን አቅራቢያችሁ በሚገኝ ቅርንጫፋችን በኩል መፈፀም እንደምትችሉ ለመግለፅ እንወዳለን።

የሂሳብ ስም፦ የኢትዮጵያ እስልምና ጉዳዮች ጠቅላይ ምክር ቤት
የሂሳብ ቁጥር፦ 1000090418703
#Coopbank #CoopbankAlhuda #Bank #Ethiopia
Baankiin Hojii Gamtaa Oromiyaa hawaasa magaalaa Amboo waliin marii geggeesse.

Baankichi sagantaa kana irratti shoora olaanaa sochii diinagdee hawaasa magaalaa Amboo keessatti taphachaa jiru cimsee akka itti fufu waadaa seenee jira. Marii kanarrattis gaaffiiwwan garaagaraa ka'an irratti marii bal'aan geggeeffameera.

የኦሮሚያ ኅብረት ሥራ ባንክ ከአምቦ ከተማ ማህበረሰብ ጋር ውይይት አደረገ።

በውይይቱ ላይ ባንኩ በማህበረሰቡ ኢኮኖሚያዊ እንቅስቃሴዎች ያለውን ጉልህ ሚና ይበልጥ አጠናክሮ እንደሚቀጥል ቃል ገብቷል። ከደንበኞች የተነሱ የተለያዩ ጥያቄዎች ላይም ሰፊ ውይይት ተደርጓል።
#Coopbank #Bank #Ethiopia
Vacancy Announcement
1. Digital Business Officer
•Duty Station: Head Office
•Place of Registration: Human Capital Management 📍 Africa Avenue (Bole Road), Dembel City Center 4th Floor (Kindly use lift number 6)
2. Customer Service Officer (Maker/Checker)
•Duty Station: Humera Branch
•Place of Registration: Bahir Dar Area Relationship Office 📍 Bahir Dar or Humera Branch 📍 Humera
For more information on qualifications and more, please visit our website:
#Coopbank #Bank #Ethiopia
Vacancy Announcement
1. Branch Manager I
•Duty Station: Branches under Asalla District ( Diksis, Mararo and Ticho branches)
•Place of Registration: Asalla District Office 📍Asalla Town
2. Manager Customer Services III
•Duty Station: Asalla Branch
•Place of Registration: Asalla District Office 📍Asalla Town
3. Manager, Customer Services II
•Duty Station: Branches under Asalla District ( Robe Dida'a and Shirka branches)
•Place of Registration: Asalla District Office 📍Asalla Town
For more information on qualifications and more, please visit our website:
#Coopbank #Bank #Ethiopia
“Imala yoo eegaltu, daandichi sitti mul'ataa deema."
-Jalaaluddiin Ruumii

Hojii tokko eegaluuf karoorfattanii beektuu?
Hojii sana jalqabdanii jirtu moo har'aa bor jedhaa yoona geessan?

Kan hin eegalle yoo taatan, galmi keessan otoo isinitti mul’atuu, daandiin galma sanaan isin gahu garuu guutummaatti waan isinitti hin mul'anneef shakkii keessa galtanii ta'uu mala. Daandiin milkiin nama ga'u bu'aa bayii hedduu qabaatus yeroo deemsa jalqaban ifee namatti mul'ataa deema.

Torban Gaarii!

ስኬታማ እሆንበታለሁ ያሉትን ሥራ ለመጀመር አስበው ያውቃሉ?
ሥራውን ጀምረዋል ወይስ ዛሬ ነገ እያሉ ነው?

ያልጀመሩ ከሆኑ፣ ለመጀመር ያመነቱት ምናልባትም ግብዎ እየታየዎት መንገዱ ሙሉ በሙሉ ሳይታየዎት ቀርቶ በፈጠረብዎ ጥርጣሬ ምክንያት ይሆናል። ወደ ስኬት የሚያደርሰው መንገድ ውጣ ወረድ ቢኖሮውም ጉዞ ሲጀምሩ እየተገለጠልዎ ይሄዳል።

መልካም ሳምንት!
#Coopbank #MondayMotivation #Bank #Ethiopia
Cooperative Bank of Oromia and Ethiopian Management Institute signed a memorandum of understanding today . The organizations agreed to strengthen the bilateral agreement already kicked off, specially with regards to technical and developmental trainings and capacity building workshops and to collaborate on other major strategic initiatives believed to need cooperation.
#Coopbank #Bank #Ethiopia